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Chapter {63}:

Damon Mortimer:

"Let's lay her in the sitting room for now." I could hear dad say from behind me as I carried Emrys in.

She had collapsed from her panic attack at the park and quite frankly I did not want her awake. I could not bear to see her in the state she was a mere 20 minutes ago.

Paul had taken over looking over Aurora and calming her down, while dad went to get mum to let her know what had happened and to kick start a search team and look for any leads that would bring us to finding Aj.

I sat by my wife, brushing the fallen hairs away from her face, trying not to let my emotions betray me into being weak and remorseful for not being there for my family to protect them. I shouldn't have left that morning knowing how difficult the little ones had been, my own selfishness taking over and wanting to be working to be able to keep them safe, and yet, still managing to fail miserably in doing so. I should have been there with them, or at least forced her to take some security with her had she told me she was going out.

Those thoughts were paused for a brief moment when I heard the clicking sound of my mother's heels against the hardwood floor as she made her way to the living room.

"Damon, honey. Could you please join us in the kitchen? Emrys can stay here while we chat and if she is still not awake she can be moved to one of the bedrooms. I wouldn't want to startle her awake or get her too involved in this early conversation."

She motioned her head in the direction of the kitchen.

I stood up, making my way to my mother, and took one last glance at Rhys before I closed the door behind me.

Once I arrived in the kitchen, there was already dad, Paul, Ray, Annora, Alex, and Carter sitting at the table with a few of the guys ready to hear our next steps of action.

There had already been a first search at the park and currently, Annora and Paul were trying to trace back the relatives of the woman that got shot, trying to link her to a gang or organization even though I know who was behind this.

I could feel my blood boiling at each passing second, beating myself up for not being by Emrys' side and protecting my family. All I could be grateful for at that moment was that they didn't take my Rory or hurt my sunshine. The conversation at the table was going nowhere. I knew it was Jeremy, who else would want to attack my family as he does? I just don't understand why he wants to target us constantly. Being a Mortimer comes with its string of enemies already let alone the ones my wife has when she shouldn't be the one with the targets on her back, I should.

I waited for mum to finish the meeting before pulling Kendyn aside to chat.

"I know who's behind this." was all I grumbled to him, trying not to be overheard by anyone around me.

"Say no more. I can already see you have a plan in your head and you know I will have your back no matter what but I just feel that going behind your parent's back is not the move to take right now. Whoever they are, they seem to be a lot more dangerous than we think." Kendyn tried to reason reading right through me.

"I know but they want to trace it all back. It's so obvious it's Aj's estranged father! He's done it once before and he's done it again! I don't get what's so complicated about that." I almost yelled but controlled myself knowing that my mother has super sonic hearing.

"I just-" I let out a breath and rubbed my face with my hand, choosing my next words carefully.

"I just want this nightmare to stop. We can easily get Annora to trace Jeremy, we go pick him up, look for Aj while we are there, and if we don't then we will torture the bastard until he tells us where my son is and why he took him and tried to take Aurora too."

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