PART30 [Panicked]

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Y/n pov:

I opened my eyes. And they're still blury.  A painful groan left from my mouth as i tried to move. Soon my vision become clear so i see a worried face is l
ooking at me. Jimin he keep calling my name while looking at me with this teary eyes. But the first thing left from my mouth is
"My baby"

Author pov:

As y/n was saying same thing again and again, jimin squeezed his eyes tightly for not let his tears fall. Now being inpatient
y/n tries to sit. She was panicking. Jimin try to make her stop. But she start yelling. Doctor and nurse try to make her clam soon she look at her corner table and pick a knife and rest it on her throat. They back up from her. Jimin eyes become wide. He try to make her clam saying comfort things

"Princess look at me, listen to me.
Jimin said softly

"Where is my baby? answer me. Why i'm here? WHAT Happen tell me jimin".
Y/n said while crying also yelling at everyone.

"Everything is okay. Put down the knife please y/n".

Jimin said as he's trying his best to make her clam. But nothing is working. It's become worse when a nurse try to approach her and wanted to make her sleep by injecting her. Y/n see her and throw a vase at her. Blood start falling from her forehead. Y/n start yelling again and again while saying

"you killed my baby".

The rooms door open and a person get in with a very shocked face. His bag fall from his hand as he's not believing what he just see.

" Hy_ung"

jimin said with his shaky voice. Everything was mess here. Yoongi was just looking at her sister who's forehead was bandaged. Hand was bruised. And as the IV got out from her hand, blood was flowing from her hand and another hand was at her throat with a knife. Y/n see her brother and goes to him with her almost giving up lags. She stop infront of him and throw the knife as she hug him. Yoongi didn't move a little. He didn't ever hug her back. His brain was not working. But what he heard right now makes his head explore.

"They killed my baby. Oppa they killed my unborn baby. My last thing from my love".

Soon yoongi hold her cause she already pass out. Yoongi fall to the floor with having her in his arms. Doctors come and take her from him to start their treatment again. Jimin goes to him and kneeled infront of his hyung

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