It's the little things

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We had to write a "free-writing" romantic piece in my English class about a couple and she put up a gif of the old couple in Up so I wrote this 😊 I obviously changed a few things to make it sound a little like Dilmer soo... I hope you ENJOOOYYY!!! 😝😝💕

(Skipping ahead to the future... They are an old couple and Demi was in an accident and is in hospital on life support and is most likely never to awaken. Wilmer is recapping on all the things that he love about her- hence the title -and talks about how he feels so useless and guilty that he can't help her.)

Wilmer's P.O.V.
The barrenness of the room combined with all the emotions going through my body made sitting here, in silence, unbearable. I never knew that love could hurt this much, that falling in love with someone would cause this much pain. All the memories we have ever had are still there, the love what we have is still there... but she isn't. Not really. In an almost hypnotic trance, with the methodical beat of the monitor, I stared at her, begging her to show me her honey brown eyes, the eyes i fell in love with.

I was attentively listening to he steady heartbeat, sounding from the monitor, her lifeless body lying still as my eyes examined her small fragile body thoroughly and carefully. Her face appears drained from all signs of happiness, her arms and legs so pale and still. Seeing her like this terrified me. I have never been so scared in my life. Despite the numerous conversations we had had over the years, usually ending with me rolling my eyes, I was anywhere near prepared for this. We discussed life after one of us had left this world; I knew even then a life without her was no life for me. It doesn't take away the fear and it doesn't take away the pain because in this moment, the moment that you are living in right now, the only thing that matters is her.

For hours I drifted in and out of consciousness; each time waking up as yet another memory popped into my head. They don't matter anymore. Not the pointless fights, not the break ups, not the stupid lies and now, not even the memories... Because all you want I for her to tell you thy everything is going to be alright and that you're both going to be happy again. Together.

Alone I sit staring into the abyss of my own useless thoughts; an icy breeze of air brushing against my old and crinkled skin sending shivers down my spine. The room began to grow increasingly cold; the rain drawing patterns on the squared windows like blood cells pumping through veins. Trying to avoid any further thinking, I leant forward a little, resting my head in my hands and closing my eyes, as to my surprise, a hot stream of thick tears flowed down my tired face. Sighing heavily, I stood up hovering over my vulnerable significant other, wiping the irritable tears from my puffy eyes. I scanned her body up and down like an x-ray before leaving the room as it was too painful and was luring me into an even deeper state of depression. Nobody could ever understand what this felt like. It was indescribable.

I've let her down. I made a promise to her in front of all of our friends and family that I would stick by her side no matter what the circumstances were. I made a promise to God that I would love her unconditionally... But I don't think I can. Not anymore. It hurts too much to see her in this state. To watch the love of my life, my own wife suffer right before my eyes and not be able to do anything to stop the pain or to save her.

I never understood what people meant when they said that they could never picture their lives without that one person. Now I do. You feel helpless, useless even. You feel like a part of you is missing and you will never be able to get that part back because it's gone and you can't change that. No one can.
~Don't forget to vote/comment and FOLLOW MEEEEEE 😝😝💕

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