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"Chrysanthemums are her favorite." Sherlock watches me from across Eudoria's bedroom. "Mother's that is." He adds.

I narrow my eyes at him. "I see that." I look back to the vase of flowers in the room.

The chrysanthemum is a many-branched plant bearing large, single or double flowers on the end of each stem. The double flowers look like pompons, the single ones like daisies. In some places chrysanthemums symbolize friendship, happiness, and well-being. They are often tied to the arrival of autumn since they are one of the most popular fall flowers. The color range is vast, including every shade but blue. Which is a shame since that's the best color of all. Chrysanthemum can be enjoyed as an indoor plant, although as such it is only temporary. Much like Eudoria's stay here in this house. I'll never understand the Holmes women.

"She wasn't much of a cleaner was she?" I look around her chaotic room. I can't begin to describe the filth. "Some housewife she must've been."

Sherlock covers a laugh with a sigh as he strides towards me. "Mother has a certain way of doing things. She doesn't like being traditional."

"That's evident. The way she's raised your sister is very untraditional to say the least." I remark. "I've never seen a young lady scream so boldly at a man as she stood in her undergarments." They're different. That I can understand.

"She's quite a character." He picks up a stray petal and rubs the pad of his thumb over it.

Footsteps catch my attention. I look up to see Mrs. Lane. "Morning." I give her a warm smile.

Sherlock coughs and backs away from me. "I see now we've lost them both. I presume they have no clue as to where she's gone, Mrs. Lane?"

She shakes her head. "No, they found her bicycle."

"Planted so as to send us in the wrong direction?" He snickers. She's clever like him that's for sure.

"This isn't as fun as you might think, Master Sherlock." Mrs. Lane warns. Sherlock's face drops and he scans the room. "She has your wits. She runs rings around me just as easily as you once did, but..." She sighs, trailing off.

"Yes?" He urges her to go on.

"She knows nothing of the world. I must admit to being quite seriously concerned for her."

"Mycroft will make sure to find her." Sherlock reassures her.

"Seems to me that Mycroft couldn't find his way out of a cardboard box." I mumble under my breath.

Mrs. Lane shrugs. "Well, Mycroft isn't blessed as you are. As she is." Enola. "A matter of great bitterness for him and not a small part of the cause of this mess." Sherlock walks towards some paintings. They're quite beautiful. I'd hate to know how much time Eudoria spent on them. "Enola is special. She has such a good heart." He adjusts a crooked one. "She's even left money on my bedside table."

"Money?" Sherlock looks to her.

"You've already abandoned her once, sir." She seems saddened. "I'm asking that you don't abandon her again." Sherlock has a look of guilt written all over his face.

"I'll make sure he doesn't." I give her a sympathetic smile. "Thank you, Mrs. Lane."

I look back to Sherlock. He's holding up the vase, examining it. "If you're looking for clues I don't think that they are here anymore." He gives me a confused look. "Eudoria obviously left clues for Enola. It's evident the child ran away with purpose. Not just to run away from you and the 'stache." I hold a pen between my nose and lips before releasing it, letting it drop into my hands. "If you want to find Eudoria, we must first find Enola. That's where your real clues are."

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