Chapter Thirty-nine

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Theo felt nothing but anger as he sat up in an abandoned building across from his hits business. This was supposed to be Jones' job but when the werewolf flaked Theo was called in to finish it. He peered through the lens of his scope and lined the cross on the front door. His 308 with a silencer sitting perfectly still against Theo's shoulder.

He quickly checked the time and looked back into his scope. His target was going to be coming out of that door in less than ten minutes. If Theo wasn't here then he would be back home, helping Demi through his heat which started sometime last night. They were in the middle of having sex when Quinn called and asked if Theo could do this. He sadly had to leave Demi to take care of Jones' shit. Fuck, Theo really wanted to kill that man. He just might do it after this.

Theo stared through the scope, patiently waiting for his target when his phone started vibrating in his pocket. He let it go to voice mail, his focus on the job. Theo couldn't let this hit out of his sight.

Mr. Garcia was a man that worked for one of the biggest sex rings around. Theo and his men have been tracking and killing anyone associated with the ring leader. Which they haven't figured out who that was yet. But they were getting closer and closer to finding the answer.

Theo glared when he felt his phone go off again. He pulled it out to glance at the name and growled when he saw Jones' name pop up. He wants to fucking call now. The balls on this bastard, Theo thought as he answered the phone. His gaze was still locked on the front door of the building.

"What?" He spat with venom. This man was getting on his last God damn nerve.

"Theodore. I just wanted to call and say thank you for taking over that job. I know it was last minute and if I heard correctly, you were in the middle of something when Quinn called you. Aren't you lucky?" Theo snarled and gripped his phone so tight he swore he heard it crack.

"The job isn't done yet." That venom was still in his voice as he spoke. And without further ado, he hung up on Jones. He was really going to kill him. There's no doubt about it now. The man needed to die.

"There you are." Theo grinned and trained his crosshairs on his target that just walked out of the doors of the building. He took in a deep breath and on the release of said breath, Theo pulled the trigger. Mr. Gracia fell to the ground and didn't get back up.

Theo set his gun back down in its case, grabbed his phone again, and called up Quinn to pull the car around. That he was ready to go back to his mate. As he sat in the passenger side of the car while Quinn drove, Theo thought about the past month since the mating ceremony.

He's back in therapy and doing really well. Theo has taken back the businesses and he's undoubtedly happy. The nightmares are still there and a lingering touch of guilt but it's not as bad as it was. Demi has even gone to a few sessions with him and his therapist has explained to Demi why Theo can't kill Joseph.

Demi understands now so their relationship is better. Thinking about Demi has Theo throbbing in his pants as images of last night and this morning filter through Theo's head.

"How's Demi?" Theo asked Quinn, who he tasked with watching his mate while he was gone. He was the only one he trusted besides Demi.

"He's doing okay. He took a couple of suppressants when you left this morning. He's more lucid than he has been." That's not a bad thing though. It just meant that Theo would get to bottom some this time around. It was better if Demi was in his right mind for it.

"That's fine. I was worried he would be mad at me for leaving." Which he might still be. Theo didn't really know. Theo glanced over at Quinn as the other man gave a low chuckle.

"Oh no, he's pissed. He was ranting and raving about you leaving him to do some shitty job. So, good luck with that. I know you'll need it." Theo felt the blush on his cheeks before he could stop it. The butterflies in his stomach were a mix of embarrassment that Quinn knew Theo was in trouble and what Demi would do to punish him.

"Thanks. I think." The rest of the car ride was quiet as they rode back to the manor through the downtown roads of Authfield city. Theo to lost in his head at the knowledge of Quinn knowing what he and Demi got up to in their sex lives and going through a sick line of punishments that Demi would give him.

By the time they got to the manor, Theo was harder in his pants than he ever thought he could be and flushed to the tips of his ears. He knew the blush went down his neck into the collar of his shirt to cover his chest. Demi always called him pretty when he went red like that.

Before the car even came to a full stop, Theo was out of the vehicle and running towards the entrance doors. He was stopped when the scent of copper and metal hit his nose. It was Jones' scent. What the fuck was that man doing in his home?

"Demi?" He practically yelled as he stomped through the house searching for his mate. Quinn followed in behind him when he also caught the scent. Theo with drew the gun at his back and heard Quinn do the same. Theo heard a muffled grunt come from the kitchen and he rushed to the room.

Theo snarled and raised his gun at the sight in front of him. Demi was sitting on top of Jones, pounding his face in like he did to Joseph during their mating ceremony.

"You think you can just come into my home and threaten me, you disgusting piece of shit." Theo watched as Demi picked Jones up by the shirt around his shoulders and brought the man close to his face.

"I'm sick and tired of you self-entitled bastards thinking you can just run everyone else's life. You and that bitch that hurt Theo. Well, guess what, Theo isn't here to stop me from killing you." It's not like Theo didn't want to stop Demi, but Jones kind of deserved what was coming to him.

Jones met Theo's eyes over Demi's shoulder and that's when his mate drew in a deep breath. Demi dropped Jones to turn and look at the two men that stood there. Theo didn't even flinch at the blood splattered across his face and in his white hair. It even covered his knuckles from where he had punched Jones.

"I didn't think you would be home so soon, sweetheart. I missed you." Demi smiled and got up from where he was sitting on Jones, then kicked the man when he let out a low groan. If Demi ever became a hitman, he would be the type to beat them until they were unrecognizable. That was evident now.

"Hey." Theo offered as Demi came up to him and nudged his nose into Theo's throat. A low purr rumbled from his chest. Blood was smeared on Theo's shirt and bare skin as he put his gun back where it belonged. The copper smell stronger than before.

"What happened?" Quinn asked a now very in-heat Demi. He was still sane but just a little turned on now that Theo was there.

"This fucking prick," Demi snarled down at Jones who still lay on the ground. "Thought he could just barge in here while you guys were gone and have his way with me," Theo growled as he wrapped his arms around Demi and tucked him into his chest.

"What he didn't know is that you," Demi looked over at Quinn and pointed at him. "Have been training me in hand-to-hand combat. So when he broke in and cornered me, I did what I was supposed to do."

"That's good. Now, what do you want me to do with him?" Theo didn't even have to choose at that point. Threaten Theo, that's fine. But threaten his mate and that's a death sentence.

"Kill him. He's too much of a nuisance to put up with now. I can't help but think about what would have happened if River or the kids were around." That quickly got Quinn on their side. Though, it was a good thing that River had taken the kids to go see his mother for the week.

"I'll take care of it. You guys go and finish Demi's heat. I'll talk to you later, Theo." Theo felt his blush return as Quinn winked at them.

"Come on, pup. I have a surprise for you." An unwanted whimper came from Theo as Demi pulled him by the hand to their room.

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