By your side

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Author's Note:
I love this picture soo much 😂😍💕
And her Cosmo photo shoot.. 😱😍
She is so fucking PERFECT!! 😍❤️
Anyway, this is gonna take place when Wilmer went to Vancouver to film Minority Report and Demi went to visit him and I'm also gonna do another Drabble where they went to dinner with the rest of the cast.
Also, should I do like a That 70s Show reunion and they all meet up for dinner and everything and Wilmer takes Demi along??

Wilmer's P.O.V.
----- Phone call -----
W- "Hey baby, where are you?"

D- "Hi Wil, I've just got off the plane and I'm about to go through security. Are you here or do you want me to get a cab?"

W- "No, no, no, I'm right outside. I'll come up and help you with your bags, okay? See you in a minute baby."

D- "Okay, bye baby. I love you."

W- "I love you too Hermosa."
----- End of phone call -----

I walked up to the stairs and ran up them. I was so excited. I haven't seen her in over two weeks except from a couple messages, our daily phone call and many FaceTime calls. I can't wait for the cast to meet her, they're all waiting outside and she's literally all I've been talking about so they're excited to meet her. I've been telling them how amazing she is, how beautiful she is... Basically I've just been bragging about my girl. I mean who wouldn't? She's perfect.

"Hey you." I hear from behind me. A huge grin appears on my face a I turn around and engulf her in a massive hug. "Hey."

Once we break from the kiss we just stand there in each other's embrace. She looks up at me with those big brown eyes and my heart almost melts at the sight of her, she's finally here. I lean in to kiss her and she doesn't hesitate to kiss back. I tighten my arms around her not wanting this moment to end. As we pull away a tear rolls down her cheek. "What're you crying for neña?" I ask, wiping the single tear from her face. "I'm so happy. I've missed you so much. You don't understand." She giggles. "Oh trust me neña, I understand. I missed you too. I love you." I say tenderly kissing her lips again. "I love you too baby." She says sweetly, I smile at her and grab her rather large suitcase and carry on bag while she carries Buddy in his travel bag. "Come on, I've got a few people that's dying to meet you and then we're going out for lunch." I say as I put my arm around her and kiss her cheek. "Okay, but I want to put my things back at the hotel dirt if that's okay and I have a surprise for you..." She trailed off grinning from ear to ear. "I like the sound of that." I said into her ear, my voice lowering as we approached my cast mates.

"Guys, this is Demi. Demi this is the cast." I said as she curled into my side like she always did when she was feeling shy. "Ahh, so you're the woman that this big old pansy hasn't shut up about since we got here." Mike said whilst ruffling my hair. I pushed him away and rolled my eyes, I felt Demi move closer to me and burry her head in on side as she blushed. "Come on, our reservations are at 2 and it's 12:30, so we've got 1 hour and half to get to the hotel and get to the restraint so we best hurry." I said, shuffling my hand in my pocket to find my car keys and clicking the button to unlock the trunk and doors. I saw Demi behind the car struggling to put all of the bags and cases into the trunk. "Woah! I told you I'll do that." I said, removing the rather heavy bag from her grip. "Wil, I'm perfectly capable, I did carry them half way through the airport all by myself y'know?" She said defensively, I chuckled until I realised what he said. "Yourself? Why were you on your own? where was Max?" I said worriedly. "I told him I was meeting you, so there was no need for him to actually her on the plane with me." She's acting as if this isn't a problem, like something couldn't of happened to her. "Dem, why didn't you tell me? I would've come to meet you off of the plane. You shouldn't be walking around on your own, it's dangerous." I said as we walked around the side of the car and I opened the door to let her in. "Wil, I'm fine. There's nothin to worry about so just drop it, yeah?" She said closing the car door and strapping herself in. I walked around the other side, got in and started the car and grabbed Demi's hand with my spare one, caressing it soothingly as we both smiled at each other.

    ~~~~~~~~At the hotel~~~~~~~~

Demi's P.O.V.
Me, Wilmer and the rest of the cast all went into our rooms to get ready for later so we had 4 hours to kill off.

"So what did you want to talk to me about baby?" Wilmer asked snaking his around around my waist and nesting his head in the crook of my neck, planting a few kisses. He makes me so nervous!

"Umm... Well, I- I'm-" I couldn't do it. My palms started sweating, my legs began to shake ad I started to feel dizzy. It was too much pressure and before I knew I was running into the bathroom and kneeling over the toilet.

"Baby! Are you okay?" I could hear the worry in his voice and felt extremely guilty.

He held my hair back as I continued throwing up into the toilet. Once I had finished I flushed the chain and Wilmer handed me a cold glass of water. I gladly took it and took a sip.

"You feeling okay Hermosa?" He asked brushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear. I nodded and attempted to get up bit my legs gave in. Wilmer saw that I was struggling and lifted me up, carrying me over to the bed.

"I think we should call a doctor, you look really pale and you're sweating." He said as he placed a damp towel onto my forehead.

"Baby, I'm fine seriously. It's just... I-I'm..." I don't know what to do! Do I tell him? What if he leaves me because he's not ready or what if he's not loved me all along and he's just having me on and they're all in on the joke and-

"Demi! Breath, it's okay. What do you need to tell me?"

Come on Demi! Grow a pair!

I breathed in and out for a few minutes before finally gathering up the courage. I looked up into his worried eyes and put my palm on his cheek.

"You promise you won't be mad?" He hook his head and kissed my cheek.

"Baby, I promise. Just please tell me what's wrong because you're scaring me right now." His eyes searched mine and I sighed before standing up and walking over to my bag. I took out the 3 pregnancy tests I took and handed them to him. Each one saying positive.

"Baby, I'm pregnant." He just sat there staring at the tests, no expression on his face other than disbelief.

"Wilmer please say something." My hands were shaking and tears were pouring from my eyes. His eyes shot up to look at me an he instantly brought me in for a hug.

"Don't cry baby, I'm just shocked. This is amazing. Yeah I'm scared but in you right now is a little baby. Our little baby and I can't wait to meet him or her." I was shocked. I thought he would hate me and leave me.

"You're serious? You're not mad?" I asked confused.

"Of course not, it's not like this baby baby isn't mine. Then I'd have something to be mad at you for but it's not. And I'm 100% in this with you, I'm gonna be right by your side all the way." I looked up into his eyes, smiling wide.

"I'm gonna hold your hair back when you get sick, let you raid my t-shirt draw when yours don't fit anymore and I'm gonna wake up at 3am to go and get you some ice cream f that's what you need me to do because I'm not gonna let you go through this on your own. You, me and this baby. It's going to be perfect." He pulled me to stand up and put his arms around me. When we pulled away he leant down and placed a soft kiss on my lips and began stroking my stomach.

"It already is."
~Don't forget to comment/vote and FOLLOW MEEEEEEE!!! 😝😝💕

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