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Damon up top ;) ( Theo James)
A/N: I know, i'm awesome 😎 here is another chapter, enjoy xoxox

Damon Mortimer:

I felt something warm holding my hand, a weight on one side of the bed but not on the whole side, just where my hand was. I shift lightly and opened my eyes.

Blinking a few times to get used to what is around me I realise that I am in what seems to be like a hospital room. I try moving my free arm only to realise that I can't. I look to my left and see that my arm is bandaged with tubes coming in and out of it.

I turn my head to the right to see why I couldn't move it, only to see a head of blond hair, her hand holding mine. I try to lean further to see who it was but it ended with me hissing because of the pain I felt in my chest.

That seemed to have woken the unknown woman. She sat up in a hurry looking around in slight shock. She abruptly let go of my hand and stood up reaching a side of my bed to press a button. Once that was done she rubbed her eyes and pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

"Um, sir. You are in the hospital. You were shot yesterday, I found you with my son and I brought you here. I'm doctor Belle." She smiled down at me but her eyes held sleep in them, she must have worked all night and she still is here.

"The doctor in charge of you should be here soon to check if everything is in order. Your family is waiting outside would you like me to bring them in?" She rushed around the room picking up a clipboard and checking all the tubes and machines I was attached to.

"Mmm sure." My voice hoarse.

She sighed and opened the door calling for a nurse to bring me water.

"The nurse will bring you water. I'll be back soon, just going to get your family." Her smile making up for her tired blue eyes.

And with that she left the room letting a nurse in to give me water and help me do my business and get a little clean, doing my bandage back up and that's when my mother rushed in followed by dad and my brothers.

"Ohh, my baby!" My mum cooed taking me in her arms nearly choking me to death.

"Everleigh, you have to be gentle with him. We don't want his stitches to jump." The sweet voice from earlier rung out in the otherwise silent room.

"Oh yes of course dear. Sorry, Damon." My mum kissed my head and pulled away taking a seat next to me.

" Right, I'll leave you to it. My next shift is tonight since I changed my shifts to watch him tonight."

My mother nodded and smiled at the doctor.

"Thanks, doc," I called out before she could leave.

"Just doing my job." She smiled back and closed the door behind her.

My mum turned in her seat with a glare and hit the back of my head.

"Ouch! Mum what was that for?!" I rubbed the back of my head.

"That was for going out by yourself and thinking you can handle Joe by yourself!" She snapped.

I rolled my eyes.

"Your mother's right you know. If that girl did not find you in time I don't want to know in what state you would have ended up in." Dad spoke up.

"I couldn't exactly take Kendyn with me, he's at Rose's beck and call because of the baby coming soon." I tried to justify my actions.

"I didn't have seven kids for them to be this stupid and do things alone. You could have asked Wolf or Carter or even one of your uncles or dad! Even bloody George for all I care! But noo! Here you are trying to get yourself killed and it hasn't even been 5 years that you are head of your father's gang!"

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