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Everything around him was black. He felt a searing pain in his wings, causing him to shout in pain. But no words came.

He saw someone in front of him, but he couldn't tell who. They were holding a giant weapon in their hands, presumably one made of Watcher power. They raised the weapon and pointed it at Grian's head. He heard a click. He felt his body crash to the floor, the magic consuming him as he weakly tried to call for help. But it was no use. There was no one to hear him, no one there. The feeling of helplessness was crippling.

He felt his eyes close, then all life was sapped from his body.

Grian woke up, hyperventilating. That was the fourth nightmare in a week. He didn't know why he was having so many, but he did know that no one must find out. If the hermits knew he was half watcher, they would kill him. He was sure of it.

He got out of bed and put on a shirt and a sweater. It was a beautiful morning. He watched the sunrise from the top of his mansion.

As he was about to fly off he heard firework rockets in the distance. He saw someone flying towards him. As they got closer he could see it was Mumbo. He was grinning from ear to ear.

Mumbo landed with a rather nasty crash.

Grian laughed as Mumbo straightened his suit.

'You okay, Mumbo?'

'I'm GREAT! Lovely morning, isn't it?'

Mumbo swamped his friend in a giant hug. Grian was slightly taken aback by this, but smiled and embraced his friend. Mumbo let go of the hug and looked at Grian.

'So, whatcha up to today?'

'Just the usual. Working on the mansion, getting a new elytra, going to see Scar.'

Grian listed all the things he had to do on his fingers.

'Okay, do you need HELP with any of those?'

Grian was surprised by Mumbo's spirit. He wasn't normally this energetic. Still, he passed it off as the spoon Mumbo was.

'Um, I can't say I do. Unless that's a hint that you really want to spend time with me.'

'Well, we haven't done something together in ages. The mansion's looking great by the way!'

'Thanks! The back still isn't done yet though.'

Their conversation went on for a few minutes, before Grian said he had to get to work. Mumbo asked what he could help with, and Grian gave him some string to put on the mansion roof.

They both worked happily for at least an hour, before Mumbo saying he was almost out of string. They took a break and Grian said that he had some business to attend to.

'Hey, sorry to cut this short but I've got a meeting with Scar in 10 minutes. Do you mind if I head off? I'll probably be back in about an hour.'

'No problem, G! I'll be at my base.'

Grian waved goodbye and flew to his nether portal.

Why is it still on top of the tree? He thought.

He shrugged and walked into the portal.

Once he got through, his head started spinning and there was a sharp pain in his side. He felt himself fall off something, presumably the netherrack ledge his portal was on. The heat was stifling, and he could feel more heat as he fell.

I'm falling into lava.

What do I do?

The temptation to unleash his watcher wings was very strong, but he had to resist in case someone was travelling through.

His vision started getting more blurry, and he eventually passed out. The last thing he heard were firework rockets, after which everything went blank. 


Sooooo, first chapter. boom. hope you enjoyed. 

Wings- A Grian/watcher AU- Recontinued!Where stories live. Discover now