Confusion and Chunin Exams?

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We waited on the bridge for Kakashi sensei. Naruto and Sasuke had more tension then before and I know Sakura felt it too.
"What's up with them two?" I asked Sakura.
"I don't know, but they're worse since we returned from the mission." Sakura sighed.
After waiting hours for our Sensei, he finally showed up.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late, seem I got lost on the path of life." He said with a small two finger wave.
Naruto was very excited to go on another mission a bit more excited then I'd like.
"Naruto please! Will you settle down?" I said a bit annoyed.
Naruto groaned, glaring at Sasuke who seemed to be in his head... maybe a fantasy land...who knows what goes on in that head.

On to our "mission" we seemed to be doing the same stuff as before, helping out the villagers, cleaning up the village, and just simple little things. And the whole time... Kakashi sensei was just reading his book... I'd like to be reading as well but it seems not only did we have our mission we needed to finish, we also had to keep saving Naruto.

When we finally finished our mission for today, Naruto and Sasuke continued glaring at each other and giving harsh remarks. I looked at Sakura who had the same expression on her face as I did. These two were driving us crazy!
"Looks like we're not making much progress on our teamwork." Kakashi plainly stated.
"Yeah, you hear that! And it's all because of you Sasuke!" Naruto yelled "you think you're just better than everyone else!"
"Not everyone else, just you, and I'm a lot stronger than you to." Sasuke replied in a matter-in-fact tone.

"Let's call it a day I need to file my report on this mission." Kakashi said, book still in hand.
Sasuke started to walk off when Sakura chased after him, begging to do something together.
"Instead of flirting Sakura, why don't you try and work on a Jutsu to make the teamwork more powerful.." Sasuke said "Let's face it you're actually worse than Naruto."
Ouch and that wasn't even directed at me...
Naruto of course wanted to be with sakura and now he was pleading with her to do something with him. It was just getting weird and Sensei already teleported away... I don't wanna be here, so I took out my book and walked off.

Nose in my book I ended up bumping into Sasuke...
"Oh sorry! Didn't you go the other way?" I asked.
"I was trying to throw Sakura off." Hw said in a monotone voice.
"Oh okay... well you wanna train? I mean... we both need to get stronger... right? We both have a similar dream for the future...." I trailed off, not wanting to sound pushy or anything
"Mines not a-"
"Dream. I know, anyways what do you say?" I asked putting away my book.
"Why not." He said shrugging.

We started to walk off to go train till we heard fighting from where we just came from.
We saw Naruto and Sakura with 3 little kids and two people who looked our age. They were beating them up pretty bad. Sasuke jumped up to a branch above us, I threw him a rock then jumped up to one above him.

He thew the rock at this guy dressed in black with some weird figure in wrappings on his back and purple markings on his face. The rock hit his hand making the guy release one of the little boys.
"You're a long way from home and way out of your league." Sasuke said bouncing another rock in his hand.
Sakura became very happy to see her "love".

The other person was a girl in white, she had blonde hair like myself and was blushing at Sasuke... really another one?
"Get lost" Sasuke groaned.
I looked down and saw a guy with red hair on the  branch next to Sasuke, unnoticed. He had a gourd resting on his back and was honestly kinda cute.

"Kankuro, back off." He demanded, his voice was flat, giving chills don't my spine.
"You're an embarrassment to our village. He continued.
Seems this guy has no filter... I like it...
"Oh.... Hey Gaara..." Kankuro said.
He tried explaining what happened... he sounded so.. scared of this "Gaara" guy.
The next thing out of Gaara's mouth was probably why, hiswords were laced with venom as he said, "Shut up... or I'll kill you."
Then sand appeared around him and he seemed to teleport down to where his group was.
And with that they began to leave till Sakura called out to them asking why they were here... something about the chunin exams.

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