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Chapter {49}

Emrys Belle:

When Damon fainted at the gala everything just when downhill from there. I have put Damon to rest for a few days and not let people see him too much as it seems it just affects him further than needed. He won't tell me what came over him and if he remembered anything.

Aj has been extra difficult the past few days and as helpful as everyone is in the house Aj is not like other kids so trying to calm him down and deal with his tantrums is a lot more difficult than any other child.

Today seemed to be one of those days where Aj just woke up in a mood. I had been extremely tired these past few days between checking up on Damon, Aj and just growing a human, it was all become too much.

"Aj please, mommy needs you to put your shoes on. I need to get some stuff for baby." I knelt on the floor in front of Aj who was sat on the little bench by the door.

"No. I don't want to go." he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You have to Aj, you know grandad Asher, Paul and Ray are at work. Nana Everleigh has gone to see her son in Russia. Auntie Rose has gone with her and no one else can keep you were baba. I'm sorry but you have to come with mommy." I sighed trying to get the shoe on his foot.

"Daddy can look after me. Daddy's here." Aj shouted at me kicking the shoe out of my hand.

"Aj, you know daddy can't take care of you. We spoke about this." I sighed again.

"But I want him to." he pouted looking down to his hands.

"I know you do but Daddy can't. I told you he was hit his head very hard and he cannot take care of you at the minute." I tried to explain to him once more but he was having none of it today.

There was a rustling noise coming from by the door to the wall way and suddenly Damon's figure appeared.

I looked over to Aj who I knew was about to make a comment so I spoke before he could.

"How long have you been there?" the words slipped out of my mouth.

"Not long, I just heard voices so I wanted to see who was around," he explained, leaning himself against the door frame.

I just nodded and tried to put Aj's shoes back on with some struggle as he decided to start kicking me. I couldn't face Damon, I don't know how much of that conversation he just heard but I was not ready to say anything more to him.

"Aj, please stop." I reasoned.

I felt a presence next to me and next thing I knew Damon had taken the shoes out of my hands.

"You don't want to wear your shoes buddy?" Damon asked Aj.

Aj just shook his head and crossed her arms further.

"Well, then I guess you'll just have to walk barefooted then. We can't have you kicking your mummy with shoes on. That would hurt her, do you want your mummy hurt?" he continued to which Aj just shook his head no.

"Are you going to be a good boy today and do as mummy says?" he pushed further.

"I just want you to come too." Aj launched himself in Damon's arms crying into his shirt, clinging to his neck.

"Hey buddy, it's okay. I can come." Damon said meeting my eyes asking for permission.

I couldn't say no, I need the help no matter who it's from. I just feel so ill at ease around Damon now, I don't know how to act or what to say and that scares me.

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