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Today will be the happiest day of my life.

The day that I wed my Sherlock.

In my childhood, I would dream of this day, weaving visions of lace and flowers in my mind's eye. From the moment I could comprehend the notion of love, I knew I wanted to wed with the grace and grandeur befitting a queen.

And Sherlock, dear Sherlock, embodies all I have ever longed for. His sharp intellect dances with the gaslight shadows of our London streets, a modern-day knight in a tweed coat. From the moment our paths crossed, I found myself entranced by his brilliance, his aloofness, and the enigma that is Holmes. Though I refused to admit it.

In him, I've discovered a kindred spirit, a man who sees the world not as it appears, but as it truly is—layered with mysteries waiting to be unraveled. His mind, a labyrinth of deduction and logic, draws me in like a moth to flame, igniting a passion that knows no bounds.

As I stand here, on the cusp of matrimony, I am not just pledging my heart to Sherlock Holmes. I am embracing a life of adventure, of intellect, and of unwavering devotion. And as we exchange our vows in the hallowed halls of this grand chapel, I know that this, truly, will be the happiest day of my life.

"Are you ready, Angel?" My father's soft voice pulls me out of my trance.

"As ready as I will ever be." I breathe out. "Is it time yet?"

"Just a few more moments." He gently pats my arm as we wait behind the door. "You look radiant, my dear. Just as your mother did." He smiles as tears sting his eyes.

"You mean that?" I asked, fighting back my emotions. He nods. "Do you think she would've loved this dress?"

"No. Just because she didn't make it." He declared making me snort. "I believe she is here with us."

I take a breath and think for a moment. "Me too."

"Oh my word!" I turn to see Enola and Tewksbury. Enola circles me as she fights back tears. "Evangeline, you look—"

"Gorgeous. Sherlock is going to lose his mind when he sees you." Tewksbury winks before dragging Enola towards the doors. "Let's get inside so they may start the wedding shall we?" They wave before heading inside.

With a sense of calm settling over me, I straighten my spine and adjust the veil cascading down my back. The anticipation pulses through the air, mingling with the delicate scent of roses and lilies that adorn the chapel.

As the music swells and the doors swing open, my heart skips a beat. There, at the end of the aisle, stands Sherlock, his gaze fixed solely on me. In that moment, time seems to stand still as we lock eyes, the world around us fading into insignificance.

His hand flys up to his mouth as he tries to fight back tears. He looks so dashing in his suit, it made my breathing come to a halt. I smile brightly as tears prick my eyes.

Step by step, I glide towards him, my hand resting lightly on my father's arm. Each moment brings me closer to the man who has captured my heart, who has become my anchor in a sea of uncertainty.

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