Chapter 1

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- Blood & spacing out

Leo laid against the cold concrete ground, the adrenaline stopping him from feeling any pain yet. He looked around himself at his brothers but gagged. "Ewww-! Ugh- Are we in Staten Island??"

"Come here!" Wether that came from Raph or the others, he didn't know. Hell, the pain was starting to set in as he was hugged. He grunted at this. It then became clear the other three turtles were crying.

Mikey was the first to speak up from inside the group hug.

"Leo, Leo, Leo! Don't ever do that again--!"

All he got in response was a quite, broken noise from the Slider "Hrk--"

They all pulled away at this.

"Oh, dude..." Raph whispered almost silently. Donnie moved forward again and kneeled down Infront of his twin. "What hurts?"

Leo weakly chuckled. "Just a flesh wound...-"

"Aw, Leo..." The youngest uttered, looking worriedly.

"M' fine..." Leo tried to joke, though he knew just how serious the situation could be, leading Raph to comment with a grave tone, something rare for the eldest sibling. "We need to get home. Mikey-" He looked over at the orange cladded teen as he spoke. "Call Dad. Now." Just as he nodded and walked off a bit to do so, Raph turned to Donnie. "Don, can you take a look at Leo...?" His stern tone had noticably changed into one of worry.

Donnie only nodded and sat down in front of the two, pulling his goggles over his eyes. "Of course I can- He said hesitantly...You know this is more Leo's thing"

Leo chuckled at this "I'm still right here"
"Hush" Was all he got from his twin. Just a glimpse at the issue at hand was enough to worry Donatello. His scan showed many fractures and cracks in his front and back shells, along with many deep cuts on his head, neck, arms, and far more. It was awful. And yet still, Leo decided to joke. "See? I'll be fine, Donnie"

Don sighed at this and spoke up. "Well the good news is his personality is undamaged."
Leo made a smile and cheered "Wooooo!"

The middle child spoke up once more, seemingly worried about telling the news, as if he thought it was his fault, though he knew that was illogical. "The bad news on the other hand...His personality is about all that's undamaged.." "Oh-" Leo tried to chirp in, only to be cut off by Donnie, who seemed to be the calmest one as of the moment. "It also seems that he's in shock."

Mikey nodded from a few feet away and hung up, calling over to the others "Guys! Dad and April are on the way!"

Raph managed a small smile, only for it to soon fade away again "Good job Mikey!" He seemed to hesitate. "They.... They'll know what to do."

Leo on the other hand, while still conscious, it had become painfully evident that he was going to black out any second, as black and white dots blurred and swarmed his vision.

Donnie sighed and moved his hands as he spoke, as if trying to make a picture in the air. "We need to keep him wake no matter what and stop the bleeding as long as we can. Right Leo? Leo??" "Leo?!" "Leonardo--!"

Then his eyes shut.

Wake up-- Don't do this LEO--
Hang on-- Just a bit longer, Leo--
Wake up--Wake up!!

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