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Author's POV:

After Yoongi reached his company, he stepped out of his car with a dark, almost oppressive demeanor. The employees and bodyguards bowed as he passed, but he didn't acknowledge them. His mind was preoccupied with the morning's events and the weight of his current predicament. He went straight to his office, slumped into his chair, and took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing thoughts. The weight of his earlier outburst at Y/n weighed heavily on him.

As he began to dive into some work files, his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. With a clipped, cold voice, Yoongi invited the person in. Mr. Soojin, his assistant, entered and informed him that someone was here to see him. Yoongi gave a nod, signaling Mr. Soojin to send the visitor in.

Moments later, the door burst open with a resounding thud, and a familiar, exuberant voice called out.


Yoongi jumped slightly, his irritation quickly surfacing. He looked up to see Jungkook—often referred to as the "handsome bunny"—standing in the doorway with his usual energetic demeanor. Jungkook's loud entrance always managed to get under Yoongi's skin.

"Aish, Kook, how many times do I have to tell you? Don't scream like that. You'll make me deaf one day," Yoongi said, making an annoyed face as he watched Jungkook plop down in the chair across from him.

Jungkook pouted at Yoongi's comment but quickly composed himself and began speaking. "Eomma—sorry, I mean your great aunt—wants to see you and our princess. She's been asking about you two."

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his temples. "But I'm swamped right now. I assumed you already knew everything from Uncle."

"Yes, I heard about the situation earlier," Jungkook replied, taking a sip of the coffee placed before him. "Mr. Alison also gave us an option, didn't he?"

"Yeah, he did," Yoongi said, sounding defeated. "But it's a tough one—he wants double the money by the end of this year. It's a lot of pressure."

Jungkook's face grew serious. "What about Y/n? Does she know anything about this?"

"No, she doesn't," Yoongi answered, his voice dropping. "And I don't plan on telling her. She'd be upset, and I want to resolve this before she finds out. I'm handling it on my own."

Jungkook looked concerned. "Has Mr. Alison returned to Korea yet?"

"Yes, I've been informed he's back," Yoongi replied.

Jungkook leaned in, his tone firm but gentle. "Our princess needs to be careful, and so do you."

Yoongi's expression softened with regret. "I yelled at her this morning. She was just worried about me."

Jungkook's concern deepened. "Hyung, why did you have to yell? She must be really upset. My poor sister. I'll visit her soon, once my duties are done. Just make sure you're careful with her."

Yoongi looked down, feeling the weight of his actions. "I was afraid she'd misunderstand everything and blame our dad. I don't want that to happen. I'll take care of her."

"Don't worry, hyung," Jungkook said, offering a reassuring smile. "Everything will work out soon. I have a file from Dad that might help. I'll give it to your assistant. And tell Auntie I'll visit her soon."

"Thanks, Jungkook," Yoongi said, standing up and shaking hands with him. "I'll call Uncle in an hour. Make sure to tell Auntie that I'll visit her soon."

Jungkook nodded and left, allowing Yoongi to return to his work. However, as Yoongi delved deeper into the research on the agreement from ten years ago, he became so engrossed that he completely forgot to check if Y/n had eaten lunch. The weight of his responsibilities and his determination to solve the problem overshadowed his basic duties, leaving him alone with his thoughts and the growing stack of paperwork on his desk.

Author's POV:

Y/n woke up from her nap, her eyes red and puffy. She took a moment to calm herself and then headed to freshen up. As she reached for her phone, a notification popped up, grabbing her attention.

In Message ;

My bitch🌹😘:
What the f**k where are you bitch? You didn't even tell me you came back from London. It's already 2 days, I will kill you. I'm coming to your house right now, bitch. Get ready to see Jesus today!

I'm okay, bitch. I was just busy and not in the best mood. Come soon; we'll go outside ❣️

My bitch🌹😘:
Ok, bitch. We'll go to the bar today. Who dared to make your mood bad? Just let me come. I'll be at your place by 7, so get ready. You have only 2 hours.

Ok, bby. I'll be ready 😉

Y/n threw her phone down and started getting ready. She freshened up and ate the food Ms. Lee had sent to her room earlier. Then she began her makeup. After finishing her makeup, she chose a dress with Ms. Lee's help. Ms. Lee complimented her, saying she would look "hot as hell" in the dress. With a blush on her face, Y/n rushed to the washroom.

When she emerged, Ms. Lee was stunned by how Y/n had transformed from an innocent girl into a striking beauty in the dress.

Y/n's POV:

I couldn't deny it—I looked absolutely stunning. Ms. Lee was right. After getting ready, I went downstairs, and all the maids' jaws dropped as they saw me. Ms. Lee and I laughed at their reaction. The moment was interrupted by loud yelling from the main door—Lisa had arrived.

Lisa burst into the house and jumped at me, yelling, "I missed you!" I hugged her back, and we shared a knowing look. Our outfits matched in color today.

"OMG, I can't believe you're actually here. I missed you so much, my bitch," Lisa exclaimed.

"Yah, I missed you too. No more cursing! Let's go or we'll be late, okay?" I replied with a smile.

"Yah, bitch, I mean baby, let's go!" Lisa countered, laughing.

I chuckled at her and said goodbye to Ms. Lee before leaving the mansion with my favorite car.

Y/n decided not to take the driver because she knew he would report back to her brother. She needed some time alone after the upsetting encounter with Yoongi. She drove herself to a luxurious party center, and as soon as she arrived, she felt the weight of everyone's gaze on her. It had been a long time since she had been in Korea and at such a high-profile place, which made her feel a bit insecure.

Upon entering, the scent of alcohol hit her immediately. The scene was a whirlwind of couples making out, people dancing, and rich kids flaunting their wealth. Lisa was already on the dance floor, enjoying herself and trying to coax Y/n into joining her, but Y/n declined. Instead, she made her way straight to the bar.

Y/n's POV:

I slid onto a bar stool, feeling the eyes of the crowd on me, which only added to my insecurity. I signaled the bartender and ordered a few shots of vodka. I needed to drink away the pain and frustration from today. I downed 5 out of 7 shots of vodka, and already, the room was starting to spin around me.

As I was trying to steady myself, a familiar voice cut through the haze.

"Y/n, is that you?"

My breath hitched. I turned slowly, and there he was again—the man with the captivating brown eyes who had made my heart race before. Seeing him now, in this dizzying state, only intensified my emotions.

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