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A clatter and a bang wake me from my slumber. My heart races as I open my eyes to find Mycroft. I let out a long sigh before sitting up. Whoever said that prison was comfortable lied.

Then again I don't think any one ever said that in the first place.

"Good to see that you enjoyed your nap." He smiles somewhat smugly.

I glare at him through tired hooded eyes. "Good to see you're still annoying." I crack my neck, trying to relieve some of the tension. "What do you want?"

"Answers." He crosses his arms over his chest. "What the bloody you know what happened?"

"You know it's funny." I rub the knot in my neck. "I forgot that you're a consulting detective."

"Must be because you were so busy gawking at my brother." He smirks making me roll my eyes. "You were saying?"

"Does it ever feel like you're living in his shadow?" I inquire. He licks his teeth. "I don't mean to start trouble. I am genuinely curious." It's the truth. I have absolutely no desire to fight with this man right now.

"In some ways you could say that." He starts pacing. "He's more successful yes but-"

"He's not near as smart as you." I finish his sentence.

He nods. "Precisely."

"You are immensely intelligent and possess incredible analytical and deduction abilities that surpass many people's skills." I lean my head against the wall. "Even Sherlock's... and mine."

"Are you trying to butter me up?" He gives me a questioning look.

"Not exactly." I snap. "I'm trying to get you to understand me." I glance down at my blood stained hands. "You're smart, intelligent, and you can smell a lie from a mile away." I look back up at him. "I know that you know I didn't do this."

He chews the inside of his lip. "There's one thing you're right about... well four things or maybe five." He shakes his head before coming to sit by me on the bed. "I know that you have no motive for killing her. I also know that you had only just arrived there when we found you."

"How so?" I ask.

"You're dress was fresh with blood, and I can clearly smell that you haven't bathed in the last 48 hours." He's right about one thing. "And I checked for prints, absolutely none, no signs of cleaner either so they couldn't have been removed, and as I recall you said that real women don't wear gloves. So it was relatively easy to knock you out of the way."

I chuckle. "Then why am I here?"

"Well I still had to investigate and you were covered in her blood when we'd arrived. It would've looked off if I wouldn't have." He insists.

"What do we do now?" I pick at my nail beds.

"You will lay low for a few days while I get to the bottom of this." He bites his lip. "You're far too emotional for this case right now."

He's just like his brother which I hate to admit."When will I be released?" I ask.

"I'm sure Sherlock will be here to claim you here shortly, along with my sister." He chuckles. My eyes widen. "Yes, Enola has been arrested."

"How long was I asleep for?!" I exclaim.

"About six hours." He pats my shoulder. "You should really try to get more rest. Might take the load off of those bags under your eyes." He stands up and heads for the cell.

"W-Where is she?" I stand.

Footsteps sound from down the hall. Mycroft looks out and rolls his eyes. "Grail." He whisper before looking back at me. "You can leave at any time." He cocks his head to the side before shutting my cell door. I suppose I should listen to this. "Good luck, Miss Flemington."

"Thank you, Mycroft." I nod.

He scoffs. "Please don't mention it."

As he walks off I listen closely to what's going on down the hall in Enola's cell.

"Why were you following us that night?" Enola asks. "You were following Mae too, weren't you? That's why you found the flat." It's quiet for a moment. "Nice shirt. Silk? On a policeman's salary?" She's got him now. "Who's paying you, Superintendent Grail? Who's paying you to kill match girls?" That's a risky accusation but I guess it's true because I hear clamor and grunts.

"Where's Sarah Chapman?" Grail yells.

"I don't know!" Enola's voice sounds panicked. I slide the cell door back open and tip toe down the hall.

"She's a thief and a troublemaker. You don't want to risk your skin for her." It's quiet again, I look in to see Enola pinned against the wall. "Well, if I can't find it out from you, I'll find it out from someone else, like her sister, little Bessie."

"She's just a little girl." Enola whispers. If he touches that child I'll kill him... Wait who is Bessie?

"Oh, but that's how it starts, Enola Holmes! With little girls like her, and you, and Sarah Chapman, asking questions, doubting those in charge, not seeing their protection for what it is, trying to tear it down." Some protection. "Well, it only takes one little flame to start a fire, and my job is to keep crushing those bloody flames out."

"Now, I'll be kind and give you one last chance." He leans towards her again. "Where is she?"

"I don't know." Enola's on the verge of tears at this point.

"Then you're for the noose." He pushes off of her. I hide behind a bit of the wall and wait for him to leave. "Some detective you were. Should have stuck to needlework." I roll my eyes as I wait for him to move his slow butt down the hall.

Once the coast seems clear I walk to stand in front of Enola's cell. "We just can't seem to stay out of trouble can we?"

"Evangeline?" She runs up to the door and grabs me through the bars. "What happened to you?" She grimaces and let's me go.

I shake my head not giving myself enough time to think about my mother. "Never mind me. What happened?"

"So much. Too much. But not enough." She stomps. "I've got to get out of here!"

"I know I know." I mumble. "I assure you that we will find a way to get you out. Just not tonight."

"You're going to leave me here alone?!"

"You're Enola Holmes. You're name is literally alone spelt backwards." A switch flips in my head. "I know how to get you out. But it will take some time and convincing."

"Do what you must." She gives my hand a tight squeeze. "I trust you."


I hope y'all like what I'm doing here. 😂

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