Chapter 1

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Mira's POV

The sign read, Legacy High School, as the school bus parked in the school's parking lot. I alighted from the bus and walked into the big building in front of me. I go to a big private school that is particularly known for its discipline and intolerance of bad behavior.

I was roaming through the hallway trying to locate my new classroom. It was the second day of my final year in high school and I couldn't be more grateful to God.

"Mira!" I turned around to see one of my best friends, Azalea running towards me. She looked nifty and incredible as always in her school uniform which consisted of a dark green pleated skirt with a matching tie, a white long sleeve and a teal blazer, white socks, and black sneakers. She had her short curly black hair in a ponytail. Her fair skin was glowing. It was apparent she had a nice holiday.

"Azalea!" I mimicked her and we hugged.

"OMG! I missed you so much."

I replied with a wide smile. "I missed you too!"

"Come on let's go. I'll show you to our new classroom." She said pulling me along. "I have so much to tell you." She didn't ask why I wasn't in school yesterday because everyone knows that Miracle Pierre doesn't resume on the first day of school. Don't ask why. It was like a family tradition.

We got to class and only a few people were present because it was still very early. I waved at some of my classmates and took an empty seat next to Azalea.

"Guess what?" She asked as I sat down.


"Yesterday, Amanda finally confessed to Tobi." She said enthusiastically. "You should have seen his face."

I found that piece of information interesting. I didn't think Amanda had it in her. Amanda Collins aka queen bee of our school has had a crush on my friend, Tobi for three years now. It was so obvious but for some reason, Tobi didn't seem to notice but now the cat has been let loose by Amanda herself.

Just like any other school we also have our school heartthrobs. There is Amanda Collins who was the most popular girl in school, she is pretty and super nice although her father is a big businessman who donated a lot to the school. Also, we have Jeremy David, our sports captain even though the sports team in my school is pretty weak, Shawn Jordan, and Tobi Ayo, my childhood friends who refused to acknowledge the fact that they are popular.

And finally, there was Tyler Peterson, also known as Legacy's fallen scholarly prince. He used to be the smartest boy in school but he suddenly dropped and became sheltered all of a sudden. Nobody knows why. Rumors say he got involved with drugs.
The bell rang waking me from my thoughts. It was time for the assembly. Azalea and I linked arms and left for the school hall where the assembly normally takes place. There we sang a few songs of worship and a teacher came to minister to us and also relay any necessary announcements. After which we left for our respective classes.


It was lunchtime now and we filled in our other best friend Selena Jordan on the gist because she was also not present yesterday. She was also stunned to hear the news.

Right now, we were on our way to corner Tobi who has been avoiding us all day. He was about to run into the boy's restroom when he saw us approaching but we cornered him.

"Were you about to run into the restroom to avoid us?" Azalea asked with a raised brow, hands on her waist.

"Yes." He didn't even deny it.

"Come on, you've been silent all day," I complained. "You have to tell us how you feel."

"I have nothing to say."

"Tobi," Selena said, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Don't think we haven't noticed that you've been acting weird. Amanda tried to approach you earlier but you blatantly ignored her and In case you haven't noticed she hasn't said a word since then."

Tobi's composure became rigid at first but his demeanour gradually changed to that of guilt. "I didn't mean to be rude to her, it's just–." He paused and furrowed his brows. "I didn't expect her confession, I didn't even know she liked me. I just don't know what to say to her, I don't want to hurt her feelings."

I sighed. "Why don't you try talking to her? If you don't feel that way, tell her. I admit she will be hurt but it's better than ghosting her. That will simply break her heart–"

The restroom door opened behind us, interrupting me. Tyler stepped out, startling us. If he heard us, he didn't show it. He just glared at us and left.

"Anyway," Azalea continued, ignoring what just happened. "You have to go talk to Amanda, now!" She said with emphasis.

"Sure but first I need to use the restroom." He replied pointing at the door.

"I said now!"

Tobi flinched and practically ran away. "Alright, alright I'm going." It was funny to see a 6 ft 7-inch muscular boy running away from a group of girls.

After he left, we stood there laughing for some time, we only stopped when we started receiving weird looks from other students.

"Uhmmm, can you please excuse me?" We turned around to see a cute boy with glasses. "You guys are blocking the entrance of the restroom." He said looking at us awkwardly.

It finally dawned on us that this was the boy's restroom. We apologized and scurried out of there chuckling.

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