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"Are you positive you should be walking right now?" Sherlock follows me around like I'm a newborn learning to walk for the first time.

"I wouldn't be walking if it hurt. You know I'm a baby when it comes to any type of pain." I hold onto anything I can as walk towards my front door. My side is aching but it's no worse then my menstrual cramps.

And those are of the bloody devil.

"You better tell me if it becomes unbearable. The doctor would kill us both if he were to find out about our endeavors." He swings the door open and I nearly jump out of my skin when I see someone standing there.

"Father?" I give him a confused look.

"Thank God." He breathes out as he carefully engulfs me in a hug. I hesitantly hug back, Sherlock and I exchange glances. "Oh Angel." He pulls back, tears flow down his face. "What happened? Are you alright?" He holds my face.

"I've been better." I answer honestly, I grab his cold hands. "But I'm okay."

He lets out a long sigh as relief washes over his face. His eyes linger on my hand, specifically my left one. A small smile spreads across his face. "I see there is a lot we have to talk about."

"Let's get you in a seat first." Sherlock gently moves me aside to help my Father to the living room.

"Sherlock, my dear boy. I may be old but I can get around just fine." Father laughs as he plops himself onto the couch. I feel his eyes on me and Sherlock helps me onto the couch. "Seems you two got yourselves into quite a pickle."

"There's a lot we need to go over." I say, breathlessly. I look to Sherlock and give him a nod. He goes to my room and when he returns he has my box of evidence. It's everything I've collected.

Sherlock places the box of evidence on the coffee table and takes a seat beside me. "Indeed, there's much to discuss," he remarks, his sharp gaze fixed on my father. "First, let's address the latest paper." He drops it onto the table.

My father glances between Sherlock and me before speaking, "No. First we must address how we got here in the first place."

I watch Father take a deep breath. "I received a letter providing cryptic details about your safety being compromised from an anonymous source. It mentioned you were involved in something dangerous, but it didn't reveal much else. I couldn't just stand idly by; I had to come and ensure you were alright."

"An anonymous source?" I give him a questioning look.

He sighs. "You remember how I sent you those cryptic letters last year?"

"How could I forget?" I chuckle.

"The reason I needed you at that ball that night is because I had great suspicion that something was going on." He bites his lip. "And I'm afraid your brother has gotten himself into quite the mess, Angel." I urge him to continue. "I visited the Newsboys station and I was shocked to nearly 100 children sleeping on pitiful cots, looked like they hadn't eaten in days. When I questioned the leading lady she told me that their pay was cut plum in half and they were struggling."

He hands me a photo and he's right. It's gruesome. The children are practically skin and bone. It's never looked this bad.

My Mother and Father started the Newsboys station when they were still married. They saw how awful London's children had it and they always wanted to help people, especially Mother. They took them in as if they were their own children. They were cared for but now it's just as bad as when they started.

"Why hasn't this been taken care of sooner?" I whisper.

"Your mother and I decided to sell shortly after your brother made his career choice." He grumbles. "Though now I can assure you that if we would've known it would come to this we never would've made the decision in the first place."

"Who was the buyer?" Sherlock asks.

"It was anonymous." Father starts. "Until last week."

He pulls out another picture, and this time it's of my brother. Another newspaper clipping. "Sam?" I grit my teeth.

"I'm afraid so." He sighs. "Which I suppose that explains the fancy trousers. Even your mother couldn't mend a pair that expensive."

"But why would he do this? He was just in those boys shoes not too long ago." I point out.

"That's what I need you to find out." Father says. "You find your brother and you'll get our answers."

"Thank you for coming, Father." I say with a hint of gratitude in my voice.

My father nods. "So, what have you both discovered thus far?"

I start recounting the events leading up to this moment, explaining the connections we've unraveled, the clues we've gathered, and the potential risks involved. Sherlock chimes in, adding his astute deductions to paint a comprehensive picture of the situation.

As the details unfold, my father's expression shifts from concern to astonishment. "I had no idea you were embroiled in something of this magnitude," he admits, glancing at me with a mix of pride and worry.

"It was my decision to get involved," I assure him. "I have been getting help from Mycroft as well. But really Sherlock has been guiding and supporting me through it all. This is a rather delicate case."

He frowns at the thought of my mother. "I don't understand why anyone would hurt, Margie."

"After all you've shown us, you're not suggesting that Sam could ever—"

"I'm not saying that either case is connected. But somebody is." He looks back at the newspaper.

Sherlock nods in agreement. "We need to be cautious moving forward. There are dangerous individuals involved, and our actions could have serious consequences."

My father leans back, taking a moment to absorb all the information. "Then, I trust you both to handle this responsibly," he says, his voice steady. "But remember, you can count on me for support if needed. I've got eyes everywhere."

I smile, grateful for his understanding. "Thank you, Father. Your support means the world to me."

"Of course, Angel." He grabs my hand. "Now."Curiosity sparks in his eyes, and with a gentle smile, he asks, "Is that an engagement ring I see?"

I blush slightly, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, and nod, "Yes."

With a smile, I recount the beautiful memory of Sherlock's heartfelt proposal, the way he got down on one knee, his earnest words expressing his love, and how the world seemed to stand still in that moment. I share the joyous tears we both shed and the overwhelming happiness that enveloped us when I said yes.

His smile widens, "Well, that explains why you seem so happy despite taking a bullet to the hip. I must admit, I had my suspicions."

Sherlock and I look at each other and share a warm smile. "I know he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with."

He leans forward, his eyes filled with genuine warmth, "I can see how much he means to you, and I trust your judgment, Evangeline." He looks to Sherlock. "And I trust you, Sherlock."

"Thank you, Sir."

"I see a life filled with adventure, mystery, and love for you two," Father replies, my heart overflowing with emotion. "You two complement each other so well. I hope you will allow me to be apart of this journey with you. I've missed so much already. Which is my own fault of course-"

"Father." I cut him off. "Of course I want you to be apart of our lives. We're all each other has." I stand to embrace him. I feel like a child again. "I love you."

I hear him sniffle above me. "I love you too, Angel."

I finally posted!! I'm so proud of myself😂

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