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Hi hello it's me. I'm here to forewarn you guys... I really struggled with this chapter cause I know what I want to do but I messed up on writing cuz of something I wrote a few chapters back. So when reading this if it is confusing or doesn't make much sense KEEP IN MIND that I'm going to edit this once it's completed so please don't bash me😭 luv u guys
- Ren


Sherlock clung to my side the rest of the night. Which was fine with me. I did eventually fall back asleep. When I'd awakened I was still in his arms on the bathroom floor. Though he was sleeping, he kept a tight grip on me. My mind felt more at ease though I still have the aching feeling in my heart. But that won't leave for a while.

I don't want to face today.

I have to go back to my Mother's flat. I need my key back as soon as possible. I might do a tad bit of investigating while I am there. If I can escape Sherlock for a moment.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" He says hoarsely from behind me as I braid my long locks.

"I can't stay here forever." I whisper. My throat hurts from all the crying and screaming. "And I'd really like to change clothes." I glance down at my dress. I managed to get the blood out of it. Well most of it.

"We could just go buy you a new dress you know?" He suggests, staring back at me through the mirror. "You can never have too many dresses."

"It's a waste of money. I have plenty at home." He looks like he wants to add something but he doesn't. I tie my hair off at the ends and turn to face him. "We should get going."

He nods in agreement. He grabs his hat and leads me out the front door. "Do you know if your Father and Brother have been notified?" He wouldn't look at me when he asked this.

"I haven't told them." I shrug. "But if I'm the one that has to do it, I absolutely dread it."

"Let's hope that whoever arrested you notified them then. That would be one less this for you to worry about..." He pauses when we reach the bottom of the stairs. I follow his gaze.

My flat door. "What on earth?" I walk forward and push the handle. The door was left open.

Sherlock steps in front of me. "Let me go in first. Just in case..." He doesn't finish that sentence. He pushes the door open making sure to keep me behind him. We enter in, everything looks to be normal so far.

I walk ahead of Sherlock, assuming no one is here. "Everything looks normal." I reach behind some books on my bookshelf. My secret money stash is in it's usual spot. My jewelry box has everything in it. "Nothing is out of place. It's all as it should be."

Sherlock walks to my coffee table in the middle of the room. "Don't be so sure about that." He opens up my stationary box- Wait! "Why is your stationary box here?" He furrows his brows. "You would never leave stationary here, because you like to keep work and home separated."

My eyes widen at him because I've never directly told him that before. "How did you?"

"I'm very observant." He defends himself. "And you ask to borrow a pen at least once if not twice a week."

That is true.

I grab the box out of his hands and open it up. To the normal eye it all seemed normal. Everything in it's place. But it's not normal. One of my pens are a difference shade of brown. "I'm missing a fountain pen." He reaches over and grabs one from my box and grazes over my initials that mother had engraved into the sides.

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