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No sign of struggle. Everything is as it should be. No furniture has been moved, every trinket is in its place, the newspaper on the coffee table hasn't even been opened up yet.

You're probably confused. Maybe I should explain.

My name is Evangeline Flemington. I'm a professional thinker. That's how I'm putting it at least. Doesn't matter what situation I may be in, I am always thinking. That's one of the reasons why I decided to become a detective.

I solved my first case at the age of eight. "The disappearance of the melons." On one summer's eve we discovered that there were a few missing melons in my Grandfather's patch. In the span of two hours I managed to locate the source, a family of ravished raccoons.

This may not seem like a big deal to most but that's what truly jumpstarted my case solving ability. I solved a rather big case at the age of thirteen. A local store clerk noticed that his inventory and store purchases were not adding up. After weeks of digging and stalking I found his business partner sneaking supplies and selling it for more just down the street from their shop. I actually got a reward for that one.

At the age of 27, I've solved hundreds of cases. It's never been about the money for me. I enjoy the rush I feel when I'm investigating. It is truly exhilarating.

I don't feel that way right now since this case is more personal. My younger brother Samuel has been kidnapped. That's what my mother believes.

Though I must say that our theories differ.

The house has been left untouched. No mess, no sign of struggle, not even a bloody finger print. He disappeared into thin air. He has a few missing belongings, that's what his empty drawers are telling me at least.

It's definitely not a kidnapping. Maybe a runaway situation. But I know Sam, he loves his family. He'd at least have the decency to leave my withering mother a note. I've practically torn this place apart trying to find something, anything that can point me in the direction of him. I even temporarily moved my Mother in with me just in case I see something new that I haven't caught yet.

Which is nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Gah!" I launch a knife at the wall. It lands in the same spot as before.

My mother gives me a worried look as I continue to grunt and puncture the wall repeatedly. "Now Sweetheart, I know you're frustrated-" Her eyes follow me as I pace.

"Frustrated?!" I rip the knife out of the wall. "I am more than frustrated, Mother." I walk back about five feet and aim at the wall. "Sam has been missing for a week and I have nothing. Not a fingerprint, a hair, not even a stupid note, absolutely nothing!" I launch the knife once more and nearly puncture my Mother's cat making him hiss. Sorry Bex.

I huff out of breath and look back to my mother. Her sad eyes and pale skin break my heart. She loves her boy and she wants him back just as much at as I do.

"Have you ever thought of-" She hesitates for a moment. "-asking for help."

I roughly yank the knife out of the wall. "Excuse me?"

"Help. You know from a fellow detective." She shrugs.

I stop what I'm doing and then to face her. "And who Mother did you have in mind?"

Her hands shake as she gets ready to answer. My mother finds me intimidating. Which I'm not proud of but in this field of work you have to be. "Well I was just browsing through the paper and stumbled across a well know bachelor." What is she thinking? "Perhaps..." I urge her to go on. "Sherlock Holmes would be willing to help?"

Sherlock Holmes. Famous detective, scholar, chemist, and brilliant deductive thinker.

I've never met him. I have seen him once. He carries himself with an air of confidence and grace, exuding a sense of controlled power. His face is distinguished by a strong jawline, subtly chiseled cheekbones, and a slightly angular yet symmetrical facial structure. His complexion is fair, usually displaying a clean-shaven visage, emphasizing his sharp facial features. His piercing, intelligent eyes are a striking shade of deep blue, often filled with an intensity that reflects his razor-sharp intellect and keen observation skills.

I'm observant. Don't look too much into that.

The locals find him quite brilliant. However I only view him as competition. You know how hard it is being a female detective? Practically no one wants you working their case. I don't know why. I am very good at my job. They just don't see it. Not yet anyway.

"Sherlock Holmes? Mother no!" I shake my head as I turn back to my knife throwing. I might need to find a different hobby. One that is less dangerous. Maybe this is why I lack clients. "I can do this on my own."

"I know that. But have you considered the fact since this is your brother that you might be too... emotional for this case?" She persists. "You've mentioned before that cases like these would be best if solved by a complete stranger."

Gah! I hate it when my Mother is right.

"Just give me more time. A-A few days maybe..." I whisper.

"Evangeline." She snaps. "I'm worried about you. This isn't healthy." She slowly stands before heading towards a stack of papers on her desk. She pulls one out and writes something down on a piece of paper. "First thing tomorrow I want you to find Sherlock Holmes and ask him for at least his thoughts on all of this." She hands me the slip. "If not for me or for yourself...do it for Sam."

I swallow the load of words that's threatening to spill from my mouth. "I will. Promise." I smile.

"Thank you." She sniffles, gripping onto her tissues tightly.


Back at my flat I stare at Holmes' business card. I really don't want to do this. I know I can solve this on my own. I've done it plenty of times before. In fact I have never asked for help on any case before. But this is fine. I'm doing this to satisfy my mother.

Only for her no one else.

I study his office address on the card. It's like the world around me is spinning. All I can focus on is this preposterous card. I do not want to face this man in person.

Though I suppose a letter wouldn't hurt. Would it?

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