The destruction of the hidden leaf

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A huge bomb of smoke came from the building where the Hokage was, I took off towards the direction of Kakashi and the others. I ran up the stairs crossing the room to where I could see Kakashi sensei and Guy sensei, an anbu member and four other ninjas stood across from them. I ran over to a knocked out Naruto, next to him lie Shikamaru, squatting down beside him, I watched what was about to happen.

I saw Sasuke jump over the wall out of the stadium. Sasuke, what are you doing?
I heard Sakura yell Orochimaru's name, I look in the direction of where she was looking, he had a kunai to lord Hokage's neck. There was a four wall barrier trapping them inside, keeping everyone out. I stood to see better. Two ninjas jumped at Sakura.

"Sakura look out!" I yelled, I knew I was too far away to get there in time, I gasped! Kakashi sensei jumped in front of her, getting rid of the two ninjas. So the fighting starts, Aoba sensei jumped in, using his fire release, sand ninja and leaf ninja fighting hand to hand. I wasnt sure if I should joined in, If I'd be of help or just in the way. So I stayed with sleeping Naruto and Shikamaru.

Sakura ran over to where we were,
"I'm going to release the genjutsu on Naruto and Shikamaru, I'm glad you knew what to do." She gave a quick smile and released Naruto.
"Yeah, well you know, I guess it pays to pay attention... who's that?" I pointed to a pug, wearing a konoha shirt.
"I'm Pakkun, I'm one of Kakashi's ninja hounds."
His voice was deeper and raspier then what I thought it would be.

"Oh, hey, I think I saw you before... on the bridge.. when we fought Zabuza..."
He nodded, then walked over to Shika and bit his calf, Shikamaru sat up and yelled.
"You faker!" Sakura yelled.
"I didn't want to get involved." He admitted.
"Whatever, I'll fill you guys in on the way-"
"Naruto! Behind you!" I cut Sakura off, as a sound shinobi was about to stab Naruto in the back. Might Guy came out of now where hitting him though the wall.

"Guy sensei." Sakura whispered.
Kakashi now in front of us. "Now, I'll explain the mission, once I do, go though that opening. First, track down Sasuke and stop him. Then find a safe location and wait for further orders."
"Did something happen to Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"I'll tell you on the way." Sakura grabbed Naruto and jumped out the opening Guy made.
"Why me?" Shikamaru complained.
"Oh come on." I grabbed his arm and followed the other two. We jumped though the air from tree to tree trying to catch up with Sasuke, he shouldn't be to far ahead.

Sakura explained what had happened to the boys as we hurried to find Sasuke. Shika complained as normal. Pakkun caught a scent and we followed him closely, Sasuke and Gaara seemed to be moving quickly, it was taking too long to catch them.
"Hurry up!" Pakkun demanded.
"Are we close?" I asked.
"Have you caught sent of Sasuke?" Naruto questioned.
"No, there are two squads behind us. Nine ninjas are following us." Pakkun stated.
"Ah, come on, already?" Shika whined.

"Be prepared for an ambush." Pakkun warned.
"What if we ambushed them?" Naruto asked.
"No, it won't work, I think those ninjas are Orochimaru's henchmen." Pakkun answered.
"I really thought that would work, their probably all Jounin" Shika added.
"Why don't we do a diversion that looks like an ambush?" I asked.
"That could work...I'll need your help." He looked at me.
"A decoy?" Sakura asked Shika.
"Yes, I'll be the one to do that, with Makota's help." Shika explained.
"I understand...."
We stopped. Naruto, Sakura, and Pakkun went ahead and left, leaving Shika and I to go over the plan.

We sat by a tree, Shika looking like he's bored out of his mind... and I'm sure he is.
"Shika, they're coming up, I can sense them."
They stood just steps away from us, examining the foot prints Shika and I faked, this is it, Shika used his shadow possession jutsu. While they were trapped, I used my earth style: earth coffin, trapping 8 of the sound ninja.

The ground surrounded their bodies, stopping at the neck, leaving their heads exposed.
"Shika, I thought there was nine?"
"Yeah you're right... the other one is to protect them from ambushes, most likely. We need to draw him out." He reached for his shuriken and threw them towards the ninjas, a kunai coming from the tree above blocking each one.
There in the tree, this isn't good tho, I can tell Shika is almost out of chakra, and I used a bunch of mine doing my earth coffin jutsu on eight ninjas.

"Shikamaru, my coffin jutsu is a bit weak, from making so many, I'm sure they could break out of them soon... we need to take care of the other one first..." I say breathing heavily.
"Yeah..." he the same.
"Hey, come out...and when you do, cut off their heads." One of the sound ninjas yelled to the hidden one in the tree.

A loud crash came from behind us, I gasped, frozen in my I going to die? Here?
"Looks like I finally caught up with you guys." A deep voice spoke.
I turned around to see Shikamaru's sensei, Asuma, holding the other sound ninja in his arm, tossing him to the side, the other ninjas broke free from my jutsu, Asuma ran at the them, taking them out one by one...

"Awesome..." I whispered.
Shika standing in awe.
"You both did well." Asuma admitted, finishing off the last ninja.
Shika fell back, "yeah but it was way to much work."
I rested my hands on my knees trying to calm my breathing, I gave my best smile... I settled next to Shika.
"Let's just rest for a minute, yeah?"
"Yeah, that sounds great." He leaned against me.

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