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Chapter {47}

Emrys Belle:

"Aj." I gasped and fell to my knees.

I took him in my arms and squeezed him tight. Pulling away to check for any injuries. I took his hand and lifted it up seeing as there was a bright blue paw patrol plaster wrapped around his index finger. I gave a questioning look to which he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Umm paper cut?" he spoke looking down to the ground.

I let go of his hand pointing to the sofa for him to sit down on. He made his way to the sofa stepping away from the shadow of his uncle Alex. Aj's eyes lifted up before he could sit down, I knew straight away who caught his eye and was waiting for the worst.

"Dad–" Aj started, the tension felt in the room.

I just stood there in shock waiting for the bomb to be dropped.

"Yes, sweetheart that's Damon." Everleigh was quick to jump in holding Aj back from jumping into Damon's arms for a hug.

"You remember Damon honey." she picked him up and turned him away from Damon holding him to her chest.

I was holding back the tears that were threatening to arise.

"Damon honey could you turn the kettle on, please? And perhaps get some snacks ready for this little one?" Everleigh enquired to her son who just looked very confused by the situation, his eyes never leaving my son's figure.

With a quick nod, he pushed himself off the wall and headed to the kitchen.

"Alexander, why don't you help your brother out. Keep him there until we are done with Aj," she added next.

"But mum, I'm tired," he whined.

Everleigh simply gave him a stern look any mother would give her child and he was off to the kitchen following orders.

She placed Aj back on the sofa, helping him take his little bag off. I took a seat next to my son with Everleigh on the other side of him, Asher, Paul and the rest present took their seats around the living room getting ready to hear of Aj's adventures.

"Aj, you need to tell mommy what happened. Why are you not with Auntie Mia?" I started softly to not scare him.

"I left."

"You left? On your own?" I continued, thinking of ways to murder my sister.

"Yeah. I took the train." he started proudly lifting his head up to meet my eyes.

"How did you manage to take the train Aj?" Everleigh asked next.

"I went to the station." he shrugged as if it was nothing.

"You took the train from New Jersey to here? And no one stopped you? No Adult wondered why you were on your own?" I pushed.

"No." Aj sat further on the sofa.

"Did any adults ask you why you were on your own?"

"Yeah. I said my daddy is Damon Mortimer and my grandpa and Grandma are Ash and Leigh Mortimer. They all left me alone."

Asher couldn't help but let out a chuckle making me and his wife send him a glare.

"Don't encourage him, Asher," Everleigh warned.

"You got to give it to the boy, was a smart move to keep safe." Ash defended himself.

"Yes or one way to get kidnapped and held for ransom." Leigh sassed back.

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