Chapter 18

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- Mentions of bad physical health (Duh)

Also, things in italic means it's blurry or from a distance and/or not very clear. Anything in bold will be in sign language. Anything underlined will be texts

Anyways, on with the story!


Fist Impressions lol


The walk through the sewers was filled with awkward silence, apart from the slight splashing of water under their feet. A small rat skittered past them, a piece of bread I'm it's mouth, causing Carol to cringe.

"It's just up ahead-" April stated as her pace seemed to quicken.

A soft glow of lights appeared at the end of one of the many tunnels, April guiding her Mom that way.

They were soon met by two turtles. One large and spikey, the other shorter than April and far more round than the other turtle. Carol's eyes widened in shock, and slight fear of the 'monsters' infront of her.

"So-" The tall one cleared his throat, offering a nervous smile. "I'm sure you have a few questions-"

"R...Raph? And Mikey, right?" The woman questioned, her form tense. "You look.. Different than I imagined talking to you on the phone all these years.." She admitted.

"Y-Yeah- I bet!" Mikey smiled, offering a shakey hand out for Carol to shake. "It's really cool to actually meet you in person, Dr.Ms.O'Neil-" He rambled. Carol looked down at him, gently taking his hand in both of hers. "It's your pictures I was seeing on the news.. Wasn't it-?" She questioned.

"Oh! Uh- Yes."

She sighed softly, but smiled nonetheless. "Well then. That explains a few things, I guess. April-" She spoke, turning to her daughter. "We're definitely going to have a talk later."

April just lightly chuckled, nodding. "That's fair-"

"As for you boys-" Carol addressed. "You're still the same kids I've known all these years. So, let's go see your brothers."

Mikey smiled happily and began leading her to the med bay. "We'll give you the tour later, Dr. O'Neil!"

She smiled softly as she followed the box turtle. "You can just call me Carol, Mikey."


Mikey knocked on the wall just outside of the medical bay. "Knock knock! You guys have a visitor!"

Leo looked over and whined at this. "Awh come on-! I didn't even get to wear my sweater vest! This isn't faiiiiirrre- This is such a bad first impression-"

Donnie just sat on the end of Leo's 'bed', playing on his phone, ignoring is twin's complaints.


Don looked up at the woman's voice, after pausing his game of Subway Surfer. "Mm?"

"You had better not be on your phone with a major brain injury right now." Carol spoke with a strict tone, causing Leo to chuckle.

"Oooooo, busted!" The slider smiled cheekily, earning a scowl from his twin. "Hi mom."

Carol sighed softly at Leonardo's antics. "Hi, Leo."

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