اثني عشر- 𝙩𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙖 + 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙮𝙥𝙨𝙤

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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚 — 𝙩𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙖 + 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙮𝙥𝙨𝙤

the party was all right, abdul only felt obligated to be there because all of his friends were going. yet, so far, the best part had been smoking on the balcony away from all the noise.

even though there weren't a ton of people, there were more than enough to put him on edge. his friends didn't seem to mind the strange girls as much as him. they were just a touch too clingy for his taste. he was always a bit paranoid about being set up. besides, half of the girls were only moving to him because of who he was, they probably saw him as an easy target for some money or fame.

jamilah had been inside, drinking with a'lamar, and one of the olders, kash— who was hosting to celebrate his release from jail. she wasn't sure how many shots she'd taken but she felt relaxed. eventually the men both got distracted by some of the women there and jamilah felt a bit awkward hanging around. the event was too small for her to dance alone and junebug had ducked off earlier, so she went outside with abdul, sitting on his lap while he smoked. even tipsy, she was careful not to lean on the side where he kept his gun tucked.

being older now, she knew not to chastise him, especially in public.

"hey," she gave a cute giggle. "what're you doin' out here?"

"man needed space, you get me," he blew some smoke to the side so it didn't get in her face.

she made a soft 'oh' sound and started to get up. she didn't find it offensive that he needed space, he was only human.

"not you, darlin'," he held her close, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "just bare people here."

while he could easily count the amount of people inside, he still didn't know half of them which made him mildly uncomfortable.

"mm." she rubbed a thumb over his cheek. "let's go then."

that made him smile. "where to?"

"anywhere." she laid her head on his shoulder, cuddling him since she'd left his puffer inside. "on a big man ting, let's just walk somewhere."

he laughed loudly. "nah, man said, 'big man ting'. who've you heard say that?"

she didn't answer, instead staring at him in a daze. "you know... i wish i were funnier, still. like super funny."


"mhm, 'cos you have a nice laugh... everything about you really, it's all nice." she told him honestly. "it's so jarring to think i've started comparing kaz to you."

his brows pinched in confusion. "in what way?"

"like how you speak to me," she tried to think of an example. "earlier when you wanted me to grab a coat, it weren't a thing, you get me? when you touch me i don't feel like i've done something wrong. like i'm stuck against my will."

he didn't have any words. he wasn't in the right mind state to properly process what she was saying. because she was saying a lot while not saying much of anything.

"i wish everything were as easy as it is with you." she whispered.

"trust, it isn't easy." he kissed her. "i just keep you from the things i don't want you worryin' your pretty little head about."

"life fuckin' sucks."

as if summoned by her mentioning him, kaazim called.

"what do you need?" she tried to keep her voice chirpy but it fell flat.

abdul ran his fingers through her hair, kissing her face to distract her. he hated that he had to share her in any capacity. he really wish she'd just leave kaz already.

"stop that," she whispered through giggles.

he quickly shushed her, trying not to laugh along with her. he didn't know what she consider 'getting in trouble', nor did he want to find out.

"who are you with?" kaazim demanded.

"i'm with some friends from uni." she lied, letting abdul press quiet kisses to her mouth. "why?"

"why didn't you ask me before going? you know we have plans tomorrow."

"it was last minute."

"you could've mentioned it at least. i swear you're fuckin' dumb." the anger was evident in his voice. he began going off about how improper it was for her to act like this without his explicit permission.

she wasn't paying attention. her focus was on abdul's tongue in her mouth and how good it felt. she made sure to press the phone to her chest so the mic didn't pick up the sound.

"hang up," he whispered to her.

"mhm mm, he'll get upset." jamilah held his face. "just ignore him."

"nah, man don't care. dead that."

abdul had a way of telling her what to do while still giving her a choice in the matter. it wasn't like that with kaazim, he had to be in control at all times.

"kaz, kaz," she repeated his name trying to get his attention. "i've gotta go, my phones dying. i'll talk to you in the morning, yeah?" she didn't wait for a response before ending the call and powering her phone off.

abdul rested his chin on jamilah's shoulder. "i can't lie, a walk sounds good about now."


"yeah." he hummed. seeing her excited to do something so simple was adorable. "you hungry?"

"mmm, i want seafood."

"something that's opened, cherry."

she scrunched her nose at him. "i guess we can have mcdonald's." her eyes rolled heavily at having to go there. "you suck at dates."

"i'll take you on a proper date when you stop bein' a pussio-" abdul started but she covered his mouth.

"use your mouth for nice things, like kisses and compliments."

he smirked. "i'll use it for nice things later."

she grinned widely which made him laugh. "how many chicken nuggets are you gonna buy me?"

"all of them." he shook his head before kissing her softly.

"you can afford that?" she looked at him with feigned skepticism.

he pulled out his wallet, showing off the fifty quid he had inside. "i can buy you the world."

jamilah giggled, getting up from his lap. "say less, let's go."

abdul got up, looking down at her. "this is your date though."

she shrugged. "i'm gettin' head. i can't complain about that."

he slid the balcony door opened, the music suddenly loud again. "hurry and go get your jacket."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍 / 𝐀𝐁𝐑𝐀 𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐑𝐀Where stories live. Discover now