Once a family always a family ❤️ ~Part 7

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Thank you ddlovatic222 for giving me some ideas. 😊💕
I'm going to spread it over a few updates so I can go into a little more detail and put everyone's point of views in them. Sorry if this isn't why you wanted but Thank you again and ENJOOOYYYY!!! 😝👌💕💕
---------------2 Weeks Later-------------
Gabi's P.O.V.
Mom living with us was the best decision ever!! It's a kind of a bummer that I still have to go to school though, I'd rather just spend that time with her. It's not that we're doing anything important. She finally told the police about what Trey did to her and he got locked up, 15 years in prison for abusing my mom in every way possible. It's not long enough. If you ask me, 15 years isn't long enough. Mom hasn't been the same since he came into our lives and it's all his fault. She always doubts herself and whenever someone's touches her she flinches. I just hope that now she knows that she is safe, she can continue living her life free and happily.

Demi's P.O.V.
'Positive'. The stick on the bathroom sink read 'positive'. Tears slowly filled my eyes and poured down my face. "Demi, I-" Wilmer walked towards me from behind but stopped as he saw what I was looking at. "Dem?" He asked whilst rubbing my arm up and down. "H-hel-lp m-me." I really needed someone right now. I turned around and he wrapped his arms around me. "It's gonna be okay. I promise it's gonna be okay." He said as he lead me back to my bedroom after putting the pregnancy test into the draw under the sink. "We'll talk about this later, yeah?" He pulled the covers back, helped me into bed and draped them over my body, he began to walk away but I grabbed his arm. "Please don't leave me alone." I begged. He looked at me sympathy and then turned away making me feel like he was going to leave me but he walked around the double bed and climbed in next to me, putting his arms around my small frame and engulfing me into his chest. "Thank you." I murmured, trying to hold back my tears. "It's alright. You're going to be alright. I'll stay by your side all the way through this." He said into my ear I pulled away a little to look at him in the face. "I can't keep it. It's his. If I keep this then it's just going to be a reminder of what he did. I can't do this." I sobbed, he looked at me like I was crazy. "Dem, you can do this!" He encouraged as I shook my head and began to cry even more. "Remember when we found out you were pregnant with Gabi? And you were so scared because you didn't think you could do it. But now I know for a fact that you can't imagine your life without her. It'll be hard in the beginning, it always will be. But this is your baby, not his. Demi, because of what he did to you, you can legally stop him from ever making contact with you or that baby. I'm just trying to help here okay? I'm not trying to make you do anything you don't want to do, but whatever you choose, I'll always be here." He said with his hand on my cheek gazing into my eyes. I nodded and he brought me back into his chest, hugging me and stroking my hair for comfort. "Wil?" We pulled away from each other once more as he looked down at me. "If I'm going to keep this baby, then I need to go for a scan to make sure everything's alright after what happened with me and Trey. So, will you come with me? I don't think if be able to do it alone." He nodded his head and kissed my cheek. "We need to tell Gabi..." This was what I was dreading.

Gabi's P.O.V.
"Gabi?!" I heard my dad shout. I sat up on my bed, wiped the sleep from my eyes and looked at my bedside clock. What the actual fuck?! 1am? 1am?! Why the hell would he wake me up at this time? "Gabi?!" He shouted again. "Urggh! What?!!!" I yelled in frustration. "We need to speak to you. Come to your mom's bedroom." Great. What have I done now? I got up and sleepily walked towards her bedroom and knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard my mom say. I opened the door and walked to the bed, instantly climbing in next to my mom. "What did you want to talk about? Have I done something wrong?" I asked mom, she shook her head. "No not at all, we just need to talk to you." He said seriously. "W-what about?" I asked worriedly, mom was crying slightly and that made me worry even more. "Mom, what's wrong?" I asked, now beginning to tear up myself. "Mom?!" I shouted. I was really scared. Mom was trying to stop crying and dad wasn't saying or doing anything. Instead he came and sat down next to mom and brought her into a hug. "It's okay. She'll understand." I heard him whisper into her ear as she nodded her head at him. "What will I understand? Mom, please. Tell me what's wrong, I'm rea--" I started but mom soon cut me off. "I'm pregnant." She simply said. I thought I was hearing things and if not, she had to be joking, right? "You're not joking, right? Because if you are this is a really sick joke." Mom shook her head no. "So you're pregnant. With T-Trey's ba-by?" I asked as I started to shake slightly. They both nodded, not making eye contact with me. "Yes. But I swear that there's nothing to worry about. He can't come anywhere near any one of us once we go to the hospital and sign some papers saying that Trey won't be able to get in contact with the baby, your mom, you, or any of our family and friends. Which means that whilst he's in prison, he can't phone is and he can't ask for us to visit or anything and once he gets out, he can't come near us and he still can't phone or make any type of contact with us, okay, you're safe Gabi. He's not going to hurt you." My dad said, rubbing my arm comfortingly. "It's not me I'm scared about. Trey's dangerous. If you have this baby he will make sure that he can stay in contact just so he can hurt you. I'm scared. Of course I am. But for mom, not for me." I said honestly. "I'm having this baby Gabi. I'm scared too. But this is my baby not his. This is your baby brother or sister and I know it's going to be hard because I really don't know how in going to cope but I also know that if I have an abortion, I won't ever be able to force myself. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Mom asked with salty tears still trickling down her cheeks. "I-I..." My whole body started shaking. I was scared. He hurt her. He almost killed her. This baby won't do anything but make this while situation worse. It got harder and harder to breathe. My head was pounding and my hands were sweating. The last thing I heard was my mom and dad yelling my name before everything went black.

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