Chapter 15

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The rest of my birthday was as amazing as the first part. The gifts I received were small, but it shows that they actually listen to me. For example, last year, I told Roc I wanted the purple iPhone 5s, with a 'My chemical romance' case, and I wanted all the buttons studded. I was going to have to pay for it myself, but Roc did it for me. Plus, he brought me Justin fucking Bieber! I'm still happy about that! Oh yes! Wait til I'm legal, watch out Selena. I'm coming for ya man. When I was a kid, I told Ciara that for my 17th birthday, I wanted her to give me a scrap book filled with our memories,so that when I get older, if we aren't friends, I'll never forget the times we had. I got just that. I almost cried when she gave it to me.

My trendy baby gave me the most unexpected gift yet! When I met him, I was excited. I screamed, cried, then fainted. I don't know what was wrong with my emotions that day, but whatever. When I woke back up he said, "Please don't faint again, or cry. I'll do anything." After thinking about it for a second I responded with, " Three years from now, when I turn 17, I want you to strip, strip, and strip again sexy baby!"

Today, I saw more of Ray 2wice than I ever wanted to see.

My little moonwalker gave me a necklace. It was the same as his. Back in 9th grade, I posted a long long long caption about how much I loved the boys and dreamed of being friends with them. Towards the end, I put 'And my moonwalker @therealprodigy_1 :) he seems like he'd be the best friend, one day, it'll happen. I promise you, we'll have matching friendship necklaces to prove it! Haha, 143 :)' and now look! It was before I met them, when I was a little fangirl. Funny how things changed.

Princey poo, my sexy misfit, he sang to me. That's all I wanted, considering he rarely does it, it was nice to hear his voice, he even let me record it.

Overall, this was the best birthday ever. Family and friends came in and out all day and now I'm just ready to sleep!

"Okay guys, good night!!! I love you, thanks for making this birthday memorable!"

I walked into my room and crawled into bed. Just as I closed my eyes, my door opened and I heard Jawan's voice.

"Bianca, you sleep? I didn't even get to give you my present yet." I smiled and sat up, "I'm very much awake my good sir." He smirked before turning the light off and getting in bed with me. He opened his mouth to say something, but Rocs voice cut him off, "NO MOTHERFLIPPING SEX! I BETTER NOT SEE A FEMALE LIMPING TOMORROW MORNING, BETTER NOT HEAR NO MOANS TONIGHT, THAT DOESN'T MEAN DROWN EM OUT WITH A PILLOW EITHER. GOODNIGHT SEXY BABIES!"

We both laughed before Jawan looked me in my eyes, "Looks like we're gonna break a few rules tonight, eh?" My eyes grew wide and my laugher died down. He started to sing 'Birthday Sex by Jeremiah' then he kissed my neck. It felt good, yes. Was it right? No. I pushed him away quickly.

"Um, I'm not really a rule breaker."

His eyes grew darker, "well, I am. Take your fucking clothes off."

"ROC! RO-" He put his hand on my mouth before threatening me. What's wrong with him? Doesn't he see I don't want this? I want my first time to be memorable, I'm sick of guys trying to force me. I mustered up all the strength I could before pushing him off.

I realized my mistake the second he got up. He crawled on top of me, with a knife. That shut me up completely. Damn him! "Well, since you won't listen, I'll just have to force you. No biggie." He took the knife and cut my shirt off, leaving me in a bra and shorts. I went to cover up but he put the knife dangerously close to my arm. I shouldn't have been scared considering I self harm, but I was. Terrified.

What happened to Roc always being there? Please baby, come on.

He cut my bra off and yanked the rest of my clothes off, leaving me naked. I was angry, really angry. I refuse to let another boy take advantage of me, so I decided to lead him on.

"I love it when you take charge like that."

"See? I knew you wanted this." Sick bastard. I smiled flirtatiously while twirling my hair. In my eyes, I look like a fool, but this turned him on even more. Creep.

When he leaned down to kiss me, I gave into the kiss, just for a second, before biting his lip, hard, I tasted blood but that was nothing. When he grabbed his lip, I took this as the perfect opportunity to run.

Punching him in the face, he fell to the ground. I grabbed a random shirt before running towards the door. Just as I reached it, he grabbed my ankle, making me fall.

"You little bitch."



Okay, so maybe I'm crazy. I keep hearing someone yell my name. It's getting louder and louder. Is it a ghost? I looked around quickly before turning my attention back to the tv.

"ROC!!!!!!!" Wait, I'm not crazy. That's Bianca. She sounds hurt. I wonder what's wrong with her.

You idiot! Go help her!

I sprang up running to her room, "Im coming baby girl. Don't worry!"

When I got there, the door wasn't locked, so I barged right in and what I saw made me regret ever calling Jawan a 'bro'. Bros don't do that.

"Dude, what the fuck? Get the fuck off of her before I break your neck." My anger was boiling. The love of my life was bloody, it was coming from her arms and face. She already formed bruises all over her. Her hair was everywhere, including the floor, and she was crying, sobbing uncontrollably. When he didn't move, I hit him with the lamp which was conveniently placed next to him. I dragged his unconscious body out of her room and dropped him.

After checking to see if everyone was still sleep, I came back in and laid in bed next to Bianca. When I tried to put my arm around her waist, she flinched and cried harder.

"It's okay baby, I'm here." She slowly, but surely grabbed me and cried into my shirt. I held her all night, watching her sleep.

Why would he do that to her?

A/N Hi..... I write based on how I feel. So, if I'm depressed, you get a bad chapter, if I'm happy you get a good chapter :)

But I don't want this story to be so long, so I'm skipping a few months, maybe. But comment and vote!

lost in love (Jawan Harris / Roc Royal)Where stories live. Discover now