Chapter 6

598 15 6

- Blood & Angst

Also, things in italic means it's blurry or from a distance and not very clear. Anyways, on with the story!



The three of them stood up, Casey and Donnie supporting Leo's weight.

"You're doing great, sensei..."

Leo chuckled weakly "Not..Really..."

All of the sudden, the Red-Eared Slider stumbled forward harshly. The two had to act quickly to catch him. 



"Leo, I swear, you'd better keep your eyes open! Or else I'll-"

"Casey, move. I need to run scans. Now."

The ladder nodded and moved out of his way.


"We're almost done. Then you can go see Blue. You will all be alright in time..." "Mhm.."

Splinter sighed, wrapping up Raph's arm with cotton bandages. He looked up at his oldest son. "Your shoulder will need stitches once Purple is available. But it should hold for now." Raph nodded at this.

"Though... Your eye needs attention, Red-" Raph harshly flinched away from his dad's hand. "NO-! DON'T TOUCH ME--"

"Raphael! It's just me-- Please, take a deep breath." "D..Dad...?"

"I'm here my son..You're safe..." "Y-Yeah..Yeah.." Splinter rested his hand against Raph's face, resulting in the teen to instantly lean into the touch as his mask was taken off. "Breath with me. You are home..You are safe. We can get through this together."

"Pops-- I-I was so scared..." Raph hugged his dad tightly, but not nearly hard enough to hurt him. "I know... But you are home now. And I am so proud of you."


The sound of running water filled the room. April walked towards the sink and wrung out a bloodied washrag. "Almost done! You're doing so great, Mikey!" She sat back down, right in front of him, cleaning off as much blood from his arms as she could.

Mikey smiled up at her "Thanks, April.." 

"Any time... Now- Just gotta add some medicine onto ya and then we can wrap you up like a little mummy, okay?"

"Heh. Yeah. Yeah..." Mikey looked down at the floor, muttering as he spoke. "...April?" "Mhm?" April looked back down, gently rubbing some Aloe vera onto his arms. "Can I ask something stupid?" Without looking up, April nodded. "What's up, big guy?"

Tears instantly began to fall down Mikey's face. "What...What if I busted my arms permanently? They burn-- but they feel really wobbly too? It hurts.. What if I can't do art anymore?" 

April thought for a moment, before beginning to wrap up the burns. "That's not stupid, Mikey." The boy sniffled as he tightly closed his eyes. "And part of me knows that-- I just...Feel so stupid worrying about that, with...Leo all..."

"Ok, well- First off, Leo is going to be fine." April began, as she turned her attention onto Mikey's other arm. "You and I both know he's probably in the med bay, walking Dee through how to fix him up. I'm sure it's going to suck, but he will be fine. He's stubborn like that." She looked up, setting down the supplies. "Second. Mikey, I know you. There's nothing that could stop you from creating. Not even this." She was pulled into a limp hug.

"Thanks, April..."

"Anytime, lil bro.."

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