Once a family always a family ❤️ ~Part 9

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Author's Note:
Glad the majority of you liked the outcome of the last update 😊💕
But please if you do want something to happen either dm me or comment, thank you and ENJOYYYY 😝😘❤️👌
Wilmer's P.O.V.
We all decided to watch a movie but about half way through Gabi fell asleep and just as we were getting to the end of the film our family doctor who's known Demi since she was a baby walked through the door. "Sorry, I just need a word with both of you. It's very important but it's nothing to worry about." Although he told us not to worry I can't help it. Demi looks at me, clearly just as confused as I am. I take her hand in mine and stand up off of the bed, following the doctor to his office. "I'm sorry to disturb you but I need to tell you something really urgent and important. It's about the baby." Both me and Demi nodded, gesturing for him to continue. "Right. Well, just over four months ago Trey came to the hospital. He started threatening me about my family and yours that if I didn't do something he would hurt them. I couldn't let that happen. Demi... You didn't get pregnant the natural way through sexual intercourse... I inseminated you. I had no choice. I didn't know if he was actually going to go through with the threat so I had to. I'm so sorry." He said. We were left speechless. "So it's your fault that I'm pregnant with Trey's baby. Even though you knew what he was doing to me?" Demi asked raising her voice slightly but trying to be sympathetic and trying to understand. "Not exactly. I couldn't go through with it. I knew that if you had his baby, no matter what you did to prevent it, you two would always have some sort of connection and he would always find his way back to you. So I didn't use his sperm." I was totally lost by now. "So what you're saying is I'm pregnant with some stranger's baby?" Demi questioned sounding scared and upset. "No. Not a stranger. Wilmer." Did I just hear him correctly? "Listen, you two have an amazingly beautiful child together and Wilmer, you're an amazing and supportive dad. So I knew that this way you wouldn't be alone, Demi. I'm sorry but that was the only choice I had. I know what I did was wrong, so I understand if you want to sue me. Just know that I am truly sorry.... I'll leave you two to talk." After that he got up and left. "Wow." Was all I could say, I was shocked and didn't know what to say or do. "How a-. Wh-. What are we going to do?" Demi asked, almost sounding desperate. "I don't know. Do you wanna keep it?" I asked. "I don't know. Do you? I mean... I don't want this to sound freaky or anything but I am kind of relived that it's yours... Is that bad?" She replied, turning in my direction and looking down. "No. Not at all. And if I'm being honest- yes. I want you to keep the baby. I want us to keep the baby. I know it's sudden and we've only just got back together but I can help you. I'll be there through everything and you'll never have to go through anything alone again. I love you, I love Gabi and I will love this baby. No matter what happens." I said with the most passion and emotion that I could. Demi opened her mouth to say something but the doctor opened the door. "I'm sorry. I was going to give you some time but Gabriella is awake and is asking for you. Again, Demi I am so sorry." Demi nodded and smiled at the doctor. "I'm not mad. I understand. You did what you had to do to save your family and mine." I took Demi's hand as we walked towards Gabi's private hospital room. "Me too." Demi whispered into my ear before letting go of my band and walking into Gabi's room. Only then did it hit me. We're going to have a baby.

Gabi's P.O.V.
My mom rushed right to my side once she opened the door. "Oh baby! What's wrong honey?" I sniffed and replied, "I got scared... I didn't know where you were. I though you both left me." My mom hugged me tighter and my dad came to sit next to me on the hospital bed, rubbing my back up and down for comfort. This might seem needy and clingy wanting to be near my mom all the time, but she's my best friend and as long as I know that she has my back, I'll be fine. "Hey. Smile! You're allowed to go home today! Plus... Me and your dad need to tell you something about the baby. But only if you promise not to pass out on us again. I don't think I'd be able to see you like that again... My little baby girl." Mom brushed my cheek with her thumb and then squeezed me tightly, showing me that she'd always be there for me no matter what. "What time can we go home?... I don't like it here." I admitted looking up at my mom. "As soon as we've signed the discharge papers, sweetie." Smiled down at me.
~~~~~~~~3 hours later~~~~~~~~
"...And?" I questioned, my dad was talking about how the doctor um... Insemipa-- insemniated?? I dunno but he did something to my mom which has something to do with the baby. "Do you understand?" My dad questioned, I shook my head in response. "Urgh. Right. The baby... It's your dad's." My mom stated as quickly as she could. "How? Did you- did you guys--" I started but my mom cut me off. "No, no, no. I'll explain again. Trey bribed the doctor into getting me pregnant and said that if he didn't help him there'd be consequences. Instead of inseminating me with his um- thing, he used your dad's instead. He basically used the IVF method of getting pregnant. So there was nothing sexual involved. Okay?" I nodded slowly, trying to process everything what my mom had just explained. "This doesn't change anything between you two, right? You're still together?" They both chuckled at me and I gave them a confused expression. I didn't see what was so funny. It was a serious question. "No, of course not munchkin. We're still together don't worry... So does this mean that you're happy with everything what's going on right now with the baby?" I nodded. "As long as you're happy, I am too." I said facing my mom. She smiled at me and nodded. "Just in case anyone cares I'm happy too." My dad butted in, spoiling my mom and I's little moment. We both rolled our eyes at him and laughed. "So can we go home now?" I asked still smiling brightly both my parents nodded. "Of course baby. Come on." My mom said taking my hand and helping me stand up off of the uncomfortable hospital bed. I'm more than ready to go home.

Demi's P.O.V.
~~~~~~~~6 hours later~~~~~~~~
"Moooomm! I wanna go to sleeepp!!" Gabi whined as I kissed her all over her little face. "Noo! You've been asleep long enough. I want some time with my baby girl!" I fought back as Wilmer laughed. "What?" I questioned him as he pulled me to his side and I smiled up at him. I missed this. I missed feeling safe. "You. You still call her baby girl? She's 13 Dem." he said with a large smile on his face. "And? I don't see a problem in that." I replied, smiling smugly at him before he gently kissed my lips. "Okay, ew. I'm gonna go to bed before this gets too disgusting." She tried to get up and walk away but I grabbed her by the waist and made her lay on my lap. "Mom, what're you doing?" She questioned giggling. "I told you. I don't want you to go to sleep." I whined as I put my arms around her protectively and gently kissed her forehead. Wilmer have me a warning look and nudged me. "Fiinnneee! You can go to bed." I said as I let go of her. But she didn't move. "I've changed my mind. I like it here." Gabi said as she nuzzled her her into my neck and put her arms around my waist, tightening them slightly. "Oh. Okay, I'm good with that." I put my arms around her once more and gently squeezed her back. Wilmer got up and put another movie on. Once he sat down he put a blanket over all four of us and put his arm around me bringing me in closer and kissing my temple softly. "I love you." He whispered lovingly in my war which sent hills down my spine. "I love you too." I replied honestly as a warm smile invaded my face. I've now got back what I once lost. My baby girl, the first person I ever truly fell in love with and now we are having another amazing little baby... Life couldn't get better.
I love my little family. 😊
Thinking of deleting my profile because my writing is annoying me so much because it's so bad but I'm not sure yet :/

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