You are my sunshine

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We waited for awhile, Pakunoda hadn't shown yet. Kakashi and I sat closely together, I could feel Chrollo's stare burning into the side of me.
I had a bad feeling wash over me.
"Kurapika... what if Pakunoda told the spider's everything and then they try to come here to fight for their boss?"
"She would die before she finished her sentence about me."
"What If she had a different way to tell them everything..."
"What do you mean? Either way, if she shared anything about me she would die."
I saw Chrollo looking down, almost like he knew something.

"Kurapika," I stood up walking over to Chrollo.
I stood face to face with him.. I had to look up at him since he was taller than me. "Release the chains around his mouth please."
"Are you sure?" Kurapika asked.
I nodded, he released the chains.
"Hmm better, you and him have a" Chrollo asked glancing at Kakashi.
"Shut it... I'm asking the question so..." I sounded a bit hesitant.
His stare was intimidating... I swallowed the feeling it gave me down.
"Could Pakunoda give the other spiders the information about Kurapika without talking?"
"I won't answer any questions with them in here." He stated.
I chewed on my cheek, I glanced between Kakashi and my brother.
"Ridiculous, I'm putting the chains back on-"
"No..." I interrupted. "It's fine... could you two..." I looked towards the door.

Kakashi stood up, "Are you sure about this Makota?" He asked, not once taking his eyes off Chrollo.
I nodded "It'll be fine..." I tried reassuring.
"I don't like this..." Kurapika admitted.
I gave a weak smile at him, he released a sigh.
They both headed towards the door.
"My chains are still attached to him, if you need us we will be right outside the door."

I looked at Chrollo agitated. "Answer my question." I demanded.
"Yes..she can."
"How?" I raised my brows at him.
"I think I should be able to ask you a question now."
"Really?" I scoffed. "Don't forget you're the hostage here!" I shook my head, "how would she be able to give them information without speaking?"

"I'll tell you...for a kiss.."
I froze, blush spread across my cheeks. I looked away from him.
"How would you ever think I would kiss you..." I looked back at him, my eyes their scarlet color. "Don't forget what you have done to my family.."
I clinched my fist, shaking with anger.
He leaned closer to me, licking his lip, "please."
He whispered softly, staring at my lips.

I began to open my mouth to speak when the door behind us began opening, he didn't move an inch.
"Makota! We're being attacked!" Kurapika yelled.
I whipped my head around, "What do you mean?"
"The spiders... they're attacking! Theres no sight of Pakunoda."
I looked back at Chrollo, his face was plain.
"Tell me!" I shouted.
He gave a taunting smile before answering.
"She had chakra bullets that contain her thoughts. She's able to shoot them into anyone she chooses giving them her memories."

I glared at him letting out a deep breath. Turing around quickly to see Kurapika.
"How many?" I asked.
"Four, it's a man with a sword, a girl with pink hair, a giant man with scaring on his face and Hisoka..." He answered.
"Ah, Nobunoga, Mochi, and Franklin." Chrollo named.
"Tell me about them..." I demand to Chrollo.
"No time, Kakashi won't be able to fight them all by himself. We need to help!" Kurapika explained.
I grunted never taking my eyes off Chrollo.
"Right." I turned on my heel and headed out the door.
"I'll be waiting for my kiss!" Chrollo called after me.
He may not have seen it but I rolled my eyes at his comment as I left the blimp.

Kurapika and I walked up standing next to Kakashi. We saw the other four just stopping a couple feet in front of us.
"Where's the boss?" Mochi asked.
"He's inside, he's not able to have any contact with the spiders... you should know that." Kurapika stated.
"Yes we know all about you and your rules, chain user." Nobunoga pulled out his sword.
"I'll take him.." I pulled my own katana out.
I was shaking again because this time someone wasn't going to walk away from this fight.
"Be careful." Kakashi spoke softly.
I nodded walking closer to Nobunoga.
"So. It's you and me again huh?" He teased.
Mochi and Kurapika jumped to the side further away from us as well as Kakashi and Franklin.
So our battle begins.

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