Chapter Thirty-one

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It's been two months since Theo had let himself be taken during his rut for the first time. It definitely wasn't the last. They have also dabbled in easing Theo into more play scenes where he's more submissive. And he likes it. A lot. It's not like he doesn't get to take Demi still. Just not as often.

It does fuck with his brain somewhat so he's in therapy now, getting the things he needs with the help of Demi and his therapist. He was getting better, accepting parts of himself that he didn't even know were there.

Theo had gone to a doctor a month ago and it brought forth a few revelations that Theo didn't even know he was hiding. It took him a long time to be okay with what the doctor had told him. That the dragon inside of him was really an Omega and not an Alpha. His brain and body were that of an Alpha but the being taking up space inside of him was not.

The doctor said that it's a very rare case and told Theo that nothing had to change. He was normal. He was okay to be that way but Theo didn't believe that. He was put on rut stabilizers to regulate his ruts since they were so out of control.

The rape Theo had gone through when he was younger, was the reason for his repressed memories and ruts. The trauma of it all fucked Theo up on the inside. Locking his dragon and the memories away. It was his only way of coping when it had happened. Or so his therapist says anyways.

He talked about it with Demi first, expecting the worst from his mate. It was uncalled for obviously. Theo should have expected that Demi would accept him anyway he was. It was something he should have learned months ago.

"No wonder you liked it when I would tell you that you're a good boy. Omega's eat that shit up." Demi had said. Laughing, not at Theo but at the situation they were in.

"It's not funny, Demi. I'm not a dominant Alpha. I'm just some Omega pretending to be." At that Demi had stopped laughing and took Theo's chin in a firm grip. He glared down at the dragon who sat on their bed, quiet and plaintive. Giving himself up to Demi's control. He liked doing it and now he knows why.

"The being inside of you may be an Omega Theo, but you are not. You are a man that commands the attention of everyone. When you walk into a room you radiate dominance and it's forceful. This...this does not have to change anything. Not unless you want it to." Theo miserably shook his head no at Demi and sighed. His Omega let him go, kissing him as a reward for being honest with how he felt.

"Good. You can still run your business and your side business without having to say that you have an Omega dragon. Just because it's an Omega, does not mean that you are one. Understand?" It was hard to understand that at times. Theo didn't have to give up his position just because of his dragon. He wasn't weak and he had come to believe that. Accept it even.

Now he sat in his office at the manor going over the things they needed for the mating ceremony taking place in a week's time. They had sent out invitations to whomever they wanted there, Demi taking a little longer than he should have in sending one to his family.

Theo questioned why of course but Demi didn't give him a straight answer. Although Theo had an idea as to why he just didn't think Demi wanted to talk about it. So, Theo left it alone until he felt comfortable enough to speak on the matter.

"Hey, puppy. Can I talk to you?" Theo lifted his head from the paper he was scanning to smile at Demi. The Omega stood in his doorway, acting all shy and innocent. Like he didn't just have Theo bent over this very same desk not even two hours ago.

"What's wrong, babydoll?" Even though his dragon was an Omega, Demi still hit spots inside of him that called for an Alpha. Usually when Demi would have a breakdown over something or another. He's been very stressed over planning the ceremony. So, he seeks out comfort in the form of his Alpha.

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