Chapter 11

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AUTHORS NOTE: heeeeeeey! It's short! But I'm just trying to ease my way in, it's a filler type thing. But vote and comment please? :(

I wish I knew where the boys were, I'm tired. We're supposed to be taking a trip to a cabin. My mother finally agreed after my dad talked her into it. As I said, I always get my way. With my baby voice and big eyes, it's hard to say no to me. Jawan was coming with us this time, Roc was stressing the no sex thing to me like I didn't know. Almost like he read my mind, he texted me.

Double R: No sex! We'll be there in 5 minutes.

He's ridiculous, I almost smiled until I realized that my birthday was Saturday and no one brought it up. Not even Roc! Out of all people, he should've been the first one.

"Don't stress it, I'm sure he remembers. Damn Bianca, don't be such a negative Nancy. Just suck it up like Taylor sucks that d-"

Did I mention Ciara was with me? Did I also mention that she was beyond evil right now? She's been complaining about everything all day.

'I don't like peanuts!' 'Your face is stupid' 'I want Tyga' 'Take me shopping' 'Why is your room purple?' 'Why did you blink'

Just everything seems to bother her! I sighed inwardly, we would be on this trip with this grumpy girl. Plus, we'd be gone an entire week. That means I'll have to deal with this pessimistic cunt until Sunday, the day AFTER my birthday.

I'll probably cry if no one remembers. Normally, we'd count down each others birthdays together. It was sort of a tradition. This year, my birthday wasn't even mentioned. That hurts.

"Where are the boys? They're taking all day! Bianca!!!! Go get them! Call them! I'm bored. They're annoying. You're ugly. Tell them to get here! Damn!"


"They're here now." She grabbed all her bags and walked outside. I slammed the door the first chance I got, locking it. I know I shouldn't have done it but she wouldn't shut up! She continuously hit the door so I put my headphones in and blocked her out. Half way through 'Your favorite song', my mom came out to unlock the door, after mouthing Roc to me. I took my headphones out and waited for him to walk in. But, nothing happened.

I grabbed my bags and walked towards the door to find my mom hugging Roc will tears spilling over. She was mumbling something about babies but I'm not really sure.

"Bianca!" She threw herself into my arms like it would be the last time she saw me. "You're so old and beautiful! Look at you! Call me everyday, okay? I love you! I can't believe you're leaving." Dude, we're gonna be gone for a week.

"Okay mom, love you too. Bye." I pried myself away from her and got into the truck.

Prince was driving and Ray was in the passenger seat. I'm assuming they're going to switch spots every couple hours or so, because the drive is about 10 hours. Prod and Ciara sat in the middle. Everyone greeted me, as usual. Then Roc hopped back in, next to me. I looked to my left then to my right and realized it was gonna be a long ride.

"Bianca." I groaned as the two idiots gave each other deathly glares, after calling my name simultaneously. That's right, I was sitting in between Jawan and Roc, cool right? If they're going to be arguing this whole time, I'm going to sleep. "Boys.. I'm taking a nap. Don't kill each other." So that they wouldn't think I was choosing sides, I put my head on Rocs lap, and my feet on Jawan. I love how it feels when Roc plays in my hair honestly. Soon enough, I drifted off to skittle dream land.

I dreamed of magical skittles and brownies. They were doing the nasty, Ray was watching them. When they talked to him, they called him Ray. He turned into a little green man and he screamed 'Ray 2wice cause you're nasty!'

They got scared, so they ran. Then they joined to make the ultimate skittle brownie! Before breaking off into a war.

'Ray you look like a roach'

'Roaches eat you'

'Is that why you wouldn't eat star?'

It just got real. Ray must've thought so too, cause he went all ninja turtle and ate them.

JAWANS POV (Haha, been waiting on this one!)

I was slightly jealous when Bianca gave me her feet, I know she likes in when guys play in her hair. Why couldn't I play in her hair? That's not even my problem, honestly. It's just hair. My problem is well, Roc. He's my problem. It doesn't take rocket science to see that she's in love with him. And the whole world knows he's in love with her. I mean, who wouldn't be? She's beautiful. They way her 'dull brown eyes' light up when she laughs, that dumb face she makes when she tries not to smile or laugh, her soft, brown hair. Her thighs, oh lord her thighs, God blessed her. I know she doesn't like how she looks, but I love how she looks. And that's my problem. She's perfect,

Too perfect.

I wish she'd just stop being so her! I can't stand it!

My thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped me, thinking it was Bianca, I smiled warmly, but it faded when I saw it was Chresanto. I'd rather not say 'Roc' since she often says "You Roc my world".



"Listen man.. We've been friends long before this. Lets not let this amazing girl ruin that, don't you see? All I get from you is dirty looks and cold shoulders. Why?"

"Because, she wants you! Not me, you! How fucked up is that? You won her Jawan, not me."

He looked confused before he smiled a sad smile, "See. That's what you don't get. You were the one that won, I wasn't even entered in the contest. You may think she loves me or is in love with me, but I doubt it. If she was, she wouldn't dare tell me. She's so afraid of losing our friendship, losing me. As much as it kills me to say this, she's yours man. And we're bros, regardless. As your bro, I have to say one thing... Hurt her and I promise you I'll cut your balls off and feed them to her dog. Don't think I won't, she's my baby, and she always will be, regardless of if she's with me or not. Got that, bro?"

I laughed before nodding, "Didn't plan on it."

His little speech shocked me in more ways than one, but it also made me feel better. I know her feelings for me will never be as strong as they are for Roc, but I mean, she's mine right?


OH and I finished the last chapter :)

lost in love (Jawan Harris / Roc Royal)Where stories live. Discover now