"You may be crazy... But you're mine"

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I'm SOOO sorry if this is bad. It's my first time writing and I'm not really good at this type of stuff.
~Make sure to like and leave a comment on if you liked the story or not and if there's anything that I could improve on, thank you! 😊😁

💕Follow me and I'll follow back 💕

Demi's P.O.V.
"Urrggh!! Why is this plane taking so long?!? We're going to Texas, not the fucking moon!!" I yelled. I'd just been in New York for the past month doing some work stuff and I have missed my family SO MUCH and I'm tired and I just want to go to sleep!! I thought Wilmer would understand why I'm so agitated but obviously not as he just chuckled at me in amusement, that was until I gave him a death glare and turned facing away from him, he tried to turn me back around to talk but I held my ground and refused to give him the satisfactory.

"Come on, Dem. We've got 8 hours left on the plane and we've barely seen each other in the past 4 months." No response.

"Are you seriously just going to sit there and give me the silent treatment?" Wilmer huffed. And again, no response.

"You know what? Fine. Have it your way." He got up and left the main section of the plane. Great! Now he's pissed off at me. I just decided to leave him to cool off, so I turned towards the window and drifted off to sleep for a while.

Wilmer's P.O.V.
Why does she have to be so stubborn?!? I literally said NOTHING and yet she's still pissed at me, if this is what it's going to be like for the whole time that were in Texas, then I seriously don't know why I'm going. I mean, of course I love her, who wouldn't? She's amazing in every single way, even if she has her stupid, annoying and stubborn moments. I love her. So I guess that that's why I'm staying with her and her family for a few weeks instead of my own, because I love her and she's my future. My everything.

I decided to go back to the main area of the plain because we were going to be landing in about three hours and I knew that she probably would've taken a nap and I didn't want her to freak out- not knowing where she was. I slide in next to her her, hoping to get a little shut eye myself. She instantly turns and curls into my chest. I smile just seeing her so peaceful and not stressed out.

"I love you." She sighs- still in a light peaceful sleep.

"I love you too" I murmur into her ear and lovingly kiss her on the cheek, lingering there for a few seconds more until her eyelids slowly flutter open.

Demi's P.O.V.
As I slowly awaken, I feel somebody under the blanket next to me and their arms are around me and their lips on my cheek as my face is cuddled up to there chest, I then remember that Wilmer left the main area, it isn't until then that I tense up and instantly start freaking out and hyperventilating.

"Hey, hey, Demi it's alright, it's just me, it's Wilmer." The sound of his voice instantly soothes me and my breathing pattern goes back to normal as I settle back down into his warm embrace. He kisses my forehead and I can't help but smile. I look up at him with relief that he was there with me and that we were no longer in a pointless argument.

"Y'know what's funny?" I say as we both smugly look at each other in the eyes. He shakes his head.

"Well, the last time I was awake, we were pissed off at each other for no particular reason and then suddenly, when I wake up you're kissing me on my head and we're cuddled up on the bed together. Isn't that weird?" I ask in amusement. He just smiles lovingly at me and pulls me in closer to his warm chest. And I realise just how stupid I've really been.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being this crazy ass girlfriend that can't control her emotions and takes it out on you, even though you've don't nothing wrong. I'm sorry."

Wilmer's P.O.V.
"... I'm sorry." I pull her away from my chest and move her head up to meet my gaze.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Demi. You were frustrated and tired and I should've been comforting and understanding but instead I chose to laugh at you. I never meant to piss you off, baby. It should be me that's sorry, not you." I honestly say, gazing into her honey brown eyes. Her facial expression almost instantly changes into a cheeky grin.

"Yeah, you're right!! You were being jerk!!" She tries to say keeping a straight face narrowing her brows at me and slightly pushing my shoulders- well, that's until she bursts out laughing unable to contain her laughter anymore.

"You know I'm only joking. And anyway, even if you were being a jerk, I'd still love you anyway." She says whilst grinning from ear to ear, then momentarily kisses my lips.

"We're one of a kind us two. Y'know, you being a jerk and all and me being all crazy." She laughs sarcastically an waving her arms about being over-dramatic. We lay down in silence for a few minutes facing each other, enjoying each other's company and taking in how far we've come and how lucky I am to have her. I lean in and chastely kiss her lips, I then lean over to whisper in her ear.

"You may be crazy... But you're mine."
~ Also comment any ideas or suggestions that I could do as this one started as a Christmas drabble and then just turned out all cute and stuff, so that really came out of no where! Hahaha!! 😂💕👌

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