Once a family always a family ❤️ ~Part 11

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Author's Note:
But ENJOYYYY!!!! 😝😝💕
Wilmer's P.O.V.
I woke up snuggled in between a giggling Demi and Gabi. "What're you doing?!" I said in an annoyed/tired tone as I turned around and curled into Demi, I felt her little baby bump against my cheek and I smiled. She began to scratch my head soothingly, almost making me fall back to sleep but I sat up, still with a huge grin on my face. "What are you smiling for?" She asked as Gabi cuddled into my side making me put my arm around her.
"Nothing. Just you being pregnant again brings back a lot of memories." We exchanged glances and she chuckled, looking down blushing. "Speaking of the little one, have you felt any movements yet?" I asked her as she lifted her head bak up to look at me. "No not really. I've felt like little flutters and moving around. No kicking yet but the doctor said that it would be normal because of what happened with Trey, so..." She looked down and I saw a tear roll down her cheek. "Hey, it's okay. You're safe and Trey will never go anywhere near you or the baby. I won't let him. I wasn't going to let him near the baby when we thought it was his, never mind now." I reassured her but she looked up at me with a scared look. "But what of something happens to us? What if we split up? It's happened before and I don't think I could handle it this time." Tears started to fall freely down her face as she whimpered. "I'm not gonna let that happen. But if something does happen and we split up, I still won't let him hurt you, okay? I care about you and that's never gonna change. Never." I said holding her hand. She nodded in response and leant into me. "I love you." Demi whispered, kissing my shoulders. "I love you too. All three of you." I squeezed them both as they laughed and tried to get away. "Anyway let's not talk about that. We all need to get ready for the hospital." I said. "Urrgghh I don't wanna mooovvveee!!" Gabi groaned. "Well, tough missy! We need to know whether it's a baby brother or a baby sister you're going to be babysitting while we're out." I smirked. "No! I'll be nice to it but that's about it... Unless I get paid." Gabi responded jokingly and me and Demi laughed at her. "Come on you two, we're gonna be late if we don't start to get ready soon."

Gabi's P.O.V.
Dad called for a cab because he said we were  gonna get something to eat after we've been to the hospital and go shopping for a while, but I knew that it's because they're both too nervous to drive, especially mom.

The cab pulled up outside the house and I rushed in after mom to sit in the middle, she giggled at me and pulled me in for a hug. "You excited baby girl?" She questioned smiling, trying to cover up her nervousness. "Yeah but... What if it's a girl?" I asked looking down and playing with my hands as the driver set off. "What do you mean munchkin?" My dad asked, ruffling my hair. "What if it's a girl? I won't be your baby girl anymore, she will." Tears formed in my eyes and I avoided eye contact with them until my mom lifted my chin up. "You'll always be our baby girl, no matter what, but we're gonna need you to help a lot and you're gonna play a big part in this baby's life. You're gonna be his or her's big sister and if it's gonna feel anything like I felt when you're Aunt Maddie was born then you're gonna want to protect them all throughout their life and for them to look up to you. Just remember that what ever happens, we're gonna be alright." She smiled down at me and pulled me into a hug. "I love you, mom."

Demi's P.O.V.
We've been in the hospital room for 15 minutes now. The doctor had another patient so we had to wait until he finished. I was getting more and more nervous by the minute and I began sweating. I just wanted to get this over with already.

As the door opened my breathing hitched and I grabbed Wilmer's hand. He squeezed it reassuringly. "Hey, it's okay. You don't have to be nervous." He smiled and I weakly smiled back.

"Hi, my name is Dr. Murray and I'll be here throughout the rest of your pregnancy. If you need me or have any worries or you come for check up or just check up scans, any of that, I'll be here. So, if you do have any worries just come to me and I'll help you, okay?" I nodded in response and so did Wilmer. "Okay, so have you been pregnant before?" He asked with a smile. "Uh, yeah. Um, this is our daughter but it was almost 14 years ago so..." I replied shyly. "Oh, so I'm guessing that's why you're so nervous then." I nodded and he continued. "Alright well were there any problems with the pregnancy like, did you have any pains, was she premature, did you have to stay in the hospital for a long time after the birth." He asked and I shook my head. "No, there were no problems and I only really had pains if she was laid in an awkward position or if I had fake contractions and we only had to stay in hospital for two days. She was a week premature but the doctors said that she was perfectly fine and I only had to stay in hospital for an extra day because I had to have stitches, so they wanted to make sure that I was fine to leave." He smiled and was about to continue when he saw Wilmer giving me a weird look. "Is there a problem?" He asked. Wilmer held my hand tighter for reassurance as I began to explain one of my darkest secrets which I never talk about. "I- um. I was pregnant once b-before, but I l-lost it. I-I was six months when it happened, they... they said that I was too weak to carry the baby and said that it was impossible that I could carry babies." He looked at me and Wilmer sympathetically whilst Gabi just sat there with a shocked expression and tears in her eyes. "Is there any reason why you did not tell me this before?" he questioned. "I-I just thought that because I had Gabi it was fine but um-now I'm even more worried because, at the start of the pregnancy I was in another relationship and my uh- m-my parter was abusive." The doctors eyes widen and I felt someone grab my hand, this time though it was Gabi, a tear rolled down her face. "Oh, I'm sorry about that... I think we should get started on the check up, so I'll show you your baby, shall I?" I wiped the tears with my spare hand and nodded with a slight smile, rubbing my baby bump and hoping everything would be okay. We've got a lot of explaining to do to Gabi when we get home.
I'm so sorry, this was a shitty update but I'm sooooo tired and I've been trying to keep up in recovery but because my so called "family" don't give a shit, it's kinda hard to have faith in yourself when nobody else really cares...
Oh! And did I mention that my own mum called me an "attention seeker" for cutting?... No? Must've slipped my mind seen as though I am a, and I quote, a "stupid, worthless, fat bitch that nobody cares about"... Gotta love my family.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. 😐

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