Chapter 11

472 11 2

- Blood, Angst, Seizer

Also, things in italic means it's blurry or from a distance and/or not very clear. Anything in bold will be in sign language.

Anyways, on with the story!


Splinter walked out of his room when the running snapper and teen girl almost knocked him over. Taken aback, he asked, worry in his voice. "What is happening?"

"Meet us in the med bay!" Raph spoke out, clearly in a rush. Before Splinter could ask again, the two were gone. The man sighed and began walking off to where he was told, quite worried.


Donnie sat in the middle of the room, looking down at the cold, tiled floors as his younger brother wrapped a soft towel around him, covering his softshell and shoulders, causing a bit of blood to seep through the fabric. 

As the door creaked open, Mikey looked over, sighing in relief as he saw Raph, who in turn, nodded and walked over. The youngest stood and walked over to April, receiving a gentle hug.

With no fight, Raph gently picked up his purple-cladded brother, trying his hardest not to jostle him too much. To this, Don simply grunted yet showed no sign of reluctance, tears slowly falling down his bruised face.


Raph walked inside the large room, where Leo was sitting on a bed, being treated by Casey. Donatello leaned his face against his eldest brother's shell, staying silent. Leo jolted up at the sight. "Wait-- Wh-- What happened to Dee??"

"He'll be okay, Leo. Stay put." Raph responded quietly as he set said turtle down on a bed. 

Donnie sat up, pulling his knees close to his chest, staying silent. 

Splinter walked over, getting up on a step-stool in order to see his son. "Purple, you didn't say you were hurt this badly..." Don looked away as he began to sign. 'Didn't hurt yet. I was busy.' "Oh, purple.."

Casey walked over, pulling off his gloves, and putting on new, clean ones. "Leonardo's stableized for the most part. Let's see what you're dealing with, alright?" All he got in return was a small nod. 

He moved so that he was standing behind the turtle, grabbing hold of the towel. "Alright, let's see. Try not to move." As he gently pulled it off, Donnie let out a pained whine, closing his eyes tightly. "Sorry- Sorry. Got it off." Casey put down the towel. As he turned to face Donnie once more, his eyes widened. "Oh holy--" "Donatello..."

"Wh's wrong with him? I wanna help-- I-I'm the medic- Lemme-" Leo groaned in pain as he tried to sit up. Raph immediately put his hand on Leo's front shell, gently making him lay back down. "Woah, Leo-- No."

Casey looked over almost instantly. "Don't move-- You'll pull your stitches or something." The young man sighed. "Michaelangelo did good with the cleanup and slowing the blood flow. We just gotta- Uhm.."

Splinter climbed up onto the medical bed. "I have treated purple's shell before. Get him on some pain killers and I will handle the rest." He moved over, so that he was facing the young teen, speaking in a soft voice. "Do you know what could have caused the seizure, purple?"

Donnie nodded. 'The space ship.'

Leo looked over, trying to process everything. "The..The ship?? The...No..No no no no--" Tears filled the blue brother's eyes as his body shook, trying to get up. "Y-You got hurt because I asked you to-- You got hurt 'cause of me--" Raph gently held his hand. "Woah there, Leo- No."

"B-But I-- He--Hhh-"

"Can he sleep yet?" The snapping turtle asked, looking over for an answer. Casey nodded. "That would probably be okay, yeah. His recall of what happened seems fine. We'll just need to wake him in a bit to be safe.."

Leo huffed in heavy breaths as he squirmed. "Don't wanna sleep- Wanna help don-" "Easy, Leo-"

"No!" Leo lurched upwards, trying to ignore his pain. "I got everyone hurt! A-And-- Aaaaugh!" He clutched his chest and leaned back against the pillow. Raphael looked worriedly at him. "Leo, stop movin'. What hurts?"

Leo looked up, teeth gritted. "E...Everything..?" "Casey?" 

"Yeah, I'm on it. You guys always burn through the heavy drugs pretty fast." Casey cleaned off the needle and pulled in some of the medication, before slowly pushing it into the IV bag. "That should be enough to let him sleep well for a while."

"Don't...Wanna.." All of the sudden, Don weakly spoke up, to get his twin's attention, before returning to sign language. "Leo..." As said brother looked over, he continued, refusing to look anyone in the face. 'Rest. Please. That helps me. I will be okay.'

Raph smiled softly as he pulled a blanket over Leo. "See? It's okay. I'm here. Raph'll wake you up if we need you, okay?" "Mmmmhmm.."

Donatello wobbled a bit, as Casey put a band over his arm to inject the pain killers. 

"Steady, purple."

"Alright, one round of IV pain killers coming up."

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