Once a family always a family ❤️ ~Part 13

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Author's Note:
Sorry, I know that it's been over a month since I updated this but I haven't been very motivated recently so just bare with me✌️
Demi's P.O.V.
Waking up in the morning between my two favourite people in the world is seriously the best feeling ever. I was currently being sandwiched between Wilmer and Gabi, she snuck in here last night when there was a thunderstorm, Wilmer didn't even budge once but I couldn't sleep because of it, so when she appeared sleepily at the door I moved the blankets and let her slide in next to me, making it feel like old times.

Wilmer had his hand resting on my protruding stomach and Gabi had her head snuggled against my chest. I know she's 13 but I love the fact that she still needs me when she's scared and wants comforting. I wish it was still like that with me and my mom.

A couple years after me and Wilmer divorced I got into a car crash with Maddie which had been caused by Trey- obviously I couldn't tell anyone that though. Mom blamed the whole thing on me and basically disowned me- she said that I should do everyone a favour and disappear, everyone agreed with her and I was heartbroken. It killed me and brought back a lot of old habits and feelings but I'm over them now but I still wish I had the relationship I used to have with my mom and the rest of my family. I'm just not ready to talk about it yet and I don't think I'm ready to forgive them for what they put me through, Trey might have physically hurt me, but she's my mom, she was the one who should've been there to hold me and tell me everything was alright, but she just threw me to the curb.

She tried talking to me a couple months back but I didn't wanna talk so she doesn't really know how bad the beatings got and she doesn't know that I'm pregnant but I guess today she's gonna find out.

Gabi's staying at her house for a few days because they want a "family weekend", doesn't it feel great knowing that you're wanted? #Sarcasm

Looks like we're gonna have to get up then, it's like 11:25 and Wilmer told Dallas she'd be there for 12:30.

"Baby? Wake up, you're going to your Grandma's today." Her face scrunched up and she let out a big yawn as she stretched.

"I don't wanna leave you. It's your birthday weekend.." She said, using her big brown eyes which she inherited from her father to get me to give in to her.

"You're going and that's final. I'm not doing anything for my birthday an plus, you haven't seen them in months and I know you miss them so come on! Get your ass out of bed." I stood up and walked over to the walk in closet, Gabi following closely behind.

I was looking for something to wear when I saw Gabi take a few T-shirts and put then in her bag which she was taking with her.

"Um excuse me, aren't they mine?" I asked and once again she looked up at me with those big puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah but I'm gonna miss you is I wanna take these... For comfort..." She's literally going for 4 days and if she needs me we're a 30 minute drive away but I guess it is kinda cute so I roll my eyes and smile at her playfully.

"Fine, but you've got to hurry and get dressed because we're leaving in five.. And don't you dare touch my shoes." I said with a playful smile before walking into the bathroom.


My palms are sweating like mad! I'm so nervous to see my mom. I don't know what I'm going to say. Before I have time to think we are already at the door and Gabi has already knocked.

The door opens and my mom instantly smiles at Gabi and opens her arms hot for her.

"I've missed you so much baby!" She squeals, tightening her grip on Gabi.

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