Once a family always a family ❤️ ~Part 1

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Wilmer's P.O.V.
It never used to be like this, we were close, she was my best friend. But now, we barely ever talk. It wasn't supposed to be like this. "Gab, hurry up!! You're gonna be late to your mom's house." I shouted up the stairs. We got divorced when she was 7, I don't know what happened, we just grew apart and didn't want to hurt each other any longer, so we decided to get a divorce for our and for Gabriella's sake. No custody rights, we just decided that it would be best if we sort that out ourselves so we could easily change the schedule up. I re-married two years ago, Gabi or Demi isn't very fond of her but they do respect her, after all she is another mother figure in our daughter's life. "Urgghhh!! Dad, I can't find my shoes!!" Seriously?? This girl has millions and yet she can't pick one?!?! "Gab, just wear your Timberlands." I sighed, Demi's gonna be pissed if we're late again. "What?! But they don't go with my dress!!" She replied. "Gabi..." I warned with annoyance. "Fine!!"

Demi's P.O.V.
He forced my pants down as he held me against the bed. I was holding back tears hoping that it would all be over soon. "Stop." I stuttered out. "Please, Trey." I begged, but he just carried on. I cried in pain and tried to get away but I was too weak. I couldn't move. Tears were now streaming down my cheeks as he just groaned in pleasure. I was laid there, not moving as my whole body ached with pain. He was getting close to his high, I could feel it. He moved faster, hungry for his release. Once he was done he got off of the bed and went into the bathroom, leaving me alone in the bedroom just with a long t-shirt on. I got up and limped over to my draw, getting some underwear and sliding them on, still in pain from what happened seconds ago. I sat on the bed, tears streaming down my face, it's not the first time this has happened with Trey by all means, but it doesn't make it hurt any less each time. "SERIOUSLY?! WHAT THE FUCK?!? WHY IS THE WATER COLD DEMI?!" He screamed coming out of the bathroom. "I-I-I'm sorry... I-I..." I started breathlessly. "I DON'T ASK FOR MUCH DEMI!! BUT YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THE HOUSE WORK PROPERLY, YOU'RE USELESS!! NO WONDER THAT EX OF YOURS LEFT YOU!! YOU'RE A WASTE OF SPACE AND DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING!! NOBODY WANTS YOU DEMI!!" My so called 'loving boyfriend' shouted, pushing me against the wall and punched me across the face, making me fall from the amount of force from his fist and then he kicked me three times in the stomach. "You're worthless Demi." He pulled me up by my shirt. "You're pathetic! Nobody would care if you just dropped dead today. Do you really think that your precious Gabriella needs you? Think again." He sneered. "You're pathetic." He said once more and then through me down the stairs and as I landed a few feet from the living room door he walked up to me and kicked me in the stomach, over and over again until a heard a shout. "Mom!" I heard my little girl call in horror. "Dad! Quick!! help!" She was now crying uncontrollably, the next thing I saw was Wilmer running across the room and pinning Trey up against the wall whilst punching him, he tried to fight back but Wilmer was stronger, punching and kicking him everywhere possible. He caught Wilmer off guard, throwing a punch straight to his jaw, making him stumble backwards a little, but instead of hitting him again, Trey ran and left through the back door. "Mom, are you okay?" Gabi asked, still in shock and clearly terrified. "I'm fine baby, don't worry. But I think you should go back to your dad's whilst I clean up here, yeah?" I said, scared that Trey would come back and instead of hurting me, he would hurt her. "What? No! I'm not leaving you alone!! What if he comes back?!?" She said, now scared for my well-being. "I'll be fine, I just want you to be safe honey." I said whilst stroking her hair reassuringly. I tried to stand up but failed as my legs gave way and I stumbled back as Wilmer caught me.

Wilmer's P.O.V.
"Gabi, why don't you go upstairs and pack your mom a couple of things?" I asked, hinting that we needed to talk and would rather not do it around her. "Okay." She answered, not wanting to leave her mom but she followed my orders and ran upstairs. "Dem you can't stay here, it's not safe." I said, worried "I will be fine, I was fine before you came here and I'll be fine after you leave. He'll just cool down and then we'll be back to normal again. You're making a big deal out of nothing." She insisted. "I ran in here to see our screaming 13 year old absolutely terrified and to see you, my ex wife laid on the floor, blood running down your head, bruises on your thighs and a swollen ankle, not to mention everything else and all the other past injuries that have healed. So don't tell me that everything is fine, Demi when you very we'll know that I know it's not. And normal. What is normal Demi? You staying here until he comes back, beats you again and then you both pretend nothing happened? Is that what you want?" I fought back, she may not be my wife, but she's my daughter's mother and the first person I ever truly loved, so I am obviously going to care about her. "I'm s-orry." She choked out as she started to cry. "You have nothing to be sorry about Demi." I brought her in closer to my chest, she hesitated at first but soon settled. "We need to get you to the hospital. Gabi? You ready?!" I shouted up the stairs as I helped Demi stand up. "Yeah." She said running down the stairs, still with a scared and worried look on her face. "Mom, you're gonna be okay, right?" She asked, generally worried about her mother, Demi just nodded- unable to speak. "Hey, you have nothing to be worried about, your mom's going to be fine, we're gonna go to the hospital and we're gonna see what's up, yeah?" Gabi nodded in reply and stepped forward bringing her mother into a hug that they both clearly needed as they started to cry. "You can't go back to him mom, please, promise me you won't go back to him." Gabi begged to her mother. "I promise baby, I promise." She replied. "Things may not seem good now but we'll get through it." I said. "We?" Demi questioned. "You don't think I'm going to let you go through this alone do you? You may not be my wife anymore but that doesn't mean that I don't care and it certainly doesn't mean that you deserved what he did to you. We may not be married and we may not be a 'proper family', but I care and I'm not gonna let him hurt you ever again." I said. We all got in the car, Gabi insisted sitting in the back with Demi to make sure she was alright and we drove to the hospital. We may have got divorced but I meant it when I promised that I'd protect her for the rest of my life and I don't like breaking promises.
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