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I decided it was time to visit Samuel. But first, we have to visit Enola. We finally arrive at the tea rooms. Enola seems to have set up camp with Edith.

"You feeling alright, Darling?" Sherlock asks, pointing to my wounded area. It still hurts to walk but I will persevere.

"Just alright enough." I smile weekly before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

We head upstairs and locate Enola. We find her typing away at her desk. Unaware of our arrival Sherlock walks on up and drops the newspaper on her desk making her flinch.

"Seems your boy has learned how to fight." She give him a confused look before picking up the paper that reads "Lord McIntyre Arrested."

She smiles widely as she scans over the text. "Indeed." She then snaps out of her daze to correct her brother. "He's not my boy."

He chuckles, taking the newspaper. I walk around her desk to look over her shoulder. "Enola Holmes Detective Agency. Impressive." I give her shoulder a squeeze making her smile up at me.

"Pay what you can." Sherlock snickers as he reads another paper. "And what will people pay you in?
Potatoes and gratitude?"

"If that's all they have." Enola shrugs. "You can deal with the hoits and toits. This is where I should be." She picks up her teacup and leans back in her chair. "Edith said she'll be kind with the rent."

"You know, you are aware, should you wish
some finer surrounds, I could, uh..." He wanders around the room aimlessly as he clicks his tongue. "I was thinking... Holmes and Holmes?" Mine and Enola's jaws drop. "A partnership?"

"That is the kindest offer." Enola says, sitting up straighter. "But if I did that, I would always be in your shadow."

"Hm. Yes." Sherlock looks down.

"Though I do like this new version of you. No one should be alone all the time." She glances at me. "A friend would do you well." She teases.

"Perhaps I should write that down." Sherlock smirks.

"Will my eternal companionship not be enough for you?" I ask lifting my left hand. Enola's eyes land on the dazzling ring and she jumps up.

"About time you asked her you dimwit!" She carefully engulfs me in a hug. "A sister! Finally! I can't believe it." She pulls away and brushes the hair out of my face. "You will make the most excellent bride for my ridiculous brother." She smiles brightly and I laugh at her statement.

"I will ignore that statement." Sherlock rolls his eyes playfully. "I shall drop by to check on you."

"I would like that." Enola gives him a sincere look.

"Perhaps you could come to Baker Street
from time to time..." Sherlock hesitates. "to check on us."

"Perhaps we can fix on Thursday, 4 p.m." she suggests.

"Thursday at 4:00 it is." We head for the door but pause when we see Tewkesbury. "It seems I shan't be the last to interrupt you today."

"And he has flowers." I tease.

"Sherlock. Miss Flem."

"Tewkesbury." Sherlock nods.

"You shan't call her that much longer. She is to be Mrs. Holmes soon." Enola lifts her brows as she puts her jacket on.

Tewkesbury's eyes widen. "Congratulations you two!"

"Thank you, Tewkie." I wink making him roll his eyes.

"See you on Thursday." Enola bids us farewell. They giggle as they leave. Edith walks in.

"Sherlock? Evangeline." Edith smiles only at me. "Your paper." I grab it from her hands.

"Thank you." I nod politely.

"And... thank you... for everything." They share the same look of gratitude before we exit the building.


My stomach churned as we approached the street the Samuel lives on. I haven't seen my brother since he insulted me so greatly to my face. I intend to confront him about the newsboys wages. Greed seems to have taken him over completely.

"All will be alright, Darling." Sherlock holds my hand, comforting me.

I nod as I try to believe that, but the atmosphere shifted as we arrived at Sam's. My eyes widened as I watched officers take my handcuffed brother.

"Sam!" I shrieked. I shouldn't pity him but he's still my brother and no sister should see their loved one in this state.

My brother's head turned to look at me. His eyebrows were knit together until he saw me and his whole face changed. "Ev! I didn't do it! I promise. You've gotta tell 'em!" He cries as they throw him into a carriage.

"Do what?" I whisper.

"Brother?" Sherlock says as he spot Mycroft, flanked by officers. "What is going on here?"

"I do believe I have solved the case." Mycroft says proudly.

"What on earth are you on about?" I asked before Mycroft delivered a blow that shattered my world. "Miss Flemington, I regret to inform you that Samuel has been arrested for the murder of Margaret Flemington." My mother.

Disbelief painted my face. Murder? Samuel, my own brother, accused of such a heinous act? It felt impossible. Though it had crossed my mind at times, I never thought it could be true.

"Murder? That's absurd! Samuel would never harm our mother."

Mycroft remained stoic: "The evidence suggests otherwise. He's in custody pending further investigation."

Sherlock, analytical as ever, pressed for access to the evidence. I zone out as they converse. I watch as they drive away with my brother and I feel numb. There's no way this is real life. Is it true? I can't accept this. How could this be? What have you done, Samuel?

My story is #1 in milliebobbybrown!! Please comment guys. I love talking to you and knowing your thoughts! -Ren🫶

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