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Hello my loves,
I'm posting this because I have had more than enough of the attitude that I have been receiving from some of you.

I know I haven't updated in a very long time and I have apologised for it many MANY times!

My life has always been rather busy and more so now that I have moved to the Uk, university is my main focus!

But the comments I have received are doing my head in!
Don't you have god damn manners? Please and thank you wouldn't go a miss!!
But no, I just get "update" for the most part or my favourite so far "I know there's corona and all that but can you update" (sorry if you feel targeted I know you mean well but hear me out)
Writing is something I love doing, and now it's more like a chore than anything else, I don't like what I write and I'm not about to be peer pressure into writing shit because YOU want an update and don't have the manners nor the patience to actually wait for something good!

A percentage of you actually ask politely and nicely and I reply to those posts and comments because they deserve a nice and polite response in return.


I have been to hell and back over the years for those who have followed me for a while and sometimes I just need time to get myself back together, this has just been the longest I've taken to do so.

But to go and be (what to me is) self-centred into wanting something NOW and by your demand is not something I will give into. I'm sorry. There may be the corona virus happening and lockdowns etc but that doesn't mean I have more time on my hands to deliver chapters, eventually perhaps but not now!
I have to care for my elderly aunt as well as a couple elderly neighbours and family friends by doing their shopping etc, that takes a lot of time to do with the new "one in one out" systems at shops. I'm still technically at university and still have to complete assignments ON TIME throughout all this and still take lectures and pass my exams ( for which I still don't have dates for). Everything is stressful but times a million for me. I lost my job because of the current status, the government is doing fuck all for university students and no one gives a flying fuck (excuse my language),  I've had university strikes all year round and have missed a lot of lectures and now the virus so my academic year that i'm paying over 9k for is basically dead money that I will have to pay back at some point for a wasted year of me teaching myself.

And all that is not even the full picture of what is happening right now. So no, sorry but updates will have to wait a while. I was going to update sometime this week but I have now just lost all interest in doing so. I'm sick and tired of the rudeness I get and to you it may not seem that way and that you are simply asking for updates but it's the way it's delivered. That goes for anything and everything you post/comment on the internet.

It takes perhaps 2 seconds longer to just write "hey, hope you are well! I was just wondering when the next update for Her Damon will be? I'm really excited to know what happens next and can't wait! Xx" something like that, see easy.

I don't usually get this upset at my readers and I want you to know how much I love and appreciate all of you for all your support and love over the years here, I really truly do.

But some of you are just slightly getting on my nerves and don't make me want to write anything or make me feel even worse for not updating and not being present. I know that I'm not and I try to be more active but sometimes I just can't.
I'm tired on every level, physical, emotional, spiritual...

I should have listened to you AKawesomeArabella and taken a break from all this for a bit and actually make it official but my stubborn little self thought  I could make it work and update.

I get that these are tough times for everyone however you still need to be considerate of the ones around you before just focusing on yourselves.

I hope you are all safe, healthy, INSIDE and follow the rules and restrictions of your respective countries, wash your hands and clean/disinfect like it's no one's business and SOCIAL DISTANCE YOURSELVES!!
We can't put anymore strain on out fabulous health services nor for the other key workers doing so much out there.

You're not going to war you are asked to sit inside, I think you can manage.
I know boredom might be setting in for many but think about how lucky you are to have a semi-decent home to stay in, that you are healthy and are contributing to helping your nation control and flatten the curve of the virus!

Love to all, I'm sorry if i came off as rude or anything but I've just had enough and something needed to be said.

Updates might be a while, you know the reasons, they haven't changed.

Please be patient, polite and considerate.

I do what I do out of love not force. The more you ask for an update the more you'll wait. This is also an important life lesson that i'm teaching you in a way.

Stay safe my lovelies

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