Once a family always a family ❤️ ~Part 10

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Demi's P.O.V.
I'm 5 months pregnant and my body aches everywhere, I don't remember being in this much pain when I was pregnant with Gabi and it all just seems so unreal. I'm terrified. I mean Gabi is growing up so fast and I'm scared that once I've had the baby we're just going to drift apart and then I feel like I'm going to fail as a mother and a girlfriend again. It's just all so scary. "Hey you." I heard from behind me. I turned around and as soon as his arms wrapped around my waist bringing me into a hug, it was like all the fear was washed away. Pushing my face into his chest I smiled, now in my perfect life and falling in love once again. "Hi." I finally responded as he chuckled and kissed my forehead lightly. "How long have you been up?" He questioned me worriedly. I could see it in his eyes, no matter how much he trusted me there was always some sort of doubt in his mind that I would fall back into my own ways. I went back and forth in my mind whether or not to lie to him because I didn't want worry him. Finally, I gave in, deciding to tell him the truth. "I haven't really slept at all to be honest. I've just been thinking a lot." I heard him sigh and I shut my eyes tightly, knowing that I had let him down. Instead of giving me a lecture on how I'm such a bad mother like I thought he was going to do, he brushed my back up and down with his soft finger tips before resting them on my shoulders and massaging them lightly. I moaned as I felt him untangle all the knots and leaned into him further. "Its 5:30 am... Do you think if you go and lay down you could get some rest before we go to see the doctor?" I nodded slightly almost fall asleep right there. He chuckled and swooped me off of my feet. "You do know that when I said 'if you want me to love you you'll have to sweep me off my feet'?.... I didn't mean literally." Again he just laughed and continued his way to my bedroom as we sleep in separate rooms. We decided it would be better to not sleep in the same bed because we wanted to start from scratch and take it slow... But I don't think it's working because I'm falling harder for him now than I ever have before in my life. "Hey. Where you going?" I asked as once he put me down on my bed he stood up to leave. "I thought you wanted to take it slow and didn't want us to sleep in the same bed." He asked confused. "I did but I wanna cuddle . Plus I feel safer with you." I blushed as I admitted the last part. He smiled in return and gestured for me to move over so that he could lay down beside me.

Wilmer's P.O.V.
It almost scared me how natural being with Demi felt. It was like everything was finally falling back into place and we were where we belonged. "What you thinking about baby?" Baby. I've missed how she used to call me that. "You. When aren't I?" She looked down blushing a deep shade of red and with a wide smile in her face. I lifted her head so that her eyes met mine and leaned in slowly to kiss her. After a few moments she surprisingly deepened the kiss. Putting her arms around my neck and slipping her tongue into my mouth. The kiss started to get very heated. One of my hands was now groping her whilst the other had a tight hold on her waist. I rolled over so the I was on top of her as we got lost in our little moment. She abruptly pulled away when our crotches started to grind on each other. "Wait." She said as she panted for air, suddenly looking very scared as she shook underneath me. "Hey, hey. It's fine. I'm not gonna hurt you and I'm not going to pressure you into anything." I said as tears began to roll down her face. "I know. I'm sorry. This is just going to fast, can we take this slow please. I don't think I'm ready for this just yet." I rolled off of her and brought her into a comforting hug. "Of course neña. I don't expect anything from you, I especially don't expect you to forget everything what's happened to you in just a couple of months. I love you and I'm gonna stick beside you through everything." I said taking her cheek in my palm and kissing her lips softly. "Just know that I would never hurt you like he did and that I'm always going to be here for you, Gabi and our baby."

Gabi's P.O.V.
I woke up at 6am. Why the fuck is wrong with me? I tried to get back to sleep but once it got to 6:20 I gave up and walked to my mom's room. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked my mom and dad as I walke over to them. "Has something happened." I asked worriedly, sitting next to my mom. "No, no, no sweetie. I just got a little upset, I'm okay now." My mom said tiring to me and bringing me into a hug. "Anyway, what are you doing up at this time missy?" She said poking my nose lightly and giggling. "I couldn't get back to sleep so I thought I'd come and lay with you." I replied, she smiled and squeezed me a little tighter. "Aren't you too old for cuddles now." My dad ask jokingly as I vigorously shook my head. "She'll never be too old, will you baby?" My mom asked me as I once again shook my head. "Good. Cause I'm not ready to let you grow up." My mom said stroking my hair like she used to do when I was little. "I never said I didn't want to grow up. I'm just not gonna grow up enough that I won't need cuddles." My dad scoffed at us in a mocking manor. "Ignore him, he's just jealous because I'm a mommy's girl." Me and my mom laughed as he poured and made his way in between us. "I don't care if you're a mommy's girl or daddy's girl. Just know thy we both love you and your new baby brother or sister more than anything in this entire world."
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