Chapter 12

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- Blood, Angst, Seizer

Also, things in italic means it's blurry or from a distance and/or not very clear. Anything in bold will be in sign language.

Anyways, on with the story!


April sat on the sofa, arm around the youngest turtle. "You did really good, Mikey. You took good care of him."

Michaelangelo leaned into her, looking down at his wrapped-up hands. "Thanks, April...I just...I just wish I could have done-" His eyes lit up and he sat up straight, smiling. "More-! Draxum! He might be able to help with all this!" 

April smiled at him and nodded. "Oh man-! Today was so crazy we completely forgot-- You think he does medical stuff?" "Only one way to find out!" The turtle scrolled through his contacts before he pressed the green call button. He put the phone up to his ear, only to pull it away quickly. 


"Awww, I'm glad you're okay too!"

He heard the Yoki sigh over the phone. "Michaelangelo, is everyone safe?? Tell me you four were not involved."

Mikey sighed and leaned against April. "Heh.. I wish I could. A lot happened."

"Of course it did. Just-" There was a short pause over the phone. "Just catch me up on what happened."


Draxum sighed in annoyance. "You opened a what?"

"I opened a p-portal between dimensions with my hands?"

"THAT COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!" "But it didn't!"

April grabbed the phone. "Now is not the time. Can you help or not? With Dee or Leo. We know you can help Mikey."

"Of course I can help Michaelangelo. But for the other two, you are looking for a surgeon and a neurologist. I am a scientist and an alchemist. Unfortunately, this is outside my realm of knowledge."


"However... I may be able to locate a surgeon in the Hidden City at the very least."

The youngest nodded and smiled, though Draxum was unable to see his actions. "No- No, that's great. That's one less problem for us to solve. Thank you."

"I will see what I can do. I'll be there as soon as possible." "Okay! Thank you, Barry!"

As the phone clicked, signaling the call had ended, April spoke up. "Mikey- You remember me telling you how my mom is a neurologist at the hospital?"

He looked up, nodding. "Yeah but- You said you wanted to wait till you moved out to introduce us-- Are you sure??"

"Yeah. I think it's time she met the fam." She smiled and gently placed her hand on Mikey's shoulder. "Now quit movin' your arms and stuff. That's gotta hurt."

"Oh yeah-" He chuckled. "It sucks."

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