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The streets of my once quiet town have been rather rowdy lately. This reform conundrum is driving people mad. That's how I see it at least. Maybe I should care more but I don't. I couldn't care less about who is running what. I think that's what this is all about at least. I don't really know if I'm being honest... Maybe I should pay attention more.

"Vote for all men!" The speaker outside of the dress shop cheers. The crowd then yells back at him. "Vote for all men!"

I push through these bums and head for the dress shop. I waited a day before heading this way. I figured if I immediately showed up asking about a cross dresser I'd frighten Miss Greggory. Then again she'd probably be more afraid of the cross dresser.

I push open the door to the shop. The place is filled with mannequins dressed in the most beautiful outfits. There's a new blue one that I quite fancy. I've been rotating between the same outfits for a while now.

I'm a bit frugal, which I'm not ashamed of. I blame it on the fact that my family had to build from the ground up. My grandfather, John Hattenfield strongly disapproved of my mother and father's infatuation with one another. He told my mother every day of their courtship and engagement that it would never work and that he's a good for nothing scoundrel.

My parents however didn't care one bit. They went through with their plans. Look where that go them.

"May I help you?" I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound of the shop owner's voice. We'll finish this later.

"Yes actually. There was a young woman or boy that entered your shop yesterday. Where have they ran off to?" I ask, pulling my most polite look.

"I'm sorry. Legally I can't say." She looks me up and down.

"Oh so we're bringing the law into this?" I giggle. "Miss Greggory, I admire how you do business. I truly do but this is a child that's run away from home and I really need to get her back before she gets into some danger."

"I'm sorry but I simply can't-"

"Listen you old hag!" I snap. "I'm a detective and if I don't find this young lady, Sherlock Holmes is going to be very displeased with me and that is the last thing I want! So if you could please stop being such a duffer and help me out?!" I take in a deep breath before smiling sweetly. "Pretty please."

An astonished look paints her face and stays there. "Blimey." She whispers before walking out the door. I follow behind.

I tend to take some things to the extreme. But I seem to get what I want in the end. So don't judge me.

She leads me to a lodging house. I give the people running the place the same run down. They comply, and I didn't even have to yell at them. They lead me to her room.

"Thank you for your help. I can take it from here." I smile sweetly and they finally leave.

I knock at the door a few times but there's no answer. I wait a moment and knock again. No answer. Lovely. Guess now I can try that old trick I learned. I grab a bobby-pin from my hair and slowly pick the lock with it. It takes some time but it eventually opens.

Just my luck. There's absolutely no one here. The place is already a wreck. The bed was left unmade, there's newspapers all over, letter tiles. Maybe this is what the Holmes family finds clean. Seems highly disorganized to me. I'd hate to see the inside of their minds.

Well maybe I'd like to see Sherlock's. Only because I'd like to know how he figures things out so easily. It just comes so easily to him. He should find my brother in no time.

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