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yellow flowers blooming again

yellow flowers blooming again

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WITH THE YELLOW flower full in bloom again, the reaping day is going to start. This one will be Thana's first where she will stand on the podium instead of standing on the square with the whole of the district. This year will also be the first year where she will be a mentor alongside of Rohan. The 73rd Hunger Games, another year where 23 tributes will fall, and one will stand with the victor's crown on their head. This morning had been so different from other years, even with Thana sleeping in her parents' house. Sadiya came only half an hour before Thana had to leave and an hour before they would leave. There would only be a quick goodbye for her as she would spent the remainder of the games in the Capitol. And for Latif, they could only pray that he would be spared.

So Zahra, being kind to Thana had decided to walk with Thana towards the square.

"I can just walk alone," Thana says to her sister as she straightens out her long yellow skirt and white top.

"I know, but nobody deserves to be alone on this day," her sister answer, putting her arm around Thana's shoulder. Thana gives Zahra a smile, something that seems to come easier now that her games have been almost a year ago.

"Thana!" Thana looks up to see Rohan stand with the other victors of district 9 and his daughter, Carita.

"Hey," Thana greets them with a smile, "it is been to long Carita, how are you doing?"

"Just busy around the district," the woman being one year Thana's senior answers. "But good luck up there," Carita squeezes Thana's shoulder, "Zahra and I will wait on the side for your family." It had been no secret that the two Greengrazes' had become close to the Jardin family. Carita fit perfectly in with the siblings, now with Sadiya gone and Latif always being closer to Thana; Zahra got the closest bond with the Greengraze girl.

"I'll see you afterwards, if possible, okay?" Zahra says to Thana right before she leaves with Carita, "we love you, remember that."

"And I love you too," Thana says as the two girl leave and the victors and herself move towards the town hall.

"And I love you too," Thana says as the two girl leave and the victors and herself move towards the town hall

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"Ladies and Gentlemen," August Wheatherly walk towards the microphone, "let's welcome the victors: Pearl, Lartius, Brair, Rohan and the one and only Thana Jardin!" the escort claps enthusiastic while the victors enter the stage, Thana helps Pearl get to her chair as the elderly lady isn't good with walking anymore and Briar's arthritis has worsened over the past year.

Thana's eyes scan the crowd, the section of the 16-year-old boys, for her brother. It takes her sometime, but she manages to do so right before August starts his boring speech, it feels good their little tradition hasn't disappeared. This would've been Thana's last year in the sections of girls. Her last chance to go in the games, but she already went in them. And Thana notices the fear in Latif's eyes, she can't imagine how hard it has been for him when she was in the Capitol and Arena.

"Happy 73rd Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favour," August says and it locks Thana out of her thoughts. "For once, I will start with the girls," this makes Thana lock eyes with Rohan, what is this? The escort like always takes his sweet time to walk towards the bowl, take a card out of it and walk back. Between everything, you can see the girls in the front rows tremble with their whole bodies. "The female tribute of district 9 is Celie Ports."

Out of the section with 13-year-old girls comes a scrawny looking girl with blonde hair, fear pools in her eyes as tears escape them. Peace keepers guide Celie towards the podium and she stumbles towards August.

"How wonderful," August says cheerly, "now on to the boys." Thana prays, she literally prays with everything in her that he says any name, any name as long as it is not Latif Jardin. "Latif Jardin," a small tremble goes through August's voice at the last name, and he looks at Thana. His victor, his pride and joy, he sees her eyes water and he knows it; Latif is her brother. He also sees the kind Pearl take the young victor's hand to comfort her.

At the same time Jamila cries out, how dare the Capitol try to take another one of her kids. Verrill tries his best to stay strong to comfort his wife, but he can't keep it dry either. Sadiya hides her face in the arms of Clément who also feels lost at the name call. Zahra and Carita hold each other closely, both extremely sad.

Latif doesn't know what to feel the second his name is announced. He wonders if this is what Thana felt last year. he faintly hears the cries of his mother as he dares to take a step towards to podium. The podium where he sees his sister's tears on her cheeks, oh how he wishes she wouldn't cry but smile. How he wishes this is all a bad dream and he will wake up to find the reaping hasn't taken place yet. He remembers last year when Thana and he stood before the square, giving each other the promise without words: partners in crime till the end, forever together. He had missed her greatly on the fields, but now he guessed he wouldn't have to miss her there anymore. He would go on the train with Thana, Thana as the mentor and he himself as the tribute.

Once Latif reaches the podium, something that seems to last forever for the Jardin family, August for the first time feels a little lost.

"Well, wonderful," the escort manages to get out, he sounds nervous, "shake hands," it sounds as if the man can't get off the podium fast enough even though he always tries to prolong his stay on one, he even doesn't wait for them to shake hands. "Ladies and gentlemen, the tributes from district 9 for the 73rd Hunger Games!"

Latif takes the frail hand of Celie in his to shake it, the girl doesn't even raise her gaze. Before he notices, he is lead into the town hall by peacekeepers. In his last gaze onto the square he sees his family huddled together with tearstained faces.


nora speaking here!

I know it is a short chapter, but it is quite a sad one. and act II has officially started!

I guess some of you already called this plot point with the fact that act II is of the 73rd hunger games instead of the 74th, oops

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