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I arrive at the street corner. The boy doesn't budge as I approach him.

"Evening son." I stuff my hands in the pockets of my dress so I appear more casual.

"Evening to you ma'am." He tips his hat to me, not showing his face fully.

"What are you selling this evening?" I glance at the last paper in his bag.

His grip visibly tightens. "It's not for sale miss. I-I'm waiting on someone." The boy looks no older than ten. He should not be out here all alone.

"Who?" I ask. He doesn't answer. I reach down and quickly snatch the newspaper out of his hand. He gives me a worried look but doesn't budge so I start reading it.

Dec. 1892           Toille              245 Barkley St.

With a recent rise in newspaper sales you'd think that the young workers would be making decent pay. But with further investigation from an unknown source we've discovered that there is more going on behind the scenes that the public eye isn't meant to see.
For more information see the following page...

I turn the page over as I finish reading but it's blank. The front page is the only one with print. "W-Where's the rest?"

"That's all he gave me." The boy shrugs. "Now may I please have that back? I don't know when she's getting here."

"Who?" I ask. He once again says nothing. "You can trust me. I'm a detective."

His eyes light up. "Like Sherlock Holmes?!" He smiles brightly, he's missing a front tooth. It's funny looking.

"Blast you darling." I silently curse my leman. "Yes  we've worked together. I'm Evangeline Flemington." I hold a hand out.

His eyes widen. "It's you." He says making me give him a questioning look. "The paper... it's for you."

"Oh..." I drop my hand. "Who sent you here?"

"You'll figure it out." He glances back at the paper. "It's all in there." I picks up his stuff and looks back at me one last time. "Good luck detective." He tips his hat and goes on his way.

I'm left speechless standing in the street. I look back at the paper in my hand. I read over it once more.

"With a recent rise in newspaper sales you'd think that the young workers would be making decent pay. But with further investigation from an unknown source we've discovered that there is more going on behind the scenes that the public eye isn't meant to see."

I know they're trying to tell me something. I mean it's pretty obvious what they're telling me but there has to be more.

What on earth? This paper was published December of 1892. Toille? I've never heard of this paper. It might be a new one. 245 Barkley St. Where is that even at?

I feel a hand grab at my waist. Panic sets in so I turn and punch them in the jaw.

"Ah! Bloody-" I clasp a hand over my mouth when I see Sherlock. He moves his jaw around and winces. "What was that for?!"

"I'm so sorry." I steady my breathing. "But you shouldn't sneak up on me like that!" I punch him in the shoulder.

His mouth falls open and he grips his arm. "Maybe you shouldn't be in the streets, alone, in the dark!"

"I-I had to talk to the boy." I point behind me.

He looks around and drops his shoulders. "What boy?"

"Just don't worry about it." I fold the paper neatly and stuff it in my dress.

"What was that?" He points to my pocket.

"I don't know exactly. What I do know is that someone wanted me to have it." I take a deep breath and glance at his jaw to see a bruise all ready forming. "I got you good." I wince as I run a finger over his jaw.

"At least I know if conflict arises then you'll be able to hold your own." I quirk a brow at him. "Not that I wouldn't be there to protect you but you know—"

I quickly peck his lips making him shut up. "I'm just teasing."

"Hey love birds!" I peak over his shoulder as Enola and Tewkesbury waves at us. "Let's go!"

"Go where?" I ask Sherlock.

The corners of his lips turn up. "The theater."

Sooo it's been a while...
Next chapter will be much longer. Promise.

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