Cuddle ☺️❤️

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This next Drabble is a request from Lovatic_Tiva 😍😍💕
Thank you so much for over 1k reads.
Wilmer's P.O.V.
Me and Demi were sat in the living room of her family's house in LA. Her legs were draped over mine and her body was curled into my chest.

"When do they get back?" I asked. Eddie, Dianna, Dallas, Maddie, Nyah and the rest of the family had gone out grocery shopping, we stayed behind as Demi's feeling under the weather and for some reason, LA wasn't loving up to its usual sunny standards, so to keep Demi from getting more sick. We said we'd stay in the house and look after the dogs. Personally, I just really wanted some alone time with my girl.

"I dunno, they've been gone for about an hour now so maybe another two. Why?" She replied. "No reason. Just wanted to know how long I'm gonna have you all to myself before everyone else gets back because then I won't be able to have you alone for another month whilst we're staying here." I smirked. She looked at me with a flirtatious glint in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip. God this woman drives me crazy.

"You do know I've promised my mom no sex whilst we're under her roof, right? Plus, I'm sick." She said turning around to straddle me whilst giggling.

"I didn't mean it like that! I just want to spend time with you. And yes, I told them we'd stay here cause it's cold out and I don't want you to get even more sick." I respond truthfully.

"Aww! My baby always looking after me! Cute!" She squealed and pecked my lips a couple times.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway what do you want to so until they all get back?" I asked looking into her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Cuddle." She simply responded giggling. "Yeah. But how about we watch a movie or something too?" Her face lit up as soon as those words left my mouth.

"No! Demi! No. I am not watching The Notebook one more time. Sick or not. I am not watching it." I fought. I swear I have seen that movie over 50 times and I still don't know what the hell is happening.

"Oh come on!! You would if you loved me..." She replied with a smug look on her face which soon turned to pain as she bent over clutching her stomach.

"Ow!" She whimpered. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Come on, sit down properly." I said worriedly.

"Wilmer, I'm fine. It's probably just cramps or something." She said through gritted teeth, trying to hide how much pain she was in. After 5 minutes she finally calmed down, showing that she wasn't in any pain.

"You okay now? Do you need me to call a doctor?... I'm gonna call the doctor." She giggled slightly and as I stood to go and call the doctor from the landline, she pulled me back down and sat in my lap.

"I'm fine. You're such a worry wart." We heard the front door open, laughter and arguing about what to have for dinner sounded through the halls and into the front room. Demi snuggled closer into my chest and closed her eyes as the breeze from the door drifted through the living room.

Demi's P.O.V.
"Hey you two! You feeling any better baby girl?" Mom asked me. Seriously! Everyone worries too much in this family.

"I told you, I was feeling fine anyway. Nothing's wrong, I just have a cold. It's just drama queen over here loves to make a big deal out of nothing." I giggled elbowing Wilmer in the chest lightly. I smirked at him and he smirked back nudging me slightly. Mom smiled at us. She walked towards me and Wilmer and put the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Hmm.. You do feel a little warm. Maybe you should go lay down and rest. I'll wake you up when dinner's ready." To be honest I'm just bored of everyone fussing over me all the time. At first it was sweet but now it's just getting old.

"Mom. I've done nothing but sit on my ass all day." I groaned. I love her but she just frustrates me.

"Language Demetria." She spat, clearly getting frustrated with me herself. "I'm sorry. I'm just sick of everyone fussing all the time, okay? I just wanna watch films with everyone, talk, eat dinner and argue... Just like normal. Without anyone worrying about my health or anything. Okay?" I sighed. Mom nodded and told us she'd call us when dinner was finished.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Wilmer asked. I raise my eyebrow at him in annoyance and he put his hands up in defence. I really wasn't in the mood and I don't know why but I just felt so down. We started to watch Fast and Furious 5 because I had a massive headache and couldn't cope with Wilmer asking me what's happening every 5 minutes. Don't get me wrong... I love him but I could kill him sometimes. We were about 45 minutes into the film when Wilmer kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear. "I love you." He simply said. I smiled. I hated how he could make me feel better so easily with 3 simple words or even just a kiss.

"I love you too." My cheeks flushed bright red. He leaned in to kiss me and I happily kissed back. His hands went around my waist. It wasn't an intense kiss, it was a slow kiss, filled with passion and love. I smiled into the kiss, I've never met someone that could make me feel this way before, it was like; when we were kissing, I forgot everything around us. All my problems. All my fears. It was just us.

"Excuse me?" Apparently I'd forgotten my family too.

"Hate to break up the moment but there's a 13 year old over here, so if you don't mind, keep it PG, yeah?" Dallas smirked. I just gave her a sarcastic smirk and got off of Wilmer's lap, sitting next to him. He put his arm arm around me, bringing me closer and kissing the side of my face. I turn to Wilmer and smile at him, he smiles back staring into my eyes. We were torn away from our little moment when we heard a camera shutter go off.

"Aww! You two are SO cute!" Dallas and Maddie squealed in unison, taking another picture.

"Stoooopppp!!" I moaned hiding my face into Wilmer's side until I don't hear the shutter going off anymore. I turned around rolling my eyes at Dallas as she had a huge grin on her face. She took another picture.

"Dallas!.." I warned. "Sorry!" She chuckled, putting her phone back into her pocket.
We are dinner, talked and sat down to watch a movie. I must've fallen asleep half way through the movie because when I woke up, I was in bed snuggled against Wilmer who had is arms protectively wrapped tight around me, eyes wide open fixated on the TV at the end of the bed.

"Hey." I yawned, still pretty sleepy.

"Hey, beautiful." He smiled giving me a quick peck on the head.

"What time is it?" I asked squinting my eyes.

"9. You wanna go back downstairs?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Nah, rather stay here and cuddle." I giggled as I put my arms around his torso and squeezed him.

"Well that's fine with me... I love you." He said again for the thousandth time that evening.

"Why do you keep saying that?" I asked as he chuckled and shrug his shoulders.

"I just don't want you to forget it." He said smiling at me and kissing my forehead sweetly.

"Don't worry, I won't... I love you too." I said as I leaned in and kissed him. This man means the world to me and I couldn't see my self with anyone but him.
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