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A/N it's an epilogue so it's short :) comment and vote please? I'm just glad I'm finally done with my second story. This isn't the ending I was hoping for, but it was still okay, right? :/ feedback?! And THANKS FOR READING :)

February 18th, 2020

He flat ironed my hair, nice and smoothly. I wasn't burned once, and my hair wasn't pulled. It was absolutely perfect. Right now, he was curling it, for our wedding. I know hiring a hairstylist would've been better, but he's so stubborn!

"And my masterpiece is done! Now, I shall be leaving. I don't want any bad luck or anything!" I nodded as Ciara pushed him out of the room.

"Never in a million years, would I even imagine you marrying Jawan." Who is she telling? I'm pretty positive everyone felt that way. I laughed agreeing with her as she helped me slip my dress on.

"His fans aren't really happy about this wedding girly..."

"We're adults now, I really don't care." She sighed nodding. "You look gorgeous B, I'm honored to be your maid of honor!" I smiled hugging her, "Can we do the mushy stuff after the wedding? You'll make me cry! We don't want to mess up my make up now, do we?"

Soon enough, it was time and everyone was in their places, except me. I couldn't find my daddy! Yes, I'm a 22 year old woman still calling my Dad Daddy, no biggie. I'm also getting married at 22 to a guy that made my teenage years hell, nothing is really normal here.

I looped my arm through his and as we heard the song thingy we step to (don't judge me!) we walked out.

All eyes were on me and for once, it felt good. I smiled as we reached the end, staring at my soon to be husband. It's times like this, where I wish I could freeze time, ya know? Save the moment, while it's perfect. That way, nothing can ruin it.

Like when he proposed! That was so unexpected, different, and adorable. All has been forgiven, so everything was perfect.

I had a notification from Instagram, so I checked it, just to clear it. It was a notification from him of course, it read.

'Hey guys! Wanna beat my girlfriend up? I feel sick because of her. Whenever she's around, I feel like I'm losing my mind. My heart is pounding, my breath is short, and I feel like I have butterfly's in my tummy. Weird right?


It's all because I love her gorgeous behind. I could show her how much I loved her if she'd just give me the chance. Do you think you could tag her for me, maybe she'd see it then? @_imbianca'

After I read it, I rolled over in my bed and flicked him upside his head, "I thought I actually did something bad! You know your fans are crazy!!"

"Well you know what, I'm the crazy one! I'm sick of you being my girlfriend! I thought that'd be cute, but no," he paused and that was all it took for the tears to start streaming down, "it wasn't cute enough. Don't cry. No, I hate seeing my fiancé cry."


"Only if you'll agree to marry me, so will you marry me? I promise you it'll be worth it. You're the most beautiful person in the world and I can't see myself with anyone else."

I nodded hugging him. That was perfect in my eyes.

But now, we're actually getting married. Seeing that I was zoned out, thinking of our proposal, I missed everything, yet I was still in time to hear this.

"Do you, Chresanto Lorenzo Romelo August, take Bianca dee to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you-"

"I do!"

"Excited aren't we?" I laughed as he continued, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

He was a few seconds too late on that. This kiss was filled with so much love and passion, is this really what I've been missing out on all these years? We pulled away and looking behind him, I could see my grandmother mouthing to me that I stole her man. I felt a few tears roll down my cheek my I laughed it off.

Roc carried me out of the wedding, into the limo to head to the reception.

"So, you ready to experience that pure bliss Gramma told us about?" I laughed remembering that conversation.

I did experience it, in the limo, on the way to the reception, I just couldn't wait. "So, was she right? Did I take the pain away?"

I laughed nodded, "Of course baby, I was so lost in our love, I didn't even have time to feel it. You're like my band aid." He smiled kissing me, "I've always been lost in love, finally, I found you."

And the rest was history..

Did ya like it, did ya hate it, feedback? And once again, thanks for reading! :) I know I'm not the best writer, but the fact that you stuck with me through it all means alot :)

lost in love (Jawan Harris / Roc Royal)Where stories live. Discover now