Chapter Eighteen

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Demi tried to shake a screaming Theo up but the dragon wasn't making it easy. He was swinging his arms around and kicking his legs. Demi latched onto one of those arms before it was able to hit him in the face and he regretted it instantly.

"No! Don't touch me!" He yelled using his other hand to push Demi away from him. Theo was crying by this point, tears and snot dripping down his face. Demi didn't know what was going on.

"Theo, wake up. Baby wake up. Please." He was about to leave and go get Quinn but really he didn't want to leave Theo in this state.

"Theo. Theodore wake up!" Demi grabbed both of his arms and climbed on top of the man. Sitting down on his thighs, he pinned Theo's wrist to the bed and held his legs down with his own. It had Theo letting out an ear-splitting scream. Demi flinched at the sound but he didn't budge.

"Theodore, wake up." He shook the man underneath him until the screaming stopped and those lids popped open to display a very blown set of golden orbs. Theo panted, tears dripping down his stained cheeks and snot clogging up his nose making him sniffle.

"D-Demi." He whimpered. Fuck. Demi let him go to instead gather the man that seemed so small in his arms and held him tight. Theo cried a little more before he pulled away from Demi to stare down at their clasped hands.

"What happened, Theo?" Demi asked him as he used the end of his shirt to wipe at Theo's face. The dragon grimaced at the gross action but didn't make Demi stop. Once his face was mostly clean, the Omega brought him back into his arms again. He was still so small, with those big eyes and whines that escaped his mouth now and then.

"A nightmare. I think. It felt more like a memory but I..." He stopped talking for a moment to pull away from Demi and looked at him. His eyes weren't so wide and frightened anymore. Like he had calmed down a little. Demi ran his hand through those black locks, hoping it would relax his mate.

"How could it be a memory if I don't even remember that ever happening?" Demi didn't say anything, just waited for Theo to keep going.

"I think somethings wrong with me Demi. In here." Theo let one of Demi's hands go, to thump his fist against his own head. Demi took it back just in case Theo decided that he needed to knock some sense into himself.

"Why do you say that?" He watched as Theo sighed before he bit his bottom lip hard enough to bleed. Demi took his thumb, pressed it against Theo's lip, and pulled it out. He wiped at the blood.

"Because I'm not normal." That's all Theo said before he fell back against his mattress. His eyes pointed up at the ceiling. Demi sighed, knowing very well that he wouldn't get anything else out of his mate, and leaned over the man to stare at him. Their eyes locked.

"I think you're as normal as anyone. A little moody and somewhat of a dick, but normal." Demi gave him a shrug and smiled down at Theo. He was waiting for the man to curse at him or something. What he didn't expect was for Theo to smile back at him.

"That wasn't very nice, babydoll." Now he was just deflecting. Trying to change the subject away from him and onto something else. Demi allowed it because he wasn't one to push.

"I said you were normal. Take the compliment while I'm giving them away, you jerk." Probably one of the mildest insults Demi has ever called him before.

"Was that supposed to be a compliment because it didn't feel like one?" Demi smirked and lay down until his body covered Theo's. The man turned absolutely red.

"Would calling you a good boy be a compliment?" He knew what the praise did to Theo, and could physically feel it as he grew hard against Demi's thigh. Theo turned his head away from Demi's to bury his face in the pillow he was using. Leaving his ear and the side of his face vulnerable to any of Demi's attacks.

Demi licked up the side of Theo's cheek until he got to his ear and blew into it. Theo went feral. He thrust his hips into Demi's thigh, rubbing his clothed cock against it. He moaned and whimpered as he moved. Demi questioned if they should be doing this. Was Theo in the right mind?

"Theo wait. Stop." Theo whined before he stopped moving and stared at Demi. His pupils dilated again but not with fear. Pure desire swimming in his irises. He was tinged in pink and flushed to the tips of his ears. He was panting and acted a little drunk with lust. Like he was in a rut. Something that hasn't happened since Demi got there. Not that he has seen at least.

"Are you having a rut?" He asked. Somewhat afraid to know the answer. It didn't explain why he was acting like this though. Most Alpha's who go into rut are rough and dominant. Not clingy and whiny.

"No. I don't think I am. Never gone into a rut before. I think I'm just really turned on." Well, that made absolutely no sense. How has he never gone into a rut before? He's a very dominant Alpha. He should have started his rut at eighteen like every other Alpha. That conversation would have to wait because Theo was becoming very impatient. He was playing with Demi's hair, pulling it a little to gain his attention.

"Okay, I get it. I get that you're a very horny dragon, but Theo I need to know something first. Before we go too far and do something irreversible." The dragon dropped his arm and tilted his head at Demi. Jesus Christ, he looked like a puppy.

"What is it, Demi?" They shouldn't be doing this right now. Theo just woke up from a very bad nightmare not even a half hour ago. It would be wrong of Demi to continue. But he also didn't want to disappoint the man lying underneath him.

"Are you okay with this? I need to know if you're in the right headspace to keep going, Theo. I would never want to hurt you like this if you weren't."

"I'm okay, Demi. I can't even remember what the nightmare was about now. We can keep going." Demi shouldn't have riled Theo up like that. It wasn't the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have teased you, Theo. I don't feel comfortable doing this right now. I want to make sure that you're in the right state before we do anything." Demi could see how Theo softened at his words and smiled up at him. Like he appreciated the thought.

"I lied anyways. The nightmare is still there. I just didn't want you to see me as weak." Demi rolled his eyes and climbed off of Theo. He then laid down beside him, pulling the man into his arms. Theo blushed at being the little spoon but didn't protest.

"I don't think you're weak, Theo. I never will." He kissed Theo to confirm his words, then started to run his hand through the dragon's hair to see if it would make him fall asleep.

"I was scared of the nightmare I was having. I've never had one like that before." So that meant Theo had nightmares regularly just not about the one he had. It also meant that Demi would be sleeping with him more often to try to keep them at bay.

"When you said that you've never had a rut before what did you mean?" It's been stuck in the back of Demi's mind since Theo mentioned it. Now that they were relaxed and half asleep, he figured it would be the best time to ask. Hopefully, it would keep Theo from thinking about his nightmare.

"Meaning I've never gone into a rut. Not when I turned eighteen and not now. It's just something I don't do." It confused Demi to no end. Why didn't Theo go into a rut? Was something wrong with him like he said there was?

"Ever thought about going to a doctor for it?" He thought that Theo would get defensive about the question, not turn around so he was able to bury his face in Demi's neck and whimper.

"It's too humiliating to go to the doctors and ask. I mean I'm this big huge dominant Alpha that can't go into a rut for some reason or another. You know how that sounds right?" Yeah, Demi got it. He felt the same way when he went to the doctor and they told him he couldn't get pregnant. Something he was supposed to be able to do and he couldn't. Just like Theo's rut. He was supposed to do it.

"Sorry for asking. Forget I said anything. Let's just go back to sleep." Theo nodded against his throat before the dragon glued himself to Demi's side and drifted off to sleep. Demi tried to forget their conversation and he slowly went to sleep.

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