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Sherlock hates it when I tidy up his flat. Simply because he never knows where I put stuff. The only room I can clean without him pouting is his kitchen. It's the only room here that doesn't have anything to do with his work.

So while Sherlock went off to his bedroom to clean up I cleaned his kitchen from top to bottom. By the time Sherlock was done getting ready I'd cleaned his dishes, put them away, swept, mopped, dusted, anything you can think of. But I did leave his junk drawer untouched. Never touch someone's junk drawer.

"Touching my things again I see." I flinch at Sherlock's voice.

I sigh and ring the water out of my rag. "Quit scaring me! You're going to give me a heart attack one of these days I'm tellin' you." I feel his hands wrap around my waist.

"Are you going to nag me for the rest of our days?" He rests his chin on my shoulder.

"That is the plan, yes. Someone has to keep you in check." I grab a clean rag and dry my hands.

"You know you don't have to clean up after me correct?" He breathes out.

"Don't be silly. I don't mind doing it. Besides your flat makes me anxious when it's untidy." I shiver.

"That explains why you never come up here." I snicker at his response. He nuzzles his nose in my neck making me squirm. He grabs my left hand and fiddles with my ring. "Why do you wear this ring?"

"Because it's pretty." I shrug. I glance at him and he gives me a knowing look. "Fine. My father gave it to me on one of my last visits to him. I believe I was fifteen."

"What's it for?" He asks.

"It's a promise ring. That I'm his girl until someone else places a better and more expensive ring on that finger." He gives me an amused look. "What? It's his words not mine."

"When did you see him last?" He places small kisses up my neck.

"A few weeks ago. He seemed more stressed than usual." I shake my head. "No need in worrying about that though. That's the Lord's job." I turn to face him fully, he practically has me pinned to the sink. "Why are you so clingy this morning? You're like a toddler." I laugh as I drape my arms around his neck.

"Because I feel like I never see you anymore." He squeezes my hips and pulls me closer. "I hate to admit it but this case is proving rather difficult."

"It happens."

"Not to me it doesn't!" Sherlock retorts. "I'm sorry I've been so distant and busy."

"It's okay I like the space." I tease before pecking his lips. "Deep down you are still my annoying competition."

"I can't be too annoying. You would've left me by now." He rests his forehead on mine and stares into my irises.

"I could never leave you." I smile softly.

Because it's true. I could never leave him. Loving Sherlock is easy, effortless in fact. I don't feel like I have to fight to win his love because I already have it. He's the sweetest, kindest, most annoyingly generous man I've ever met. His looks are a plus too of course.

"I love you, Sherlock." We're so close, my lips brush his every time I speak.

He pulls me in and connects our lips. Thank goodness his breath no longer reeks of wine. This would be most unpleasant.

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