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"We're approaching!" Sherlock knocks on the carriage. "How are you doing up there, darling?"

I grip tightly onto the top of the carriage. I wanted to sit with Sherlock but there wasn't enough room between him and the driver. I definitely wasn't going to ride inside with Enola and Tewkesbury. They're too awkward. So I decided to ride on the top. Dangerous I know but who cares?

"Just fine!" Right as the words leave my mouth the carriage dips into a pothole. "Ouch!"

"Sorry Miss!" The driver calls out before tugging the reins. "We've arrived."

"Thank goodness!" I swing my legs over and jump off the carriage. I wipe the dust off my skirt.

I hear Sherlock sigh. "I was going to let you down you know."

"And where is the fun in that?" I give him a cheeky look making him roll his eyes.

"You can be so difficult at times."

"What can I say?" I open the door to the carriage to let the children out. "I love keeping you on your toes."

"Let's get inside." Enola whispers. "We mustn't draw attention to ourselves."

"Please! Lord Fancybottom is drawing enough attention by himself." I give the Lord a teasing look.

"Is that hatred I sense, Detective Flem?" He gives me a challenging look.

"Keep it up and you won't be able to smell anything." I quickly raise my fists making him flinch.

I snort as we head inside.

"You do know we could be walking into possible danger right?" I whisper as I clutch Sherlock's arm.

"I'm well aware." He chuckles. "It's what we do, Darling."

"I'm well aware." I mock him. "Doesn't make it any less scary."

"Good thing you have me to protect you." He pecks my head before placing me in front of him so he's the last in line.

The theater is much scarier when it's not filled with drunks and whoremongers. Only a few candles remain lit. The chandeliers don't look as magnificent as they normally do. Parts of me wishes I would've stayed behind to see the map that they put together. But when I remember the newspaper in my pocket I am comforted.

Enola stands in the middle of the stage and holds up the paper. "X marks the spot." I follow her eyes to see the upper level of the Paragon Theatre. "Let's go." She whispers before heading for the stairs, the three of us follow.

Once we reach the next level she stuffs the paper back in her pocket and feels underneath one of the seats. She pulls something out but something catches my eye—no someone. I grip my knife in the pocket of my dress and start to pull it out.

"Sarah." Enola sighs in relief. I feel Sherlock grip my hand keeping me from drawing it any further.

"It's all there." A blonde woman approaches us. "All the proof we need."

Enola opens the paper. "The contract between Lyon and McIntyre—" Sarah takes her wig off and tosses it. "—to change the phosphorus. What William stole for you." Enola turns a page and gapes at it. "And the pages from the factory register. That's what you stole from the office." She nods in confirmation. "These are the names of the girls they killed."

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