Once a family always a family ❤️ ~Part 6

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I don't know where going with this anymore... I know what I want the ending to be like but I don't know about the parts in between, so I would LOVE it if you would help me out and say what you want to happen. Thank you and enjoy x
Wilmer's P.O.V.
Me, Demi and Gabi were all laid on the hospital's single bed. Demi was sat closebeside me and Gabi was laid on my lap, snuggling close to Demi and holding her hand tightly. It was getting kind if uncomfortable laying in the position that I was in, so I stood up, walked over to the sofa, laid Gabi down an pulled a blanket over her. "She was really worried about you y'know." I said to Demi. "Well she shouldn't be and neither should you. I'm a big girl, I can take after myself." She replied. "Yeah, of course you can, that's why he was beating the shit out of you and raping you." I gritted through my teeth, getting frustrated. Silence. "I'm sorry. I didn't mea--" I started. "No! You did! I told you why I stayed around. It was so that he wouldn't hurt her! I have been terrified each and every single day. If I could, I would've left him a long time ago and you know that." She said raising her voice, but not enough to wake Gabi up whilst pacing the floor. "You could've, Demi!" I shouted right back at her. "No! I couldn't! I couldn't, because I knew that no matter how much it hurt for him to pin me to that bed or for him to punch and kick the shit out of me, I knew that it would hurt a thousand times worse if he hurt Gabi. If he EVER hurt her I'd never be able to live with myself." She whimpered and sat back down on the bed. "She's the only thing I have left." She said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "That's not true." I replied, trying to sound comforting. "Oh really? Then where is everyone Wilmer? Huh? Where's mom, dad, Maddie, Dallas? They're no where to be seen. They're so ashamed of me, they wouldn't care if I died or not." That isn't true. Even though none of her family have phoned to check to see if she's okay, it doesn't mean they don't care. I know that she hasn't told them about Trey yet but still, I see Gabi every week and I can't help but call every other day to check to see if she's okay. "You have me." I said reassuringly. "Great! My ex-husband. There's another thing I failed at." She looked down at her fiddling hands as more tears poured down her face. "Hey, you never failed at being a wife. You were great. Amazing even. Demi, it wasn't your fault we split up. We weren't happy. We tried and tried but the more we stayed together, the more we hurt each other. The more we hurt Gabi. You know that. We made the right decision. I didn't wanna hurt you anymore, I still don't. But that doesn't mean I don't care. You're the mother of my child and for that, I'll always love you. You gave me the two greatest things in life. Love and meaning. You're amazing, Demi. Don't let anyone tell you differently." I make my way over to the bed and sit right next to her and take her hand in mine. "I care. Gabi cares. And right now that's all that matters okay?"

Demi's P.O.V.
"I know that this might sound weird and all but I really don't know what I would've done without you. You've been amazing this past week. Thank you. You've literally saved my life again." I said, sharing my thoughts with a slight chuckle trying to lighten the mood. "You don't think he would've actually gone through with killing you, do you?" He asked still holding my hand tightly. "I don't know. It's been worse than that before bu-- I-I... Urggh." I sighed in frustration. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not pushing you to tell me anything, just know that I'm always going to be here. Unluckily for you, you're stuck with me." He stated matter of factly. "Thank you. You've been amazing since this all blew up. And I promise I'll be out of your hair in no time." He'd been so nice. Why on Earth did I ever let him go in the first place? "No rush. I think Gabi's gonna like you being there with us, you're all she ever talks about. She never shuts up about you." He chuckled. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. I think she used to do it to make Eiza jealous but whatever." I forgot that they weren't together anymore. He looked down sadly at his hands. I was about to say something but was interrupted by a whimper. "Moo-omm?..." Gabi hiccupped, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "I'm here, sweetie. It's okay." I reassured her. Stroking her hair down and rocking her side to side like I used to do when she was little as she sat on my lap. "Where's dad?" She asked curiously, her head against my chest, now aware of her surroundings. "I'm here. You okay munchkin?" He said lovingly. "Yeah, just a bad dream." She answered emotionless and snuggled more into me. "You wanna talk about it? You haven't woken up from a bad dream like this in years, you sure you're okay?" I asked. She was very shook up and had tears falling down from her eyes. "I'm fine. I just don't wanna talk about it." She snapped. Something was definitely wrong. "Hey, we need you to talk to us, okay? Something is clearly not alright and we want to know what it is. Gabi?" Wilmer asked sounding as worried As I am. "It was about you." She said looking straight into my eyes. "... And Trey." She ended, quieter than before. "What happened?" Wilmer asked, I could see the worry and the sympathy in his eyes. "H-he came back a-and m-mom was scared thar he'd hurt me so she went with him and we n-never saw her again. You got a phone call from the police saying that she was badly hurt and t-that she was really weak..." Tears streamed down from her eyes and I could feel my heart beating faster and faster. Wilmer gestured for her to go on. "W-we visited the hospital and she was just laid there. She was so pale and she wasn't moving. I went to sleep and the heart monitor kept going off and then all these doctors kept on rushing in and out trying to help her but it wouldn't work a-and they just gave up. She was gone. I w-was s-so sca-red." She sobbed into my chest. I looked at Wilmer for help. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to say everything would be okay because I didn't know if it would.

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