[Getting drunk1/2]

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Taehyung pov;

After the party of min co-operation i can't sleep or work properly her face was always coming on my mind. Min y/n She is so beautiful just like her. Her green hazel eyes and brown hair makes her more beautiful all i thinking is about her From yesterday So today after

completing bunch of works and meetings i came to freshen my mind in a bar Not so lately while drinking my wine a fimilar person catch my eyes And she was looking at me too with her half open eyes We both just staring at each others. And only one thing come out from my mouth

"y/n is that you?"

I make my way towards her but

Y/n pov;

After looking at the fimilar man for too long his voice comes to me. His deep voice make me again nervous. The same nervousness when i was with kim taehyung the owner of brown eyes and handsomeness
But for too much drinking my body was shaking i was giving up already for letting my body touching to the cold floor
But a hand quickly pulled me towards his hard chest i can feel his hot breath on my face and finally i can say it's him
it's the man for whom i can't sleep properly

And i just say one thing

"Taehyung it's you"

Author pov;

When taehyung make his way towards her to make sure It's really her but time make him run to stop her Falling to the floor and pulled her to his hard chest
While his whole world stop and his heart was beating too first that he was afraid that she can feel his heartbeat

And when his name comes out from her beautiful mouth with a very sweet voice he was feeling butterfly on his stomach
So he quickly make her stand and help her to sit to a side and hold her hands very softy like she was a thing of glass it will be broke if he hold it tightly
And he sweetly asked her

"what are you doing here y/n?"
He asked me

"ooh...... why are u talking with sweet voice huh....where is your that deep voice what makes me sooooo nervous huh?"
Y/n said in her drunk voice

"y/naah you are so drunk now let me give u a ride to your home hyung must me worried"
Taehyung said

"No no he don't loves me anymore he shout at me today he is so bad i don't want to go home take me with u handsome man"

She cried and hugged him

Taehyung frozed at his place while she was hugging him like someone will steal him From her he can feel her hot breath on his neck and said

"y/na..ahh don't be childish hyung was just angry maybe he love u so much so let's go ok it's already late hmm"

But what y/n next say make him shocked

"oppa loves me everyone loves me i am the Princess of everyone but still this Princess is lonely so lonely"

She said while sobbing on his chest her tears making his shirt wet but not too late she stop sobbing and her soft snore can be heard. Taehyung was still at the same place in the same position with this girl in his chest he was shocked yet sad yoongi loves her and It's can be shown on yoongi's eyes but he still she feels lonely but why i know hyung parents died while they are little

Hyung always try to give her the full love of family maybe she is missing her mother warm, dads love. While thinking he picks her up like a koala and make his way to exit. He carefully make her sit on his car and start going towards min mansion while driving he can heard her phn was ringing continuously maybe her brother calling her so he speed up his car and very soon they come infront of min mansion some guards come and after seeing him they bow to him and

they was shocked to see their princess was sleeping in his arms as he take her out in bridal a style and going towards their home yoongi was sitting in couch while every maid was took glances at each others cause they scolded up few minutes ago by yoongi. Everyone's eyes get bigger when the door wide open and their Princess was in a man's arms yoongi get up and run towards her princess and pick her up from taehyung arms he directly goes to her room and lay down her to her comfy bed and
he asked ms.lee to change her she nodded and start doing her work yoongi took a last glance at his Princess and left the room

Yoongi pov;

After a long working day, I just come back to the mansion at 9 p.m but when I start calling my princess she didn't respond to me so I become a little worried so I called ms. lee and asked her where is my princess she told me her friend come to our mansion and picked her to any nearby bar after hearing this I become more

worried and try to call her again and again but she didn't pick up I sit in the couch while resting my hand in my head but soon our door wide open and I look at the direction to see an unbeliever thing my princess was in taehyungs arm and she was sleeping sweetly in his arm soon I run to him and take her to my own arm and make my way towards her room after I put her into her room gently I left her room and tell ms.lee to change her dress and I make my way towards downstairs

Author pov

Taehyung take sit on the couch cause it will be bad if he left without a little talk with yonngi soon yonngi come towards him and the first thing he done was hugging taehyung tightly taehyung was little shocked but he understand that his hyung is too much worried about y/n

"Hyung it's ok she is aright she is just drank"
Taehyung said

"Thankyou so much tae for helping my princess today i really messed up with her It's all my fault but Where you find her"
Yoongi asked

"Ohh i was in the same bar too so after seeing her i think i should give her a ride to her house it's really late"
Taehyung replied

"ohh thanks tae you owe me one"
Yoongi said in low voice

"Aish hyung don't be like that ok now i am going It's too late take care"
Taehyung stand up

"You can stay here today It's late"
Taehyung cut him

"No No jin hyung will kill me i have to go don't worry i will text you after reaching home"
He said and left

"ok be careful"
Yoongi said

After that yoongi make his way towards his room without having his dinner he was guilty he thought he will make it up to his sister in morning

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