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Chapter {26}

Damon Mortimer:

"Is she still sleeping?" mum asked me as I stepped back into the living room after checking in on Emrys.

She still was not awake and I wanted her to have all the sleep she needed considering what had happened last night.

"Yeah, she is." I sighed and smiled seeing Aj cuddled up in my mum's arms on the sofa.

"Good baby. Let her rest she is going to need it," she added lifting a sleeping Aj higher on her lap.

The twins were in the room, Amelia sitting by the desk table in the far corner, her nose into her books as usual, while Annora was talking about new defence techniques with uncle Ben. they were so different it was still shocking to me, seeing them grow up so fast and become their own little persons.

"How are you feeling Damo?" Dad asked as I sat down on the love seat by the couch.

"Tired." I sighed again and leaned further into the seat.

"Telling her she was Carter's daughter was the hardest thing in my life. All these memories coming back, all these secrets out in the open makes me feel as if I didn't even know Carter all that well dare I say at all." Dad spoke up, pain lacing his voice.

"Asher, don't think like that." mum scowled, tears in her eyes as she held Aj closer to her as if he were a safety blanket.

Dad was about to say something when the sound of feet touching the ground resonated in the otherwise silent house. There, appearing at the door, was an exhausted-looking Emrys. Her blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail wearing my old football jersey swallowing her whole body since I had brought her back to my parents' house and that was the only thing that I found for her to wear.

She walked her way towards me and sat on my lap curling into my body. She took me a little by surprise, acting like a child who needed comfort, which she did. I wrapped my arms around her letting her snuggle up to me.

"How are you feeling Sunshine?" I kissed her forehead trailing my fingers lightly on her exposed knee.

"I had this dream, more like a memory and it just brought back so many things." her voice cracked at the end but never did a tear leave her eye.

"It was the last time I ever saw dad, he never phoned that night. He promised he would, he never did. And now I know why I remember why." her eyes suddenly went dark as she shifted positions on my lap.

She sat up straighter and glared towards mum on the sofa.

"It was because he went to see you Everleigh. He left me to go take care of you and he never came back. My dad never came back to me. He was the one person that was always there for me and I had to grow up without a father because of you." she stressed each word standing up and pointing an accusing finger towards mum.

"Emrys, I–" mum started.

"No! You don't get to say anything! You ruined my life! I lost my dad because of you."

"I don't have my dad anymore," she repeated and broke down in tears, sobs racking her body.

I stood up in a flash ready to hug her and tell her that everything was going to be ok and take the pain away from her but mum waved me off. She stood up and placed a sleeping Aj on the sofa safely making sure he was okay.

Mum walked over to Emrys and took her in her arms.

"I'm sorry Honey. I'm so sorry," she repeated running her hand softly through my Sunshine's hair.

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