Chapter 10

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- Blood, Angst, Seizer

Also, things in italic means it's blurry or from a distance and/or not very clear. Anything in bold will be in sign language

Anyways, on with the story!


"Pl-Please- I don't- 's fine--"

"I know it's uncomfortable, but I gotta-"


"I know- I know- I'm sorry--"

Raph busted open the door, almost snapping it off of its hinges. "What's going on in here?!"

Leo leaned back into the bed as much as he could, whining in pain, as Casey looked up and spoke. "Raphael! I-- I'm so glad you're here. I uh- I got him started on some pain killers but--"

"Ahhh-" Raph nodded. "Gotcha." Leo looked up in fear. "R-Raphiiiieeee-- My body feels weird..I-I don't-" 

"I know- It's okay. You're safe, Leo...We're just getting you fixed up now, okay?" Tears fell down Leo's face as he turned his head to look at his brother. "Your eye-" "Yeah. It's okay. Dad got it for me."

"'m sorry..." Raph walked over and gently held Leo's hand. "I know bud..."

As he sat on the bed, Raph helped Leonardo sit up. "See? You're doing so good. I gotcha-- Is this any better?" 

"Mhmmm" Leo sat up as best he could, leaning against the eldest of the brothers for support. "Wher's Dee 'n Mikey?..." His words were slurred, as he tried his hardest to stay awake from the medication he was currently on. "They'll be back soon. I just saw them in the hallway." 

"Good news-" Casey smiled softly at the two. "We're done on the arm." After this announcement, he looked down and sighed. "Though, unfortunately, I don't really know what to do with his knee. It's...Pretty screwed up."

Raph gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't stress about it, Case...I'm sure Don will have a few ideas on what to do. Just do what you can. Now, what's next?"

"Shell repair-" "Oh yayyyyy" Leo smiled loopily, trying to lighten the mood. 

"For the both of you." 


As he sat in the empty tub, Donatello kept zoning in and out of reality, finding it difficult to focus on anything. "Almost done. It looks... Well, it looks a lot cleaner, at least...Dee?" Mikey waved his hand in front of his brother's face. "You still with me?" 

At this, Donnie snapped out of his little zone and nodded a bit. 

"There you are!" Mikey smiled. "I'm done. Does that feel any better?"

'A little. Hurts.'

"Yeah... Well- I bet we have something for that." He stood up, offering his hand, to which was grabbed. "Let's get you to the med bay so they can fix you up. Woah- Careful-- Lean on me. You look like you're gonna pass out." Mikey helped Don out of the tub, holding onto his arms for stability. 

As he began walking forward, Dee's body jerked, before falling forward. "Ngghh-" "Donnie-? What are you- Woah! Donnie? DONNIE?!"

Mikey sat his brother down, head on his lap as he sobbed. Donnie kept shaking and biting at his tongue. "APRIL!"

Within a minute, said girl walked into the room, worried. "I'm here-"

"HELP ME-- Help-- I-I don't--"

She immediately ran over, getting on her knees. "It's a seizure- Put him on his side--" "It- WHAT!?"

As Donnie was turned to lay on his side, his shell began to bleed again due to the harsh fall and writhing. "Don't let him hit his head." "Why is this happening?!" Mikey exclaimed, terrified for his brother. 

"I don't know-- But-"

Donnie groaned quietly as he opened his eyes. "Shh, shh. It's okay. It's done. Don't move. Do not move, Donnie." April stood and turned to leave the room, walking fast. "I'm getting help!"

Mikey nodded, still crying. "O-Okay-- Please hurry-" 

He looked around worriedly, gently rubbing Dee's arm before holding his hand. "You're okay. It's okay. I-It's okay..." It was clear just how hard the youngest of the four was trying to keep it together. Though, he was snapped out of it when he felt a slight grasp at his hand, causing him to look down. 

Donnie looked up; voice hoarse as he spoke. "M'ky...Why m'i on the floor...?"

Mikey covered his mouth as he sobbed, trying to speak. "O-Oh gosh- Donnie- Yo-You had a seizure--" "Wh...?"

"April said not to move too much- And you're sitting up now- Okay- Let's stop there. She went to go get some help." 

Don nodded but looked over. 'Bleeding. Again.'

"Yeah...We'll fix it, It's okay."


The door to the medical bay slammed open. Giving no one any time to speak, April shouted. "Dee had a seizure-- Raph! Come help- We gotta move him!"


Leo and Casey both looked over, as Raph was already getting up to help.

"Oh boy..."


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